The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact than a drunken man is happier than a sober one.
more George Bernard Shaw quotes
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.
more George Bernard Shaw quotes
Liberty is the possibility of doubting, the possibility of making a mistake, the possibility of searching and experimenting, the possibility of saying “No” to any authority -- literary, artistic, philosophic, religious, social and even political.
more Ignazio Silone quotes
If atheism is to be used to express the state of mind in which God is identified with the unknowable, and theology is pronounced to be a collection of meaningless words about unintelligible chimeras, then I have no doubt, and I think few people doubt, that atheists are as plentiful as blackberries.
more Leslie Stephen quotes
Till then we shall be content to admit openly, what you (religionists) whisper under your breath or hide in technical jargon, that the ancient secret is a secret still; that man knows nothing of the Infinite and Absolute; and that, knowing nothing, he had better not be dogmatic about his ignorance. And, meanwhile, we will endeavour to be as charitable as possible, and whilst you trumpet forth officially your contempt for our skepticism, we will at least try to believe that you are imposed upon by your own bluster.
more Leslie Stephen quotes
Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly. I please myself with imagining a State at least which can afford to be just to all men, and to treat the individual with respect as a neighbor; which even would not think it inconsistent with its own repose if a few were to live aloof from it, not meddling with it, nor embraced by it, who fulfilled all the duties of neighbors and fellow-men. A State which bore this kind of fruit, and suffered it to drop off as fast as it ripened, would prepare the way for a still more perfect and glorious State, which also I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen.
more Henry David Thoreau quotes
Doubt isn't the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith.
more Paul Tillich quotes
I know that most men -- not only those considered clever, but even those who are very clever and capable of understanding most difficult scientific, mathematical, or philosophic, problems -- can seldom discern even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as obliges them to admit the falsity of conclusions they have formed, perhaps with much difficulty -- conclusions of which they are proud, which they have taught to others, and on which they have built their lives.
more Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi quotes
Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the blood of real civilization.
more G. M. Trevelyan quotes
I am aware that when even the brightest mind in our world has been trained up from childhood in a superstition of any kind, it will never be possible for that mind, in its maturity, to examine sincerely, dispassionately, and conscientiously any evidence or any circumstance which shall seem to cast a doubt upon the validity of that superstition... (more)
more Mark Twain quotes
When in doubt, tell the truth.
more Mark Twain quotes
The skeptic does not mean him who doubts, but him who investigates or researches, as opposed to him who asserts and thinks he has found.
more Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo quotes
The world acquires value only through its extremists play. They are the gadflies that keep society from being too complacent.
more Paul Valéry quotes
Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.
more Voltaire quotes
From the utopian viewpoint, the United States constitution is a singularly hard-bitten and cautious document, for it breathes the spirit of skepticism about human altruism and incorporates a complex system of checks, balances and restrictions, so that everybody is holding the reins on everybody else.
more Chad Walsh quotes
There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation.
more George Washington quotes
Human beings will generally exercise power when they can get it, and they will exercise it most undoubtedly in popular governments under pretense of public safety.
more Daniel Webster quotes
But once a culture develops sufficiently to become skeptical, the idea of censorship becomes less attractive. To suppress a book or a picture or a sculpture or a play or a film is a terrible act of aggression against the artist who created it. This is a miming of capital punishment; it destroys the life that has been emanated by a life.
more Rebecca West quotes
Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half the time.
more E. B. White quotes
To believe is very dull. To doubt is intensely engrossing. To be on the alert is to live, to be lulled into security is to die.
more Oscar Wilde quotes
We should view our government the way we should a friendly, cuddly lion. Just because he’s friendly and cuddly shouldn’t blind us to the fact that he’s still got teeth and claws.
more Walter E. Williams quotes
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