Why is it when times get rough only the people have to look for ways to cut back?  Why is this always just absolutely impossible for government?
more Neal Boortz quotes
When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover that check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money.
more Boston Federal Reserve Bank quotes
Anyone who believes in indefinite growth in anything physical, on a physically finite planet, is either mad or an economist.
more Kenneth Boulding quotes
This [audit] was made extremely difficult because [IRS] existing Systems were not designed to provide reliable financial information... on their operations.
more Charles A. Bowsher quotes
In a small Swiss city sits an international organization so obscure and secretive....Control of the institution, the Bank for International Settlements, lies with some of the world's most powerful and least visible men: the heads of 32 central banks, officials able to shift billions of dollars and alter the course of economies at the stroke of a pen.
more Keith Bradsher quotes
A depression is a large-scale decline in production and trade... there is nothing in the nature of a free-market economy to cause such an event.
more Nathaniel Branden quotes
Historians and economists are very good at creating and perpetuating myths that justify increasing the power placed in the hands of government.
more Reuven Brenner quotes
But while capitalism may be a convenient scapegoat, it did not cause any of these problems. Indeed, whatever one wishes to call the unruly mixture of freedom and government controls that made up our economic and political system during the last three decades, one cannot call it capitalism.
more Yaron Brook quotes
We should never define libertarian positions in terms coined by liberals and conservatives, nor as some variant of their positions. We are not fiscally conservative and socially liberal. We are libertarians, who believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility on all issues at all times.
more Harry Browne quotes
The income tax is the biggest single intrusion suffered by the American people. It forces every worker to be a bookkeeper, to open his records to the government, to explain his expenses, to fear conviction for a harmless accounting error. Compliance wastes billions of dollars. It penalizes savings and creates an enormous drag on the U.S. economy. It is incompatible with a free society, and we aren’t libertarians if we tolerate it.
more Harry Browne quotes
Money power denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.
more William Jennings Bryan quotes
We are thus in the position of having to borrow from Europe to defend Europe, of having to borrow from China and Japan to defend Chinese and Japanese access to Gulf oil, and of having to borrow from Arab emirs, sultans and monarchs to make Iraq safe for democracy. We borrow from the nations we defend so that we may continue to defend them. To question this is an unpardonable heresy called 'isolationism.'
more Patrick J. Buchanan quotes
Concepts of justice must have hands and feet or they remain sterile abstractions. The hands and feet we need are efficient means and methods to carry out justice in every case in the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible cost.
more Justice Warren E. Burger quotes
The age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists and calculators has succeeded.
more Edmund Burke quotes
No legal tender law is ever needed to make men take good money; its only use is to make them take bad money.
more Stephen T. Byington quotes
Our tax system is based on individual self-assessment and voluntary compliance.
more Mortimer Caplin quotes
Democracy is, by the nature of it, a self-canceling buisness: and gives in the long run a net result of zero.
more Thomas Carlyle quotes
As the federal government has progressively become larger over the decades, every significant introduction of government regulation, taxation and spending has been to the benefit of some big business.
more Timothy P. Carney quotes
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
more Douglas Casey quotes
Each peso [or dollar] is a contract between the government and the peso holder. That contract guarantees that each peso -- as a unit of value that the holder has worked hard to get -- will be worth as much tomorrow as today. If the government breaks the contract, it's breaking the law. The only role of government in the economy should be to guarantee the integrity of market transactions.
more Domingo Cavallo quotes
One of the most insidious consequences of the present burden of personal income tax is that it strips many middle class families of financial reserves & seems to lend support to campaigns for socialized medicine, socialized housing, socialized food, socialized every thing. The personal income tax has made the individual vastly more dependent on the State & more avid for state hand-outs. It has shifted the balance in America from an individual-centered to a State-centered economic & social system.
more W. H. Chamberlin quotes
Money for me has only one sound: liberty.
more Gabrielle Chanel quotes
The legal tender quality [of money] is only valuable for the purposes of dishonesty.
more Justice Salmon Chase quotes
For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.
more Stuart Chase quotes
Any one of the strange laws we suffer is a compromise between a fad and a vested interest.
more Gilbert Keith Chesterton quotes
It was the mystical dogma of Bentham and Adam Smith and the rest, that some of the worst of human passions would turn out to be all for the best. It was the mysterious doctrine that selfishness would do the work of unselfishness.
more Gilbert Keith Chesterton quotes
The Act of Congress which we are impugning before you is communistic in its purposes and tendencies, and is defended here upon principles as communistic, socialistic - what shall I call them - populistic as ever have been addressed to any political assembly in the world.
more Joseph H. Choate quotes
Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon.
more Sir Winston Churchill quotes
You don't make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.
more Sir Winston Churchill quotes
In finance, everything that is agreeable is unsound.
more Winston Churchill quotes
Endless money forms the sinews of war.
more Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes
The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.
more Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes
The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and assistance to foreign hands should be curtailed, lest Rome fall.
more Marcus Tullius Cicero quotes
The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper into our lives than most people believe. It’s possible they are calling the shots at all levels of government.
more William Colby quotes
He who will not economize will have to agonize.
more Confucius quotes
Government price-fixing once started, has alike no justice and no end. It is an economic folly from which this country has every right to be spared.
more Calvin Coolidge quotes
Nothing is easier than spending public money. It does not appear to belong to anybody. The temptation is overwhelming to bestow it on somebody.
more Calvin Coolidge quotes
When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results.
more Calvin Coolidge quotes
The Great Depression was not caused by laissez faire but by the actions of well-intended politicians and bureaucrats. The Federal Reserve System, after all, was not created in response to the Great Depression, but in 1913. Soon thereafter it began experimenting with its awesome powers, expanding the money supply during the roaring ‘20s, propping up the pound sterling in London, extending credit so Europeans could buy American agricultural products. All the while, Congress was becoming more and more protectionist. When the Fed reversed policies in 1929 and actually shrunk the money supply by a third over the next three years and Congress culminated its protectionist tendencies with the Smoot-Hawley tariff, the collapse was underway. The fact that Hoover then raised taxes and Roosevelt kept wages artificially high guaranteed the massive unemployment that marked the 1930s. Government caused and exacerbated the Great Depression.
more Edward H. Crane quotes
We must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not attempt to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money.
more Davy Crockett quotes
...it was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World-Money powers triggered by the planned sudden shortage of call money in the New York Market.
more Curtis Dall quotes
I have never seen more senators express discontent with their jobs. ... I think the major cause is that, deep down in our hearts, we have been accomplices to doing something terrible and unforgivable to this wonderful country. Deep down in our hearts, we know that we have bankrupted America and that we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy. ... We have defrauded our country to get ourselves elected.
more John C. Danforth quotes
So low and hopeless are the finances of the United States, that, the year before last Congress was obliged to borrow money even, to pay the interest of the principal which we had borrowed before. This wretched resource of turning interest into principal, is the most humiliating and disgraceful measure that a nation could take, and approximates with rapidity to absolute ruin: Yet it is the inevitable and certain consequence of such a system as the existing Confederation.
more William Richardson Davie quotes
Money is the sign of liberty. To curse money is to curse liberty -- to curse life, which is nothing, if it be not free.
more Remy de Gourmont quotes
A large number of people, certainly the majority of the political looter class, think the best way to deal with the rapidly deepening economic crisis is via 'stimulus packages' with money plucked off the magic money tree... which is to say, by trying to re-inflate the credit bubble that actually caused the crisis. This is a bit like treating alcoholics by urging them to buy more whiskey.
more Perry de Havilland quotes
Republics end through luxury; monarchies through poverty. [Fr., Les republiques finissent par le luxe; les monarchies, par la pauvrete.]
more Charles de Montesquieu quotes
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.
more Alexis de Tocqueville quotes
Some of the same people who laugh at gypsy fortune tellers take economists seriously.
more William DeFoe quotes
It comes as news to most people to learn that practically all important ethical teachers -- Moses, Aristotle, Jesus, Mohammed, and Saint Thomas Aquinas, for instance -- have denounced lending at interest as usury and as morally wrong.
more Lawrence Dennis quotes
In 1983 $21 billion was spent in agricultural subsidies—almost equal to the net income of all American farmers.
more Patrick Detches quotes
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