Printers are educated in the Belief, that when Men differ in Opinion, both sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Public; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter: Hence [printers] cheerfully serve all contending Writers that pay them well, without regarding on which side they are of the Question in Dispute.
more Benjamin Franklin quotes
Freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness. That is why I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West coast.
more Viktor Frankyl quotes
The freemen of America will remember, that it is very easy to change a free government into an arbitrary, despotic, or military one: but it is very difficult, almost impossible to reverse the matter -- very difficult to regain freedom once lost.
more Freeman’s Journal quotes
Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
more Sigmund Freud quotes
The direct use of physical force is so poor a solution to the problem of limited resources that it is commonly employed only by small children and great nations.
more David D. Friedman quotes
Well first of all, tell me: Is there some society you know that doesn’t run on greed? You think Russia doesn’t run on greed? You think China doesn’t run on greed? What is greed? Of course, none of us are greedy, it’s only the other fellow who’s greedy. The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade. If you want to know where the masses are worse off, worst off, it’s exactly in the kinds of societies that depart from that. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.
more Milton Friedman quotes
A society that puts equality...ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom.
more Milton Friedman quotes
Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.
more Milton Friedman quotes
The most unresolved problem of the day is precisely the problem that concerned the founders of this nation: how to limit the scope and power of government. Tyranny, restrictions on human freedom, come primarily from governmental restrictions that we ourselves have set up.
more Milton Friedman quotes
If you want a Big Brother, you get all that comes with it.
more Erich Fromm quotes
The member of a primitive clan might express his identity in the formula “I am we”; he cannot yet conceive of himself as an “individual,” existing apart from his group.
more Erich Fromm quotes
English character and English freedom depend comparatively little on the form which the Constitution assumes at Westminster. A centralised democracy may be as tyrannical as an absolute monarch; and if the vigour of the nation is to continue unimpaired, each individual, each family, each district, must preserve as far as possible its independence, its self-completeness, its powers and its privilege to manage its own affairs and think its own thoughts.
more James Anthony Froude quotes
'Tis better to suffer wrong than do it.
more Thomas Fuller quotes
Those who complain the most about the quality of the people in power are the ones who put all that power there in the first place. Well, what kind of people did they expect it all to attract, anyway? Sheesh!
more Rick Gaber quotes
19 terrorists in 6 weeks have been able to command 300 million North Americans to do away with the entirety of their civil liberties that took 700 years to advance from the Magna Carta onward. The terrorists have already won the political and ideological war with one terrorist act. It is mindboggling that we are that weak as a society.
more Rocco Galati quotes
When people put their ballots in the boxes, they are, by that act, inoculated against the feeling that the government is not theirs. They then accept, in some measure, that its errors are their errors, its aberrations their aberrations, that any revolt will be against them. It's a remarkably shrewd and rather conservative arrangement when one thinks of it.
more John Kenneth Galbraith quotes
In matters of conscience, the law of majority has no place.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his fetters fall. ... Freedom and slavery are mental states. Therefore, the first thing to say to yourself: 'I shall no longer accept the role of a slave. I shall not obey orders as such but shall disobey them when they are in conflict with my conscience'.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supercedes all other courts.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
Men ... should do their actual living and working in communities ... small enough to permit of genuine self-government and the assumption of personal responsibilities, federated into larger units in such a way that the temptation to abuse great power should not arise. The larger (structurally) a democracy grows, the less becomes the rule of the people and the smaller is the say of individuals and localised groups in dealing with their own destinies. Moreover, love and affection, are essentially personal relationships. Consequently, it is only in small groups that Charity, in the Pauline sense of the word, can manifest itself. Needless to say, the smallness of the group, in no way guarantees the emergence of Charity. In a large undifferentiated group, the possibility does not even exist, for the simple reason that most of its members cannot, in the nature of things, have personal relations with one another.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
Good government is the most dangerous government, because it deprives people of the need to look after themselves.
more Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quotes
Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained.
more James A. Garfield quotes
Like an ability or a muscle, hearing your inner wisdom is strengthened by doing it.
more Robbie Gass quotes
My dear sir, let me tell you that every citizen has full legal right to arrest anyone whom he sees committing any criminal offense, big or little. The law of England and of this country has been very careful to confer no more right in that respect upon policemen and constables than it confers on every citizen. You have the same right to make an arrest for an offense committed in your presence that any policeman has. But we cannot all be bothering with making arrests, so we employ a certain number of our fellow citizens for that purpose and put blue clothes and brass buttons on them. But their clothes and their buttons add nothing whatever to their right to make arrests without warrant. They still have only the same right which the law gives to all of us. Be so good as to look at section 183 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and be convinced of your powers, and then sail right in as hard and as fast as you want to, being careful, however, only to arrest guilty persons, for otherwise your victims will turn around and sue you for damages for false arrest. Policemen have to face the same risk.
more William Jay Gaynor quotes
Liberty is not merely a privilege to be conferred; it is a habit to be acquired.
more David Lloyd George quotes
Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty.
more Anne Louise Germaine de Stael quotes
In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all - security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.
more Edward Gibbon quotes
If it’s a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed.
more Khalil Gibran quotes
One man can completely change the character of a country, and the industry of its people, by dropping a single seed in fertile soil.
more John C. Gifford quotes
The one predominant duty is to find one's work and do it.
more Charlotte Perkins Gilman quotes
Whenever government assumes to deliver us from the trouble of thinking for ourselves, the only consequences it produces are those of torpor and imbecility.
more William Godwin quotes
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
more Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.
more Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
Lose this day loitering 'Twill be the same old story, Tomorrow and the next, Even more dilatory. Whatever you would do, Or dream of doing, begin it! Boldness has power, genius, and magic in it. Begin it now.
more Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
How can you come to know yourself? Never by thinking; always by doing. Try to do your duty, and you'll know right away what you amount to.
more Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
The best of all government is that which teaches us to govern ourselves.
more Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
He alone deserves liberty and life who daily must win them anew.
more Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
The moment men obtain perfect freedom, that moment they erect a stage for the manifestation of their faults. The strong characters begin to go wrong by excess of energy; the weak by remissness of action.
more Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
What is the best government? That which teaches us to govern ourselves.
more Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
There is no greater fallacy than the belief that aims and purposes are one thing, while methods and tactics are another… All human experience teaches that methods and means cannot be separated from the ultimate aim.
more Emma Goldman quotes
I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
more Barry Goldwater quotes
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution ... or have failed their purpose ... or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should be attacked for neglecting my constituents' 'interests,' I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty, and in that cause I am doing the very best I can.
more Barry Goldwater quotes
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue.
more Barry Goldwater quotes
Freedom of conscience is a natural right, both antecedent and superior to all human laws and institutions whatever; a right which laws never gave and a right which laws can never take away.
more John Goodwin quotes
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