Chisholm v. Georgia Quotes


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Chisholm v. Georgia Quotes 1-6 out of 6
In the United States, Sovereignty resides in the people, who act through the organs established by the Constitution.
The Jury has a right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy.
The jury has the right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy.
The people are Sovereign. ... at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects... with none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty.
The people who own the country ought to govern it.
Those who own the country ought to govern it.
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Chisholm v. Georgia Quotes 1-6 out of 6
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