2016 November 25
"The first goal and primary function of the U.S. public school
is not to educate good people, but good citizens. It is the function
which we call - in enemy nations - 'state indoctrination.' "
"Honor is like an island, rugged and without a beach;
once we have left it, we can never return."
"It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head."
2016 November 24
"We believe the picture painters of the mass media
are artfully creating landscapes for us
which deliberately hide the real picture.
In this book we will show you how to discover
the "hidden picture" in the landscapes presented
to us daily through newspapers, radio and television."
"The problem is, of course, that not only is economics bankrupt
but it has always been nothing more than politics in disguise ...
economics is a form of brain damage."
"Together we have come to realize that for most men the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school."
2016 November 23
"No duty, however, binds us to these so-called laws,
whose corrupting influence menaces what is noblest in our being..."
"To argue against any breach of liberty
from the ill use that may be made of it,
is to argue against liberty itself,
since all is capable of being abused."
"The trade of governing has always been monopolized
by the most ignorant and the most rascally individuals of mankind."
2016 November 22
"If liberty means anything at all,
it means the right to tell people
what they do not want to hear."
"Without deviation, without exception, without any ifs, buts, or whereases,
freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either
for the views they express, or the words they speak or write."
"Truth and news are not the same thing."
2016 November 21
"[A] function of free speech under our system of government is to invite dispute. It may indeed best serve it's high purpose when it indices a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with things as they are, or even stirs people to anger. Speech is often provocative and challenging. It may strike at prejudices and preconceptions and have profound unsettling effects as it presses for understanding."
"It is the growing custom to narrow control,
concentrate power, disregard and disfranchise the public;
and assuming that certain powers by divine right
of money-raising or by sheer assumption,
have the power to do as they think best
without consulting the wisdom of mankind."
"The people’s right to obtain information does not, of course, depend on any assured ability to understand its significance or use it wisely. Facts belong to the people simply because they relate to interests that are theirs, government that is theirs, and votes that they may desire to cast, for they are entitled to an active role in shaping every fundamental decision of state."
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