Every nation gets the government it deserves.
more Joseph de Maistre quotes
To open his lips is crime in a plain citizen.
more Quintus Ennius quotes
Bankers have no right to establish a customary law among themselves, at the expence of other men.
more Sir Michael Foster quotes
Most of the change we think we see in life Is due to truths being in and out of favor.
more Robert Frost quotes
National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.
more Joseph Paul Goebbels quotes
Most men are followers, and implicitly rely upon the judgment of others. They mistake solemnity for wisdom, and regard a grave countenance as the title page and Preface to a most learned volume. So they are easily imposed upon by forms, strange garments, and solemn ceremonies. And when the teaching of parents, the customs of neighbors, and the general tongue approve and justify a belief or creed, no matter how absurd, it is hard even for the strongest to hold the citadel of his soul. In each country, in defence of each religion, the same arguments would be urged.
more Robert G. Ingersoll quotes
They say the religion of your fathers is good enough. Why should a father object to your inventing a better plow than he had? They say to me, do you know more than all the theologians dead? Being a perfectly modest man I say I think I do. Now we have come to the conclusion that every man has a right to think. Would God give a bird wings and make it a crime to fly? Would he give me brains and make it a crime to think? Any God that would damn one of his children for the expression of his honest thought wouldn't make a decent thief. When I read a book and don't believe it, I ought to say so. I will do so and take the consequences like a man.
more Robert G. Ingersoll quotes
In matters of principle, stand like a rock; in matters of taste, swim with the current.
more Thomas Jefferson quotes
Each progressive spirit is opposed by a thousand mediocre minds appointed to guard the past.
more Maurice Maeterlinck quotes
It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation.
more Camille Paglia quotes
Kings … will … take possession of the children, who will be unaffected by the habits of their parents; these they will train in their own habits and laws.
more Plato quotes
While rationalism at the individual level is a plea for more personal autonomy from cultural norms, at the social level it is often a claim -- or arrogation -- of power to stifle the autonomy of others.
more Thomas Sowell quotes
Before the creation of the welfare state, immigrants who came to this country were for the most part attracted by America’s reputation as a land of freedom and opportunity. Laws and customs that then prevailed required immigrants to carve out their individual destinies by their own labor, perseverance, intelligence, and determination.
more James Thornton quotes
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