John Locke Quotes 

John Locke Quotes 1-33 out of 33
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[W]henever the Legislators endeavor to take away,...
All wealth is the product of labor....
The power of the legislative being derived...
I have no reason to suppose, that...
Whosoever uses force without Right ... puts...
The body of People may with Respect...
Tis a Mistake to think this Fault...
[I]t being reasonable and just, I should...
[F]or nothing is to be accounted hostile...
The Natural Liberty of Man is to be free...
All men by nature are equal in that...
It cannot be supposed that they should...
Self-defence is a part of the law...
The only fence against the world is a thorough...
Is it worth the name of freedom...
[W]henever the legislators endeavour to take away,...
If the innocent honest Man must quietly...
The Care therefore of every man's Soul...
... whenever the Legislators endeavour to take...
The people cannot delegate to government the power...
Men being by nature all free, equal...
Where there is no law there is no freedom....
Virtue is harder to be got than...
Any single man must judge for himself...
Freedom of men under government is to have...
[Individuals] have a right to defend themselves...
[H]e that thinks absolute power purifies men's...
To love truth for truth's sake is the principal...
[E]very Man has a Property in his...
New opinions are always suspected, and usually...
And because it may be too great...
Government has no other end than the preservation...
John Locke quotes (False):  
The people cannot delegate to government the power...
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John Locke Quotes 1-33 out of 33
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