"[The task is to] covertly lower the standard of living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with all other nations."
Rowan Gaither
[Horace Rowan Gaither, Jr.] (1909-1961) Attorney, investment banker, President of the Ford Foundation (1953-1956)
stated to Congressional Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd
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Reader comments about this quote:
It's not by accident that the local, state, national, etc. governments have regulated, taxed, licensed, and otherwise burdened manufacturing and industry to the point of leaving the US. Billary would tax and regulate more and then punish those whose only options are to go out of business or do business out of the country. I for one can produce my products substantially cheaper outside the US and provide my employees higher wages with better benefits. The Rs & Ds are systematically killing the middle class and the economy as a whole.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    This is just too horrible a thought to spend much time thinking, let alone writing, about. Where do these Moron's come from? Who teaches them this lunatic drivel?
     -- Dougmcr8, Springfield, VA     
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    Is this an official testimony for the Commission, or just a comment to one of the investigators? Whether or not there is a conspiracy, governments grow like cancer, taxing the people more and more whether or not they provide better services. All governments, from the great Middle Eastern empires to the Chinese dynasties, have perished in a few hundred years due to top heaviness.
     -- Doug, Wethersfield, CT     
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    well said Springfield - words are wasted on this one
     -- RobertSRQ     
  • 1 3
    How can anyone who is capable of critical thinking and able to see through the BS propoganda of the MSM deny that this fits the pattern of all we see actually happening. But its not a very pleasant thought so its easier to deny the facts even as we watch it happen.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 5
    Mike, a quick question; how can the middle class exist if there are no middle class salaries?
     -- RobertSRQ     
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    These "morons" are the very bankers and influential men that control our economic conditions. Sure, the Fed can cut interest rates, but it was JPMorgan/Chase that bought out Bear Stearns for pennies of what it was worth even two weeks ago. Rockefeller is over Chase -- as well as the founder of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission. It was Rockefeller (David), who, in his own book "Memoirs," that stated, "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American Political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global, political, and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." Remember, it was David Rockefeller's grandfather (mother's father) who was the Senator that pushed the Fed into existence, and it was his family that had a majority influence in creating and purporting the Fed. Now that the Fed has a life of its own (if it actually DOES have a life of its own), the Fed now pressures companies like Bear Stearns to be bought out by the Rockefeller owned Chase and JPMorgan (another of the small handful of men that created the Fed)? These wealthy bankers only stand to gain through the economic degradation of America and the world! The known historical facts that support this are too numerous to name! This quote is absolutely true!
     -- Logan, Memphis, TN     
  • 2
    Robert, exactly. For one, inflationary funny money distorts perspective so it takes $3.00 + to buy the same gallon of gas it cost $.25, just 35 years ago. In the same time period, Milk now $4.00 then $.35 and an average home's cost was about $12,000 while inflation has escalated that even more than gas or milk (even after the mortgage crisis). Salaries do not reflect that increase. It now takes both the husband and wife working together to buy the same thing the single bread winner purchased before. For another, the US used to be a creditor state with a manufacturing base, providing a strong middle class. Those jobs are no longer there, not primarily because of lower wages as the government and media would have you believe but rather taxation, regulation, and otherwise abuse of business. As I said yesterday, I can produce my products at a lower cost outside the US while paying higher wages and better benefits than I am now. You were correct in an earlier posting, the US rewards the very rich and punishes everyone else. (taken literary license to paraphrase - please correct me if I'm wrong) The US is now a debtor nation with far less manufacturing to fall back on. The middle class is dwindleing. keeping with this quote, in such a scenario, it is much easier to merge with the nations north and south of us and bring in a new currency such as an Amro.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 3
    Indeed the standard of living in the US has dropped significantly in my lifetime. We have more gadgets and prettier stuff, but we are a nation of debtors. Instead of being the most productive and wealthiest nation in the world, we are the biggest debtor nation in the world (with communist nations holding our debt). But I will give you this -- our fiat currency is in fact backed by something... plutonium! "We deal in lead, mister." ;-) Not sure how to rate the quote -- it is in fact true, but it deserves thumbs down in my book.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 5
    Just observing our society and it's progress, that is consistent, with his statement should be enough to prove it (his statement )is valid! They, Rockefeller and his cohorts, control the media, the schools and the economy not only of this nation but many others. Who among us will really take the time to investigate the CFR and the Tri-Lateral Commission and reveal what they find? Wasn't it Congressman McDonald from California that was calling for an investigation of the CFR before the the plane he was on was shot down by Soviet Fighter aircraft? Wasn't it Korean Air Lines flight 007? Just a coincidence?
     -- Frank Barnett, Oklahoma City, USA     
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    I question the authenticity of this quote. A covert act requires the action of one or a conspiracy of a very few individuals. Who are these master minds who were covertly bringing this about? Any student of economics or capitalism knows that jobs move to the lowest cost labor market. We brought cheap labor to America, shipped jobs from New England to the South and then to Asia. There was nothing covert about this only good old fashioned economics and capitalist greed. I think what Rowan is calling a covert operation is simply Adam Smiths invisible hand. That the action of these industrialists, bankers, and capitalists, and governments tend to bring labor around the world into a more common standard of living I have no doubt. Some I am sure would prefer to continue a world of have's and have nots or to increase the disparity between rich and poor even in this our own country. Some (the paranoid) consider anything to be covert if it is something the whole world knows about but they don't due to their own personal like of education and awareness.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    Waffler, here is a link to a video interview with Norman Dodd in 1982 corroborating the quote above. The interview has been recorded in parts, so you will have to view each part in sequence -- here is a link to the transcript. Very 'illuminating.'
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
  • 3
    Thanks Editor. I saw some of Mr. Dodd's interview. I believe what he says is hearsay and opinion of an 82 year old man and is used by popagandists for their own covert purposes. You can get quotes from anyone and everyone. While they may generate discussion they may not have any real truth value in and of themselves. In my opinion a belief that we as a people, nation, or economy can be taken over by a covert operation is born of paranoia born of lack of education and experience. Not to say however that money and power and fraud does not have a large impact on things. Look at this Countrywide thing and Enron etcetera. We need to be ever vigilant so that we are never paranoid.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
  • 4
    Thank you, Editor. Waffler, your opinions are just that, opinions. They do not constitute a single fact. As part of my "vigilance" I will not simply throw away honest evidence because it inconveniences my world view. Thanks again, Mr. Schaub (Editor) for your own due diligence. This quote is merely one in thousands that point to the same concerted effort to subvert the US Constitution and reduce America to a socialist state subservient to the ruling class.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Waffler, this quote is not the ramblings of an "old" man but is perfectly consistant with the plan of the liberals in the Ford Foundation, a one world group if there ever was one. The Ford foundation supports ultra left wing groups all over the place, check it out.
     -- jim kilpatrick, austin, tx     
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    I don't necessarily disagree with you Jim but the view that it is covert is born of paranoia which is born of ignorance or lack of education. Just because I or you don't know something that is being planned anywhere in this country or world by a government or corporation does not mean that it is a covert operation. Thinking so signifies to me that such a person sees themselves as the center of the universe and anything that goes on that they don't know about is covert. The quote may be consistent with the liberals, which agenda you seem to know full well, Mr. Kilpatrick. Therefore you prove my point that it is not covert. The use of the word covert is just cannon fodder for the right wing paranoid radicals.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    The people behind the creation of the Fed held a "covert" meeting at Jekyll Island Georgia to form the basics of the plan. Read "The Creature From Jekyll Island" for the whole picture. Dam Straight it's covert.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 1
    People meet in small groups and make plans and agendas and then try to gain adherents to their plans and schemes whether it be corporate boards starting something and looking for new investors or politicians and "diplomats" who then look for broader support from legislators etcetera. Things are not covert just because you or I don't know about them. I suggest that the more things one sees as covert the less educated and ignorant of things one is. To a child or someone who does not read the news everything is covert or unknown to them.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
  • 2
    I think Waffler and his "ilk" had better open their eyes and take a good look around today to realize this world is in big doggie-do and it is not likely to get any better unless a miracle happens!! God Bless America and Canada.
     -- Dick w., alberta canada     
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    Just another communist. Good quote.
     -- warren, olathe     
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    Too bad he is dead. Could be an Obama running mate.
     -- warren, olathe     
    I think this is more proof of what was planned for us, that was covered up by the media. Everytime a quote like this comes out, the scum come along with their smear campaigns to discredit the truth. If it wasn't true, then we wouldn't be in the mess we are. Average people couldn't see it back in the day when it was said, unless they knew some important people who confided in them, or they just had the gift of seeing through the lies and knowing the truth. Not many have that sight any longer.
     -- Ken, Chicago     
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    Effectively, the pernicious ambitions of those power mongers whose hubris is boundless have been realized - our once noble, once glorious, Republic has been minimized morally, socioculturally, economically and militarily.
     -- Patrick Henry, Red Hill     
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    Went over like a ton of bricks with the Election of President Trump, and a Lot of Pissed Off Patriots ! It is time to put up, or shut up, Big changes are Coming ! Five stars to sit up and pay attention.
     -- Ronw13, Oregon     
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    With good intentions and positive attitude we all are destined to enjoy a much, much better standard of living. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create a better standard of living for all.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Sillik, a half right does not make a whole truth. Your two sentences (the first being true and the other a lie) are diametrically opposed.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    Mike Norwalk, realizing you are social being first and foremost. Recognizing you have social responsibilities and accessing your social abilities is the only path to the whole truth. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create the path to truth and reignition of it's Socialistic positive correlate.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
  • 1
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 1
    Yah, I am a little off on this one. Corrected effort: Mike, Norwalk, the truth begins with the recognition that you are first and foremost a social being. This leads to the realization that you have social responsibilities and accessing your social abilities to fulfill these responsibilities is the path to the whole truth that we are the evolutionary developmental imperative. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create the path to the truth and it's Socialistic positive correlate. Sorry Mr Archer and thanks, a little diverted at the time. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Sillik, ABSOLUTELY FALSE ! ! ! Your circular word salad has no remnants of truth — what so ever! ! !. First and foremost, I am an heir to the Eternal King. Temporally, as a genius homo sapiens / corporeal human, my first and foremost recognition is an individual sovereign (survival and authority over self) with inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law / justice. Secondarily, traits to the noble being man display venerable attributes such as religion, social interactions, and physical / mental / spiritual advancement, etc. Social responsibilities (sometimes called social contracts) are unlawful / unjust to the slaves that such is perpetrated on. The carnal gods that define such responsibilities are illicit malefactors lacking any semblance of truth, love, reality, inalienable rights, liberty, prosperity, the nobility of man, etc. Without a circular word salad, please define "evolutionary developmental imperative". Under what scientific principle does evolution develop a social imperative? (Sillik, you seem to have out done your nonsensical double speak here.).
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Evolutionary developmental imperative means we human beings are the most advanced level of the natural evolutionary design. We humans, not dismissing a possibility of a unknown more advanced alien, are the most advanced achievement of the natural state of the environment, if in final analysis, we make the correct choices. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create the right choices.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Sillik, I shake my lowered head in disbelief. You can't even come up with a coherent thought that addresses my question. Your rearranging of the same words in a nonsensical manner only goes to demonstrate a definition of circular word salad.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Quite coherent, Mr Mike, Norwalk.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     

    Mr Mike, Norwalk again: Evolutionary developmental imperative means in all of nature the human represents nature's most advanced achievement. 

     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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