"If I want to be free from any other man’s dictation,
I must understand that I can have no other man under my control."
William Graham Sumner
(1840-1910) American classical liberal (now a branch of "libertarianism" in political philosophy), social scientist, professor of sociology, polymath
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Freedom and responsibility should be not only universal...but universally respected.
 -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    If only we had true freedom here as we once had. We have been and are being dictated to by someone who decided we should pay into Social Security and Medicare programs involentarily for our so called "own good!" All my working life I have been paying this for someone else's own good and now it's all about to go bankrupt I hear. Will they fine me if I don't volentarily join Obamacare?
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
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    cal, do you mean that you don't trust THE ONE,The Messiah,and his coharts Nancy, Ralph, Barney, and the rest of the misfits to know what's best for you. Me neither.
     -- jim k, austin     
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    Good to see you again Jim. I was just thinking about your congressman. I always thought a Dogget was something a dog left in your yard and you hope you don't step in and track it in the house, but when it comes to ole Lloyd-i still believe that. Just like you-I don't have any faith in those you just mentioned!
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    Am I to assume that the likes of Cal and Jim had no aunts, uncles, grandparents or parents that ever collected social security. If they did then they will have some idea of where their social security tax went.It would seem appropriate for them to go to those relatives and ask them for a refund pro rata share of the money that they have paid in this past year.This thing folk keep calling "the state" is simply the sum total of the mores, rules, method of living, adopted by a group of individuals in any geographic region. In Mr. Dogget;s state in which I have spent many weeks recently they have "state" signs on the highway that says "Maintain Your Vehicle" now is that Big Brother or the State dictating to you or not. Cal talks of freedom as we once had well did you know that it was illegal to hold a boxing match in Texas in the late 1800;s. Judge Roy Bean held one on an island in the middle of the Rio Grande in order to out smart the Texas Rangers and the state. So things were not so free back then either. An that guy at Walden Pond was bitching about the state or society back in 1830. The point is that this sickness and bitching about the so called "state" is nothing new, it is something every child does when he learns that there are standards of practice and life outside of his little existence with mom and dad. Something apparently Cal and Jim still have not learned or gotten use to.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Another great quote - you can't love others without first loving yourself. Love your self first knowing your faults then you have chance to correct them. Though you obey order of law you can be free from their dictates. A slave can be free even under the yoke of oppression and the dictates of others. You pay involuntary taxes for hundreds of things, like schools, our roads, waste management, the military (that alone takes up 40% of my taxes), and the police; why single out Medicare and the SS - you lot from the south don't you have any compassion? Sorry, I promised not to get personal, I take that back.
     -- RBESRQ     
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    If my aunts, uncles, parents had not had social security taxes stolen from them, they could have provided for themselves in their old age. I would give up any future social security if I could keep my social freedom. The Waffler's and RBE's of the world would enslave us all to pay for their own security. I suppose there's no one more secure than a slave. After all, people look out for their property don't they?
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    Right On Ken. Social Security is the bait you take in order to be robbed blind for the rest of your life...or until you're old enough to starve to death on Social Security. It really is as close as you can get to condemning the elderly to a slow painful death but still say you're "helping them". What a complete crock the whole thing really is.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    RBE You don't pay taxes for schools and roads...you pay it straight to the International Banksters, who in turn loan it back to the Government at a rate of interest designed never to be paid off...its circular economic slavery. So the next time you hear a politician talking about reducing the National Debt...you'll know you're listening to a liar.
     -- J Carlton, Clagary     
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    Ken an Carlton, read your history books, it was the liberals that set you free, perhaps you would prefer the cave you came from.
     -- RBESRQ     
    In case you didn't know the elderly are not so elderly when it comes to longevity - America is behind Europe on so many health quality issues its a joke. Obviously you do not check your facts.
     -- RBESRQ     
    So when you aunt or uncle is stricken with a deadly disease you just let them die?
     -- RBESRQ     
    Absolutely. Hey, bleeding hearts, ever hear of people being able to take care of themselves? Is the state supposed to feed us? Ever hear of a paying for a doctor? We pay mechanics to fix our cars -- isn't that something government should pay for too? And yes sometimes when someone gets a deadly disease, they die -- probably just like you will, so get a grip. Does our fear of death obligate all humankind to give 80% of its labors to the state for keeping us alive? Hell, no! The state is a killer, a thief, and a liar! Get real. And by the way, Social Security is a tax -- and there is no money in any 'Social Security fund' -- it is a Ponzi scheme paid for by the baby boomers -- and now that the boomers are on the collecting end, there is nothing to give them except what the federal government can borrow (i.e. print up at interest) thus taxing the currency itself. Oh, don't worry, you will get your social security check -- the problem is that it won't be worth a dime. The only purpose for taxation when a country uses a fiat currency is to keep the ruling class in power and the rest of us schmucks in the lower ranks blaming each other. The goal of course is to keep that hot potato going until it lands on some poor company/state/nation that causes its collapse -- then the ruling junta moves in and takes ownership of everything under the guise of 'humanitarian aid.' I still can't believe how trusting we are of our government...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Archer obviously has never heard of bread lines, unemployment, etcetera or starving people worldwide. Again if you are working and paying social security ask your old folks and relatives to give it back to you.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    I know all about bread lines, unemployment, and starvation -- and their causes! National debt to private banksters. Your ignorance never ceases, Waffler.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Ken, I'd have to go over 5 stars to rate your here comment
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Politically speaking  Absolutely! ! ! We hold this truth to be self evident (well that is, unless you are a collectivist slave by choice).
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    The left and right wings of Control Freaks Unanimous disagree with this statement.
     -- Durham, Birmingham,AL     
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