"Fascist intellectuals, such as Ugo Spirito, made the round of conferences preaching the virtues of postcapitalism fascism and in fact tried to nudge the structure in a 'leftist' direction by calling for more collective control and even corporative ownership of the economy. Mussolini looked abroad to find that Franklin Roosevelt was merely seeking to emulate Italy's innovations."
Charles S. Maier
Historian, professor, Director of the Center for European Studies
In Search of Stability: Explorations in Historical Political Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), p. 81.
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Reader comments about this quote:
I've considered Roosevelt to be a socialist, but I'd better look again.
 -- Joe, Rochester, MI     
    FDR received his ideas from his Uncle Joe over in the Soviet Union!
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
  • 3
    The FDR New Deal was supposed to get us out of the depression. Like most government "solutions" it only made matters worse. Then along came the war and bailed Franklin out.
     -- jim k, austin     
  • 5
    We seem to be doing a great job of emulation too!
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 1
    FDR was the father of Fascist Socialism in America. We have not turned off that road since.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 5
    Its absolutely laughable how you all use the word fascism and plaster on anything you dislike. Fascism is a marriage between nationalism, suppression through terror, and state above the individual, We will only have Fascist Socialism once we have had the above and that's not to far away - Fascism can be left or right - it apposes democracy and liberalism.
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 2
    As the 1983 American Heritage Dictionary noted, fascism is: A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism. I believe this definition is close to the mark.
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 1
    Agreed RBE, but I believe we have had "economic fascism" for a long time.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 1
    Yes, Carlton, you are right, but its becoming more dictatorial and we all know where that leads us...
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 2
    Wilson and FDR were as close to Fascist America as you can get... Much still remains unfortunately...
     -- classical liberal, mn     
  • 3
    Five stars for accuracy, a thumbs down for what has become of a once free people endowed with an opportunity of liberty.

    Socialism is any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership of all property and centralized administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

    Socialism has two primary (there are multiple) applications, referenced as left and right. The left magnifies focus through A scheme of government aiming at absolute equality in the distribution of the physical means of life and enjoyment. (Blacks Law Dictionary) Most often, Socialisms left is recognized as communism. Under communism all property and administrations are accomplished through the name of the State.

    Socialisms right is generally recognized as fascism. The Italian term fascismo derives from fascio meaning a bundle of rods - as applied by Mussolini under the nomenclature fascism: a rod of corporation (commerce being made the supreme god), a rod of pure government, a rod of centralized control, etc. All corporations are similes of early business trusts with a bifurcation of beneficial ownership and day-to-day / organizational control. The State is the ultimate beneficial owner of all that a corporation claims while also being the principle that defines structure, methodology of administration and operation. An example of applied fascism is, in Amerika, the ownership, administration, means of production and distribution of goods (media / news) is mostly owned by 4 corporations. The larger the corporation, the greater the homogenization of government day to day operations. Roberts 1983 American Heritage Dictionary is an excellent statement on Amerikas new fascism; - for example: no absolute ownership or perfected allodium is recognized, only title is allowed.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    When speaking about America, one must remember that unlike any other nation on Earth, Americans have declared their independence from King and Pope. They have chartered their servant government on the basis that every living breathing person has the right to protect and defend their liberty, lives, and property and that this right is innate, inborn, and inalienable. Everything else extends from there.

    If someone accuses you of being on the left, it means to the left of them. Nazism is right of Communism, and Communism is left of Fascism. But both are forms of STATISM which unlike the American declaration, the STATE is supreme and the people are subservient to the dictates of the people in government. Fascist governments resemble their ancient Roman roots with a Caesar and corruptible Senate, and the collegia serving as hit men and bag men. Communist governments lay claim to everything and everyone -- they usually go broke after their leader dies.

    Statism is the threat to American politics -- and liberty. Both parties have become more statist than libertarian -- this is what we call the 'establishment' -- it's basically a federal mafia extracting protection money. The trick is to disempower the people at every turn, Restrict their access to money, business, guns, fuel, information -- centralize it all for public consumption.

    Libertarians are in the center, moving to either right or left gets you different flavors of statism. Have you been conditioned to be a Statist? Simply ask yourself who is to blame for the predicament you are in -- if you are not pointing to yourself, you are likely a statist.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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