2024 August 02
"The bold effort the present bank had made to control the government
... are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people
should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the
establishment of another like it."
"The United Nations is the greatest fraud in all History.
Its purpose is to destroy the United States."
"[The program of American disarmament outlined in
State Department Paper 7277] is the fixed, determined
and approved policy of the government of the United States."
2024 August 01
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble,
and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
"[T]he people as ultimate sovereigns, retain the ultimate power -- and even the duty -- to overthrow any government that fails to respect their authority."
"Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers, and destroyers press upon them so fast, that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon the American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour. The revenue creates pensioners, and the pensioners urge for more revenue. The people grow less steady, spirited, and virtuous, the seekers more numerous and more corrupt, and every day increases the circles of their dependents and expectants, until virtue, integrity, public spirit, simplicity, and frugality, become the objects of ridicule and scorn, and vanity, luxury, foppery, selfishness, meanness, and downright venality swallow up the whole society."
2024 July 31
"Well-meaning Americans in the name of freedom have taken freedom away. For the sake of religious tolerance, they’ve forbidden religious practice."
"There is no inherent misdirection in holding unorthodox views.
Indeed, the autonomous individual, free from compulsive conformance
and unquestioned assumptions, is likely to be unorthodox...
They stimulate the climate of controversy without which
political democracy becomes an empty formalism."
"Every culture and every religion of what we call the civilized world carries, in one form or another, a mythos or story about a time in the past or future when humans lived or will live in peace and harmony. Whether it's referred to as Valhalla or Eden, Shambala or 'A Thousand Years of Peace,' the Satya Yuga or Jannat, stories of past or coming times of paradise go hand-in-hand with hierarchical cultures. Such prophecies were clearly in the minds of America's Founders when they first discussed integrating Greek ideas of democracy, Roman notions of a republic, Masonic utopian ideals, and the Iroquois Federation's constitutionally organized egalitarian society, which was known to Jefferson, Washington, Adams, and Franklin. The creation of the United States of America brought into the world a dramatic new experiment in how people could live together in a modern state."
2024 July 30
"Why, if we had to do that we could not pass most of the laws we enact around here...
Americans just want us to solve America's problems of health and safety -- and not be concerned if they can be constitutionally justified."
"The American constitutions were to liberty,
what a grammar is to language:
they define its parts of speech and
practically construct them into syntax."
"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. On the road to tyranny, we've gone so far that polite political action is about as useless as a miniskirt in a convent. ... Something’s eventually going to happen. Government will bloat until it chokes us to death, or one more tyrannical power grab will turn out to be one too many. ... Maybe it’ll be one more round of “reasonable gun control” or one more episode of burning children to death to save them from “child abuse.” Whatever, something will snap."
2024 July 29
"You want to know what fascism is like? It is like your New Deal!"
"If Americans wish to preserve a country they will recognize,
then the first step is to recognize the enemy.
Public education is the enemy. The entertainment industry is the enemy.
The corporate culture is the enemy. The advertising industry is the enemy.
And most of the politicians in both parties are the enemy.
An enemy is defined as anybody, or any organization,
which is attacking the traditional beliefs of Americans."
"We have stricken the shackles from 4,000,000 human beings
and brought all labourers to a common level,
but not so much by the elevation of former slaves
as by reducing the whole working population,
white and black, to a condition of serfdom.
While boasting of our noble deeds,
we are careful to conceal the ugly fact
that by our iniquitous money system
we have manipulated a system of oppression which,
though more refined, is no less cruel than
the old system of chattel slavery."
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