Alexis de Tocqueville Quotes 

Alexis de Tocqueville Quotes 1-40 out of 40
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Where are...
When, after having examined in detail the organization...
The American Republic will endure, until politicians...
After having thus successively taken each member...
If it be admitted that a man,...
Every central government worships uniformity: uniformity relieves...
[T]he main evil of the present democratic...
The electors see their representative not only...
The man who seeks freedom for anything...
Alexis de Tocqueville quotes (Questionable):  
In the end, the state of the Union...
The man who asks of freedom anything...
The American Republic will endure, until politicians...
The Union was formed by the voluntary...
A man's admiration for absolute government is proportionate...
After having thus successively taken each member...
[Tyrannical] power is absolute, minute, regular, provident...
It [government] covers the surface of society...
Quand donc je refuse d'obéir à une...
If there ever are great revolutions there, they...
By the side of these religious men...
They certainly are not great writers, but...
Americans are so enamored of equality, they...
...above this race of men stan...
After having thus successively taken each member...
[Some people] have a depraved taste for equality,...
... liberty cannot be established without morality,...
In order to enjoy the inestimable benefits...
America is great because America is good....
No protracted war can fail to endanger...
I know of no other country where...
All those who seek to destroy the liberties...
In towns it is impossible to prevent...
I know of no country in which...
There are many men of principle in both...
Democracy and socialism have nothing in common...
Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom,...
I am far from denying that newspapers...
Americans of all ages, all stations of life,...
In America, more than anywhere else in the world,...
There is hardly a congressman prepared to go...
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Alexis de Tocqueville Quotes 1-40 out of 40
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