Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about his religion.
Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.
Seek to make your life long and of service to your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people, but grovel to none.
When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength.
Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.
Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.
When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way.
Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.

more Tecumseh quotes
Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or sovereign. ... You must weep that your own government, at present, seems blind to this truth.
more Mother Teresa quotes
It is a fundamental human right, a privilege of nature, that every man should worship according to his own convictions. One man’s religion neither harms nor helps another man. It is assuredly no part of religion to compel religion, to which free will and not force should lead us.
more Tertullian quotes
I don’t believe in quotas. America was founded on a philosophy of individual rights, not group rights.
more Justice Clarence Thomas quotes
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
more Henry David Thoreau quotes
There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.
more Henry David Thoreau quotes
When will the world learn that a million men are of no importance compared with one man?
more Henry David Thoreau quotes
Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly. I please myself with imagining a State at least which can afford to be just to all men, and to treat the individual with respect as a neighbor; which even would not think it inconsistent with its own repose if a few were to live aloof from it, not meddling with it, nor embraced by it, who fulfilled all the duties of neighbors and fellow-men. A State which bore this kind of fruit, and suffered it to drop off as fast as it ripened, would prepare the way for a still more perfect and glorious State, which also I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen.
more Henry David Thoreau quotes
Did you ever expect a corporation to have a conscience, when it has no soul to be damned, and nobody to be kicked?
more Lord Chancellor Thurlow quotes
[The Bill of Rights is] designed to protect individuals and minorities against the tyranny of the majority, but it's also designed to protect the people against bureaucracy, against the government.
more Laurence Tribe quotes
Obviously, the state's responsibility should be to legislate rules for a well-ordered society. It has no right or duty to creep into the bedrooms of the nation.
more Pierre Trudeau quotes
To secure their enjoyment, however, certain protections or barriers have been erected which serve to maintain inviolate the three primary rights of personal security, personal liberty, and private property. These may in America be said to be: 1. The bill of rights and written constitutions ...
2. The rights of bearing arms -- which with us is not limited and restrained by an arbitrary system of game laws as in England, but is particularly enjoyed by every citizen, and is among his most valuable privileges, since it furnishes the means of resisting as a freeman ought, the inroads of usurpation.
3. The right of applying to the courts of justice for the redress of injuries.

more Henry St. George Tucker quotes
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complaceny to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage.
more Sir Alex Fraser Tytler quotes
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
more Sir Alex Fraser Tytler quotes
It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of one of the liberties ... which makes the defense of the Nation worthwhile.
more United States v. Robel quotes
Be more aware of your responsibilities than of your rights.
more Unknown quotes
If a State refused to let religious groups use facilities open to others, then it would demonstrate not neutrality but hostility toward religion. The Establishment Clause does not license government to treat religion and those who teach or practice it … as subversive of American ideals.
more US Supreme Court quotes
Democracy, n.: A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic... negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it is based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Result is demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, [chaos].
more U. S. Army Training Manual No. 2000-25 quotes
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
more U.S. Constitution, Ninth Amendment quotes
The Second Amendment, like the First Amendment, is ... not mysterious. Nor is it equivocal. Least of all is it opaque. Rather, one may say, today it is simply unwelcome in any community that wants no one (save perhaps the police?) to keep or bear arms at all. But ... it is for them to seek repeal of this amendment (and so the repeal of its guarantee), in order to have their way. Or so the Constitution itself assuredly appears to require, if that is the way things are to be.
more William Van Alstyne quotes
The first duty of government is to protect the citizen from assault. Unless it does this, all the civil rights and civil liberties in the world aren't worth a dime.
more Richard A. Viguerie quotes
The rights of human beings cannot be considered outside the perogatives of governments, and the very understanding of human rights is a governmental concept.
more Andrei Vishinsky quotes
It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster.
more Voltaire quotes
The tyranny of the many would be when one body takes over the rights of others, and then exercises its power to change the laws in its favor.
more Voltaire quotes
We have a natural right to make use of our pens as of our tongue, at our peril, risk and hazard.
more Voltaire quotes
I may not agree with what you say, but to the death I will defend your right to say it.
more Voltaire quotes
We are all full of weakness and errors, let us mutually pardon each other our follies. It is the first law of nature.
more Voltaire quotes
This, then, is freedom in the external life of man -- that he is independent of the arbitrary power of his fellows.
more Ludwig von Mises quotes
There is one 'word' that the message of the Bible is all about... and that is "LOVE"... different bible versions can be interpreted many ways... But, regardless how many times the wording is changed or interpreted... 'LOVE' always is the 'word'
more Jesse Charles Wagner II quotes
If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
more George Washington quotes
The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend on God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.
more George Washington quotes
It rankles me when somebody tries to force somebody to do something.
more John Wayne quotes
Most of the major ills of the world have been caused by well-meaning people who ignored the principle of individual freedom, except as applied to themselves, and who were obsessed with fanatical zeal to improve the lot of mankind.
more Henry Grady Weaver quotes
Neither the trappings of robes, nor temples of stone, nor a fixed liturgy, nor an extensive literature or history is required to meet the test of beliefs cognizable under the Constitution as religious. So far as our law is concerned, one person's religious beliefs held for one day are presumptively entitled to the same protection as the beliefs of millions which have been shared for thousands of years.
more Judge Jack B. Weinstein quotes
The real freedom of any individual can always be measured by the amount of responsibility which he must assume for his own welfare and security.
more Robert Welch quotes
I want for our country enough laws to restrain me from injuring others, so that these laws will also restrain others from injuring me. I want enough government, with enough constitutional safeguards, so that this necessary minimum of laws will be applied equitably to everybody, and will be binding on the rulers as well as those ruled. Beyond that I want neither laws nor government to be imposed on our people as a means or with the excuse of protecting us from catching cold, or of seeing that we raise the right kind of crops, or of forcing us to live in the right kind of houses or neighborhoods, or of compelling us to save money or to spend it, or of telling us when or whether we can pray. I do not want government or laws designed for any other form of welfarism or paternalism, based on the premise that government knows best and can run our lives better than we can run them ourselves. And my concept of freedom, and of its overwhelming importance, is implicit in these aspirations and ideals.
more Robert Welch quotes
A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and state, and for lawful hunting and recreational use.
more West Virginia Constitution quotes
The shallow consider liberty a release from all law, from every constraint. The wise see in it, on the contrary, the potent Law of Laws.
more Walt Whitman quotes
If you mind your own business, you won't be minding mine.
more Hank Williams quotes
Democracy and liberty are not the same. Democracy is little more than mob rule, while liberty refers to the sovereignty of the individual.
more Walter E. Williams quotes
The constitution does not provide for first and second class citizens.
more Wendell L. Willkie quotes
The rights of all persons are wrapped in the same constitutional bundle as those of the most hated member of the community.
more A. L. Wirin quotes
Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.
more John Wooden quotes
If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.
more Virginia Woolf quotes
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