"He who sees the truth, let him proclaim it,
without asking who is for it or who is against it."
Henry George
(1839-1897) American political economist
The Land Question, 1881
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Truth inevitably exposes lies if it's proclaimed. It is each individual's choice to hear it or not. Most (because they are essentially good) will choose to hear it if it is proclaimed loud enough and long enough.
 -- Anon     
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     -- Anonymous      
    I believe there to be but one truth, even though there are different views and perceived expressions of it. Lies held as truth also have a place in being proclaimed; by way of example: those that cry 'slavery is freedom for all' must be heard so that choice may determine without asking who is for it or who is against it. While a slave-minded individual may act as a slave in the land of the free, a free sovereign may not proclaim truth in the land of slaves (to pray in schools for example).
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    "John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave". Now there was a guy who lived this quote to the bitter end. Mike anyone can pray in school at anytime. Just don't disrupt others by vocalizing outloud, and to really please the Christian God go into the closet and pray so that others will not see you. I mean who are these school prayers trying to impress; each other or God! Organized prayer in school is not about a relationship with God but an effort of socializing children around a community idea of religon or god.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    The "truth" to most of our present day politicians is getting elected and reelected.
     -- jim k, austin     
    Waffler, your retort is indicative of the humanist's dogma that has become the prejudicial religious standard constituting an establishment of religion - silencing the proclamation of truth by declaring who is for it or who is against it. I don't care if what is being exercised is a Buddhist chant, Hindu recitation, Islamic Salaat, a Christian or Judaic prayer, an Atheist nothingness, etc. for all brings forth a believed truth in a different way that will expand the mind and heart. Set forth that which is believed truth and let those who have ears to hear, learn the proclamation of truth. Wars, hatred, prejudice, fear, etc. come from silencing a familiarity to truth.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Merrill Jenkins, Monetary Realist, studied Henry George and I studied Merrill Jenkins. On the subject of truth Jenkins said: "If something is true, what does it matter who said it?"
     -- Dave Wilbur, St. Louis, MO     
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    Great quote. There is no such thing as 'my truth' and 'your truth' -- those are beliefs, views and opinions -- nothing wrong with that, just be honest about it. Either something is true or it isn't. Is there 'one truth'? I don't think 'one' is necessary -- there are many, many true facets to our world and universe -- no one can know them all. Telling 'the truth' is not telling it all -- it is simply being honest about whatever one is talking about at the moment. Truth is more likely (re)discovered since it 'is' already whether we have become aware of it or not..
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    No one can see all aspects of a situation or 'truth' at the same time. We simply do not have the capacity to be omniscient. I think it was Heinlein who described how a 'professional witness' would see a house. When shown a house and asked what color it was, the witness would say it is green on this side. When taken around the corner and asked what color the house is, the witness would again say it is green on this side. When asked what color is the wall you looked at first, the witness would say I don't know: it was green when I looked at it last.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    Mike all children who or whose parents wish it should be told how to pray and to pray while in school. Before each class, each test etc whatever is their preference. No one should interfere with a persons private and silent prayer. And God who knows our prayers and needs even before we ask will also see these thought prayers of these children. I don't anything about your humanist comments but I firmly believe that if you ask children about prayer in school they wont know anything about the issue or what you are talking about. If we dont generally have group led prayer in our adult work places why are we so up tight about this issue with kids who don't even want it.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Mike all children who or whose parents wish it should be told how to pray and to pray while in school. Before each class, each test etc whatever is their preference. No one should interfere with a persons private and silent prayer. And God who knows our prayers and needs even before we ask will also see these thought prayers of these children. I don't anything about your humanist comments but I firmly believe that if you ask children about prayer in school they wont know anything about the issue or what you are talking about. If we dont generally have group led prayer in our adult work places why are we so up tight about this issue with kids who don't even want it.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Waffler, first graders have been caught silently praying by their teacher and then expelled. Your buddies in the ACLU back that kind of nonsense.
     -- warren, olathe     
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     -- Anonymous      
    Warren the children should be taught to pray with out being seen, without pretence or public display. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. This does not mean that we have to all be hermits or monks but that we can pray while we work, read etcetera.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Waffler, WHAT ? ? ? The progressive's religion(s) has currently become the dominant "National Establishment of Religion" (NER) which allows no competing religion. The NER promotes a form of radicalized Islam in its effort to eliminate liberty, natural law understandings and Christianity. As long as the NER maintains its perceived omnipotent status it operates under a premise of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Waffler, your suggestion: "should be taught to pray with out being seen," is the NER's enforced dogma to eliminate Christian prayers in public and assure no public displays of non-NER sanctioned activity. If a young child in a theocratic seminary (government school) bows his head in silence, he does so under threat and duress. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion along with all other freedoms that would have an outward expression of truth are diminished by the PC NER. NER enforcement clergy (Teachers, administrators, students, politicians, etc.) speak out of both sides of their mouth - they say one thing and do another.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    A 'Benediction' before collective events, before bringing Congress to order, before starting a new project, heck before starting the day, is customary and traditional around the world across the eons. Secularists may prefer to call it Affirmations. Even the Declaration of Independence has a benediction. The benediction is empowering -- and that is its true intent, to give us courage to face opposition to our declarations. The Pledge of Allegiance is a benediction. Making these benedictions as well as receiving them is what forms a person and his/her culture. It is an honorable thing, and it empowers the responsible person. I suppose the conflict is who decides what the benediction 'should' be. Well, that is how you choose a teacher! How can you study under a teacher whose good words you do not agree with?

    I cannot truly determine the reach of the power of my visualization -- who can say the power of prayer. But starting the day or a new project with a benediction or affirmation helps me put the work into context and answers the question "why" I am doing whatever I am doing.

    Saying 'Amen' then is to declare, 'me too' to the benediction. Shouldn't teachers be helpful in this regard? ;-)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Unfortunately, the sheep will remain in their pen... if one does escape, it will be killed by the wolves...
     -- RBE, Somewhere in Europe     
     -- jim k, Austin      
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