Ronald Reagan Quotes 

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An informed patriotism is what we want....
Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder...
Politics is supposed to be the second...
As we celebrate Thanksgiving ... we should...
Freedom is never more than one generation...
There are some who've forgotten why we...
Republicans believe the best way to assure...
Mr. Gorbachev,...
It would seem that not only is religion...
Tyranny, like fog in the well known...
Former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart noted...
We even had to pass a special...
Man is not free unless government is limited.......
Ours was the first revolution in the history...
Freedom is the right to question and change...
Politics is supposed to be the second...
No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals...
Only when the human spirit is allowed...
I just wanted to speak to you...
There is no limit to what you...
The NRA believes America's laws were made...
If you analyze it I believe the very...
We developed at the local school district...
No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size....
As we struggle to teach our children...
Politics is supposed to be the second...
If we lose freedom here, there is no place...
Freedom is the recognition that no single...
Government's view of the economy could be summed...
We've got to teach history based not...
Our federal tax system is, in short,...
The taxpayer; that's someone who works for the federal...
There are many well-meaning people today who...
Politics is not a bad profession. If...
The federal government has taken too much...
Our natural, inalienable rights are now considered...
Nations crumble from within when the citizenry...
Extreme taxation, excessive controls, oppressive government competition...
I think the best possible social program...
The best minds are not in government....
You and I are told we must...
There are no such things as limits...
We need true tax reform that will...
The years ahead will be great ones...
Government does not tax to get the money...
Government exists to protect us from each...
How do you tell a Communist? Well,...
Government is like a baby. An...
The classical Liberal, during the Revolutionary time,...
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