Theodore Roosevelt Quotes 

Theodore Roosevelt Quotes 1-28 out of 28
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No people is wholly civilized where a distinction...
To educate a man in mind and not...
The things that will destroy America are...
To announce that there must be no criticism...
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an...
If an American is to amount to anything...
To educate a man in mind and not...
To announce that there must be no criticism...
The one absolute certain way to bring...
When they call the roll in the Senate,...
Freedom is not a gift which can...
To educate a man in mind, and not...
No man is justified in doing evil...
No man...
We cannot afford to differ on the question...
It is not the critic who counts;...
There is no room in this country...
Any man who tries to incite class...
Patriotism means to stand by the country....
'Liar' is just as ugly a word...
To divide along the lines of section...
All constitutions, those of the States no less...
Free speech exercised both individually and through...
Wide differences of opinion in matters of religious,...
In life, as in a football game,...
In strict confidence … I should welcome...
No triumph of peace can equal the armed...
All privileges based on wealth, and all...
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