Harry Browne Quotes 

Harry Browne Quotes 1-17 out of 17
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You can't give the government the power...
For those looking for security, be forewarned...
Republicans campaign like...
The government is good at one thing....
Asset forfeiture is a mockery of the Bill...
I want a government small enough to fit...
A little government involvement is just as dangerous...
The Bill of Rights is a literal...
The press is hostile to the idea...
Being a politician means never having to say...
Government is a parasite—a cancer that by nature...
A welfare state is frightened of every...
We should never define libertarian positions in terms...
If the Fed had a war on abortion...
The income tax is the biggest single...
The free market punishes irresponsibility. Government rewards...
There are no violent gangs fighting over...
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