Lord Acton Quotes 

Lord Acton Quotes 1-20 out of 20
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Liberty and good government do not exclude...
Liberty, next to religion has been the motive...
And remember, where you have a concentration...
Learn as much by writing as by reading....
Freedom degenerates unless it has to struggle...
And remember, where you have a concentration...
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power...
By liberty I mean the assurance that...
At all times sincere friends of freedom...
The danger is not that a particular...
Government by idea tends to take in everything,...
By liberty I mean the assurance that...
The issue which has swept down the centuries...
The most certain test by which we...
Liberty is not a means to a higher...
Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice;...
I cannot accept, your canon that we...
Liberty is the prevention of control by others....
It is bad to be oppressed by a minority, but...
Whenever a single definite object is made...
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Lord Acton Quotes 1-20 out of 20
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