Rick Gaber Quotes 

Rick Gaber Quotes 1-22 out of 22
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Always remember the difference between economic power and political...
Then, while trying to get you to accept...
The Nazis are well remembered for murdering...
Many of the deliberate con artists are...
The United States was supposed to have...
Many academicians and self-styled intellectuals, with a habitually...
The Nazis are well remembered for murdering...
Notice how some people even try to put...
If I said, "The live-and-let-live people I've...
Free enterprise capitalism exists only when people...
I do encourage you to question authority,...
Enron, of course, is exactly the kind...
A moderate is either someone who has...
Always remember the difference between economic power...
Give a good man great powers and crooks...
Those who complain the most about the quality...
The single most frightening thing you encounter...
'Extremism' is a word deliberately chosen...
The Nazis are well remembered for murdering...
Many academicians and self-styled intellectuals, with a habitually...
Control freaks who...
The people in the MSM (mainstream media)...
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Rick Gaber Quotes 1-22 out of 22
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