"Our schools are, in a sense, factories, in which the raw products (children) are to be shaped and fashioned into products to meet the various demands of life. The specifications for manufacturing come from the demands of twentieth-century civilization, and it is the business of the school to build its pupils according to the specifications laid down."
Ellwood P. Cubberley
(1868-1941) American educator, author, Dean of the Stanford University School of Education
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Socialists always think of people as mere resources to be hammered into shape and utilized, rather than as free individual human beings.
 -- Bryan Morton, Stuart, FL     
  • 4
    Can't improve on what Bryan said.
     -- jim k, austin     
  • 3
    5 stars for accuracy, thumbs down for what the power mongers have done. According to set specifications laid down by such haters of freedom, liberty, prosperity for all, personally resopnsible sovereigns, and the descovered laws of the God of Nature (fiscal, to kill, steal, etc.), as the here author, despotic government factories have fashioned, built, and manufactured willing slaves to meet the demands of the latter day illuminated few.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    State sponsored public schools are by design meant to create people loyal and obedient to the state, they always have been. Its one of the methods the state uses to maintain credibility and assert control. Fortunately though, the state has pretty much shot itself in the foot lately by conducting economically ruinous wars and usurping people's liberties. This is causing people to take a closer look. And they don't like what they are seeing. I think that's great. Remember: The system depends on you not asking too many questions.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 4
    A man simply states a truth and knee jerkers have a field day. You are lousy readers and can't even see what he is saying. First of all he said "in a sense". The "various demands of life" is nothing more than Adam Smiths "invisible hand of the free market"' Most people have some knowledge of how the "market" says we need more teachers more nurses etc.or more skilled craftsmen of this type or another, in the '50s of course it was more rocket scientists. We see adds every day exhorting people to take up this career or that and when kids are young we always ask them "what do you want to be when you grow up". They are already having thoughts and making decisions about themselves and the market place and how will they market themselves. You all who see socialists behind every curtain then complain about how the rest of the world educates their kids better and takes our jobs.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
  • 1 4
    I see your point Waffler. He did say in a sense and he didn't say children are actual raw material. However, it does show a dangerous mindset. When someone starts thinking of you as raw material, or a piece of meat, or just another economic good to be used by someone else to their own benefit, there is a problem. People are human beings, individuals with their own aspirations and freedom to choose their own path in life. When someone starts to think of you as something less than human, look out. It won't be long before they start treating you that way.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
  • 3
    This is exactly what's wrong with the system - I presume Cubberley was being facetious. Bryan and Ken, you must be joking... It's government and corporate America that wants to hammer you into shape and then spit you out. To err is forgivable but to blindly go where other sheeple follow is not so forgivable. When will we look into the mirror and realize we are far from the best in most things - the only thing propping up the America economy is our big Military machine and that must be kept going at the expense of all else, including education. As Carlin said 'you are not a member of the club'. The subjugation of masses (including our educational system) has been orchestrated by government in cahoots with the Fed and big business - I wouldn't exactly call them socialists.
     -- RobertSRQ     
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    Put any label you like on a tyrant, and they're still a tyrant. When governments, corporations, or socialists enslave you, guess what: you're a slave. If you don't think socialists, communists, fascists, global warming greenies, or anyone else want to "hammer you into shape" too, then you have a rude surprise waiting for you.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    At risk of being naive I take the risk of thinking similar to the Golden Rule. I expect people to treat me the way I would treat them (nice of course) and I also risk thinking that people, (school teachers and administrators) will generally think about teaching and kids the same way I do. This risk taking has generally proved to work out well, and I have not been disappointed to many times. I may not be paranoid like y'all but I can still keep a sharp eye. Robert is right if you want to look for factory training methods check out big business.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    There is a very big difference between applying the golden rule between individuals and between an individual and a large institution, whether private or public. The larger the institution becomes, the less the morals of the individuals that make it up affect the institution; it becomes "soulless" in a sense. Most individual teachers certainly care deeply about their students, but how often do you hear about "administrations" forcing political policy into curricula? Teachers know it is just so much PC nonsense, but they have to teach it anyway. As far as the factory goes, my personal experience with 20+ years working for DOD has shown me that government has ample experience in "hammering individuals into shape."
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
  • 3
    I find it interesting that so many believe these quotes about education from those who have shaped our current system must be 'facetious' or 'taken out of context.' As products of this system, we find it hard to believe that this was the true intent -- that our educational system is working as it has been designed. The programming is so deep that the Wafflers of this world do not even know that they are socialists in every way -- and that they have been taught to love it more than freedom itself --that the Golden Rule becomes 'what have you done for me lately,' and that our children should be raised by 'authorities,' and that unions and school boards act in collusion with a monopolistic system that in actuality takes children away from their parents and drums in them the propaganda of the day. We always think it can't happen here, and yet it is a driving force. Wake up, man.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 5
    This is always been the way public education has been handled. That is why it has come to what it is now. Preparing for the socialist utopia of the future.
     -- warren, olathe     
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    We should be careful at judging shop talk. If you would hear the conversation of medics in your operating room ala MASH you will not be very impressed with professionalism. It is like airing dirty laundry that was not meant to be seen.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
  • 2
    There is no source for this quote
     -- J Ump, Kansas     
    EDUCATE YOURSELF. EMANCIPATE YOURSELF FROM MENTAL SLAVERY. Here are some good reads if you are ready for the truth: 'The Student as Nigger' by Jerry Farber. Link: http://www.soilandhealth.org/03sov/0303critic/030301studentasnigger.html -- Another is 'Dumbing Us Down' by John Taylor Gatto. Also by him, 'Weapons of Mass Instruction,' and finally, 'The Underground History of American Education.' Thank you.
     -- Fernanda, Stamford     
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    Temporal hierarchies, whatever their character or functions are, are loveless, thus inhumane, by their very nature.

    May we all be delivered from the infernal influence of soulless, mechanistically minded and ideology bound "educator" -hierarchs, to whom human beings are simply commodities.
     -- Patrick Henry, Red Hill     
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    Waffler, the Golden Rule? You work for the IRS. You treat others as inhuman slaves of an inorganic phantasm - actively participating in theft. Your, do unto others is in a real sense a factory in which the raw products (enslaved chattel) are to be raped, pillaged, plundered and otherwise shaped and fashioned into products to meet the various demands of the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land.

    The occupying statist theocracy's theocratic seminaries (government schools) are NOT mine (I am not part of that "our").
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Cubberley's philosophy was bogus, considering the affairs California finds itself in, sad indeed ! Those he thought to be narrow minded, just elected President Trump for the purpose of dismantling and reentrenchment of founding principles and philosophies This Nation was founded upon. Their worldliness becomes the snares and traps before their own feet.
     -- Ronw13, Oregon     
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