"Government is saying to the average citizen every January 1: 'For the next five months you’ll be working for us, for goals we shall determine. Is that clear? After May 5 you may look after your own needs and ambitions, but report back to us next January. Now move along.' ... If nearly half of what you make is spent by someone else, that means that half your work time is spent working for someone else. Call me a radical, but I think that comes dangerously close to being a form of indentured servitude."
Richard Armey
(1940- ) U.S. Congressman (R-TX) (1985–2003), House Majority Leader (1995–2003).
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Reader comments about this quote:
And nothing is impossible with an endless supply of expendable labor. The land of the free is now officially a myth.
 -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    So out of touch with reality, he appears to think that folks pay taxes of 100% of their income for the first 5 months of the year... in reality the rate is level across the entire year... such blatant misrepresentations show him for what he is: deceitful!
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US     
    Reston, welcome back to the earth. I hope your stay on Mars was pleasant. Armey is exactly right and you have, as usual, misread the quote.
     -- jim k, Austin,Tx     
    Reston looks for a way to blind himself from seeing how that date keeps extending. It will be January till June soon.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    This man is talking about the government as if it were something else, an entity that must be dealt with, when the Constitution of this country makes it quite clear that "we the people" are the government. Taxes come from us because there are things that we all have and need in common that as individuals we could not provide for ourselves. How would we pay for things like infrastructure, fire, police and military, and all the other things we use our tax dollars to provide. Or maybe we should pay them with a credit card when we need help? The government ISN"T the problem because WE ARE the government. The problem is arrogant individuals who sometimes get elected to represent us and believe they should tell us rather than having us tell them what is good for US. Just like Mr. Armey who forgets that there would be no Army without taxes, but wait!The DOD already gets almost half of the national budget---why doesn't he talk about cutting that in half, then maybe we wouldn't be paying so much in taxes. Or maybe we should be requiring more of the top 10% of us who make 90% our combined incomes but pay less tax than any of us. Does he even know that the original intent of the "income" tax was not to tax wages (as it is now) but to tax the unearned income of the wealthy? How about we go back to that so we can keep the services they need as much as we do?
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
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    Joy misses the point too. There is so MUCH money collected that "income tax" is not necessary at all. Obviously we are wasting so MUCH of that money through Imperialism and Corporate welfare that we are being raped far beyond what is required to support infrastructure.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    On its face, I'll go along with that.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    It IS indentured servitude, and the income tax was designed for that purpose -- to protect the wealth of the bankers that run the world. The thing Joy and the most of the populace doesn't understand is that the way currency is issued today is by printing up checks and notes and 'borrowing' them at interest. All the currency in circulation are borrowed notes, promissory notes, for which someone somewhere is paying interest on them. When these borrowed notes are 'paid back' they are destroyed and taken out of circulation. In a backwards system as this, the more 'cash' you have, the more debt you are holding -- and as people and businesses default on their debts and when more 'money' is borrowed, the value of the notes you do have become worth less -- our 'money' is now worth 95% less than it was in 1975. Prices aren't going up, the value of money is going down. AND no matter how prosperous the nation gets, its entire money supply represents interest-bearing debt -- we are literally 'renting' our money. If all debts were paid back, it would take the entire money supply and we would still owe more!! If our currency were gold and silver as mandated by the US Constitution, every dollar in your pocket would be free and clear of liens and encumbrances -- that silver dollar can be used for millions of transactions without a penny needed to pay 'rent' on it. The more hard currency a nation accumulates, the wealthier the nation becomes -- the more debt-currency a nation accumulates the more in debt it becomes. It is a TRICK -- and what keeps it going is government borrowing and spending into circulation - on anything! Just spend, spend, spend -- that keeps the people misdirected and dependent upon government money. But the RIVERS of interest for the nation end up in the ruling class's coffers and the noose ever tightens. The IRS was formed simply to make sure that the Federal Reserve gets its interest payments -- afterall, we are using THEIR coupons for trading and there ARE strings attached. The US has been operating under rules of bankruptcy since 1934 and these 'notes' are just to tide us over until the government is completely dissolved. It is the SYSTEM that is corrupt, and unless it changes, no changing of leaders or representatives will change anything. We have to start trading in gold and silver ourselves and gradually convert these worthless pieces of paper into real tangible property. And when foreign governments get caught with our hot potato, you can bet war will follow. If at least you know what it is about, you can join the right side.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    "....a form of indentured servitude." More like a form of 'share-cropping.'
     -- Grigsby, Franklin     
    That, to me it is not indentured servitude. But rather, economic slavery. Servitude, certainly. I was an indentured apprentice for 5 yrs. until receiving my papers that released me from my servitude. When indentured, the "master" has certain obligations. As did I. Yet there was an eventual release. This taxation is dictated to us by a private bank, from which there is no relief but death. For me, this is slavery.
     -- Anonymous, Nelson B.C.     
    The man is an idiot. Just complains and makes no suggestions. I suggest that we cut expenses by cutting our European military in half. (My military friends say that the Germans would hate that because they thrive on our and our troops expenditures over there. Tut tut) Take some of the savings and the qualified military and beef up the IRS. More enforcement would close the 300 billion dollar tax gap, read about by googling "tax gap". Those are only two suggestions. Two more than Dick Armery or his conservative friends ever make. Republicans have no ideas and voted against Obama's Tax Commision now headed by the former Senator from Wyoming. And the guys who voted against the commission and still have no suggestions or leadership are saying "let's wait and see what Obama's commission has to say". There ought to be a law and a jail term for these jerks of politicians we have.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Waffler, you said "" There ought to be a law and a jail term for these jerks of politicians we have. "Right off the top of my head how about their oath (the law)and the fact they are not obeying it. Just a thought of course but boy what a push like that. Audits for the Federal Reserve and and the IRS.
     -- Anon     
    Joy, you must be real new to this blog. What does the Constitution have to do with the current statist theocracy infesting this land? The answer: nothing. According to the Warren Court which broadly, often, and openly expressed an unwillingness to allow unalienable rights, expressed constitutionally or otherwise, legislated what the court themselves felt to be equitable and fair (socially, legally, economically, religiously, etc.). Said court based its logic and authority to legislate such unconstitutional acts not on the Constitution, Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, history or even stare decisis but rather, on its (the government's) inherent right. In the Republic where the individual sovereigns of We The People are the only entities capable of inherent right, the government having duties only, the Constitution limited the duties of We The People's representatives. Now that the government claims inherent right, it can NOT, by definition be the representative of We The People. By way of example: look how Mr. Obamunist Goodwrench, the assassin nationalized so much of the auto industry, violating hundreds of years of bond law and the Constitution. The statist theocracy (government) by definition, legal and otherwise, is a stand alone seperate organic hegemony. Voting for officials in public capacities was never interrupted, exposing what the new foreign dictators of the statist theology had done. Legally, no matter what fluffy sound bites you may here (from the left or the right), only patrons of the statist theocracy may vote for the alien dictator of their choice. People only vote for others that will represent the statist theocracy (it having inherent right) not We The People. If you want further evidence, I can go into licensing, victimless crimes, larceny with impunity, etc. We The People, the noble sovereign individuals, have no representation in any government on earth; We The People have no government. How we would pay for things like infrastructure, fire, police and military, and all the other things is how they did it pre-1913 / post 1787 when and where We The People had a government.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Mike, we don't have a Democracy. I'm not sure we ever did have one. What we have and have had since the British took over our banking system after the war of 1812, is a Corporatocracy. We don't work for this mythical government of which Mr. Armey speaks but we work for our Corporate Masters who speak through the Congress they allow us to believe we elect,. The status quo is not how much debt we have or even owe, it's to whom it is owed. The last 12 years made readily apparent how much our rights matter to them. But the steps were taken with careful deliberateness. First Corporations were declared to be "individuals" with all the the rights of individuals under the Constitution. Lobbying was made legal so they could peddle their influence with impunity and now the Supreme Court openly guaranteed Coporations the right to support any candidate for any government office with the full weight of their financial ability. So I guess we see things in a similar way even thought your description is slightly different than mine. This country does not belong to the people, and I'm no longer sure that it was ever intended to belong to the people---except the select few who give the rest of us our marching orders. (no pun intended since the Military Industrial Complex is eating up everthing we can shovel into it's pie hole). What do we do now when they are so adept at lying that most people don't even ask questions. I'm with George Carlin who famously said, "That's why they call it the American dream. You have to be asleep to believe it!"
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    O Mike, by the way. It's Mr. Bush and 12 years of a Republican Congress's mess that Mr. Obama must clean up---trillions in debt run up because of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and two totally unnecessary wars--prosecuted but not funded. Mr. Bush bailed out the criminals he enabled to take this country down economically. Other presidents have bailed out corporations too. Corporations "too big to fail", or how about "If it's good for GM it's good for the country". The propaganda of the right is that Capitalism is the salvation of this country--and if they need our tax dollars to survive, is that really capitalism or something else?. So you support Mr. Bush's bailouts of big business but not Mr. Obama's bailouts for the rest of us? Who is not looking at who his Masters are and how they have turned everything upsidedown in THEIR favor!
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
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    Joy, Bush didn't have 12 years of a Republican Congress and there isn't much difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. And, as they say, it takes a Republican to implement a failed Democrat's policy. Corporatism (a fascist form of socialism normally a Republican tag) and Progressivism (a communistic form of socialism, normally a democratic tag) are 2 ends of the same stick that is destroying this country. Mr. Obamunist Goodwrench, the assassin isn't trying to clean up anything. His Keynesian economics, nationalizations, trampling anything left that may have resembled a Constitution, anti industry mandates (against the middle and lower classes - not his rich buddies) as well stopping the Gulf Oil disaster to be cleaned up and stopped all show the criminal that he is. (-; you did make me smile :-) Why would I support king George's bailouts any more than the assassin's. Both unlawful, unconstitutional, and simply wrong. How did the Obamunist's bailout help anybody but his rich buddies? How were you personally bailed out? Just because other presidents committed criminal acts in looting the people to bail out corporations, how does that give the right to future presidents to commit illegal acts?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    The former Senator is right on! Too many Americans have no idea what is going on financially. Even more so during the current 'recession.' The inflation I have witnessed in my lifetime is incredible. Housing is only one example. After WWII, returning GI's were starting families and needed housing. A decent two bedroom house was around $12,000.00 here in CT. Not Fairfield county to be sure. That same house is now selling for $175,000. Inflation is the sneaky method the government uses to pay off its debt. The current problem is the unfunded liabilities like Social Security, Medicare, etc. Our own situation as a country is very close to what is causing the financial problems in Europe, and Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain. (PIGS) Wake up or drink the Kool-aid.
     -- J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT     
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    Mike, oh, I finally see....you hate the whole mess as much as I do. Didn't mean to accuse you of anything but I only heard you attacking one side of the equation. Since it's clear that you understand that neither party has our best interest at heart, that both do what is expedient for our Corporate Masters while using phrases that they think will placate us, then we really are on the same page. By the way, the Congress was Republican from 1994 to 2006---that is 12 years and while they had a Republican president (unless you count the other guy) for only 6 of those years, it's clear that they brought us with his help to the brink of economic destruction. Why? Because they don't work for us, obviously! But ignoring what was done during those years does make it possible to ignore any good being done by the current Congress and president. Are they really doing good? Perhaps. But looking at it honestly, they have cobbled things together again and the Recovery Act is working (maybe you haven't seen it but I have on our short summer travels). I don't trust any politicians but what I have seen in my lifetime makes me inclined to trust Dems over Repugs---that is until now. Now, like all the other myths that I have had to give up over the course of my life---I must give up the Myth of America. I have always believed that the system works if we get the right people to represent us---not true, actually none of it is true. The financial illegal acts done in every generation are just the tip of the iceberg---what we don't see, what they don't want us to see is just under the surface and I've been forced to put my head under the oil slick to face the truth. Illegal acts are the hallmark of the American way---it's how we get things done and it's not going to stop any time soon...the whole Bush administration should be prosecuted for war crimes but they won't because Congress was in collusion with them. Ford pardoned Nixon for obvious crimes and then Bush daddy pardoned himself and the whole Iran-Contra crowd. On and on all spurred on by the need for power and incessant greed. Anyway, it's been interesting talking with you....two side of the same coin I guess. I've always voted since I could vote but I'm no longer interesting in playing THEIR game. It's not my country, it's not our country--so why pretend that it works. Fascism or Communism or Corporatism--call it anything you like but it's all uniquely part of of the undercurrent called the American dream---and "you have to be asleep to believe it!" Thanks for the discussion.
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    One last comment about slavery or servitude---there's an old song about miners who live and work at the mine. They get paid by the mining company and then pay it all back to them in the company store--which is the only thing they can do.. That's us, as Gerry Spence would say we are slaves in a guilded cage but that doesn't make us any less their slaves--so we dream on.
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    Good Joy...
     -- RBESRQ     
    Joy, stay tuned, you should keep commenting here. RBESRQ (-: screems at me ;-) for continually referencing compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, and larceny with impunity as evidence that We The People do not have a representative republic but, eventually everybody's core thoughts pop out. There are some really sharp comments here and the editor does a great job.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Mike, I'll be around. I mean where can I go--I'm chained to my desk!
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    this is yet another ridiculous quote that fails completely on two grounds: first, if you vote, the government IS you; and, second, the money you send this government is being spent BY you and, more importantly, FOR you (unless you think, for example, that national defense is for the benefit of some other country, or the FAA regulates someone else's airspace, or the FDA protects someone else's food supply, or the EPA works to keep someone else's air and water safe, and on and on). maybe armey knows of some way to get all that wonderful stuff for free . . . give me a break.
     -- wily, syracuse     
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    wily, how absurd and absolutely naive of you ;-) If a prisoner gets to choose which guard is over his cell block, does that make him free, liberated and a trustee of the prison? (then all the prisoners in unison raised their arms, swaying back and forth, broke out in simultaneous song, singing a verse of 'we are the prison'. Of course not. "Man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years." (Lysander Spoonner) Your statement just goes to show how successful the statist theocray has dummied down its ignorant patrons. Your question is how would the sovereign's representatives pay for operations if there wasn't a slave master that owned all the people and their labors. The answer is the same way it did pre-1913. Your entire comment is ignorant of The Warren Court's creation of a new government with inherent right, and what compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes and larceny with impunity ultimately means at law.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Joy, (-: are you bragging or complaining ? ;-)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Why are we even having this discussion based on a quote by a man who was as much a part of the problem as any one else...maybe more so considering his connections and the fact that he was in Congress for 18 years and 8 of those years were part of the 12 that Republicans dominated. AND he was the House Majority Leader for those 8 years. We can't trust anyone who is elected to office because they are openly controlled by the Corporatocracy and refuse to recognize any of the crimes they have all committed against the Constitution which they swore to protect and defend. It's appalling how we take sides against each other when the real problems lie in how to change the system which is no longer what most people think it was or is. They meet secretly with their real bosses and decide how to best keep us at each others throats so we won't come after theirs. They have attempted to assassinate one president (and failed) while the success of the other took all eyes off of them and put them squarely on some Russian or Cuban conspiracy which everyone accepts while laughing at the idea that the real conspiracy was what our government did. How many even know about the attempt on FDR? How many even know Kennedy was trying to eliminate the FED and our involvement in Vietnam? Two HUGE reasons for the wealthy to eliminate him from the equation that allows them to control all of this country with or without our knowledge! Armey is using double speak, as they all do to make us think he's really on our side...the other side is laughing their heads off because they know most will fall for his bunk--- hook, line and sinker! And what are we doing? Talking about whether he's right or not. We all know he's not so lets stop discussing the value of this quote which remains as destructive now as it did when he was openly a part of the conspiracy to destroy any chance any of us had to seek and find employment and not end up on some dole because the "big boys" were taking all their jobs and going somewhere they could get real slave labor while they wait for us to accept our fate!
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    Mike, Neither, just stating the facts of life!:^)
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    Joy, you are absolutely right about Armey, FDR and Kennedy. FDR though, does have to rate right up there with the most destructive to freedom and liberty of all Presidents since we started. There are many on this blog that are aware of all you've said. I think the comments have not been so much about the messenger but rather about the message. You missed Reagan my hero ;-). He had a lot of great sound bites while the debt, military complex and socialism exploded under his watch. I have been in the courts over the last few decades trying to force a semblance of freedom and Constitutionality (at least in my small part of the world). I hope I'm a little wiser for my efforts but, I have found that the courts are now so completely and utterly corrupt that I have turned my efforts to a grass roots information revealing.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    FDR fought the corporate fascists of his day---including Jr's grandpa. He was called a traitor to his class because he tried to give the rest back, a small portion of what had been stolen from them and nearly paid with his life. No one knows the greatest American hero because he failed to do what the Corporatists hoped which was to remove FDR and put a military junta in his place. Smedly Butler was a decorated hero of the WWI, but what gave the Corporatists the idea that he would do what they wanted, I will never understand. He played along with them until he had what he thought would be enough evidence to convince Congress but Congress was reluctant to go after the Captains of Industry even then so it became just another one of those "silly" conspiracy theories. Courts can be bought and paid for too. Like that idiot in Louisiana who refuses to recuse himself even though it is now common knowledge that he owns stock in BP and other oil Titans. The price is high...pay it (or pay with your life--it would seem) so they get paid and end up paying what ever the Corporations demand of them in return. We used to live in CT and I still held out hope then that there was something to salvage. Something that could be salvaged but needless to say, over the years, I have learned how deeply damaged our "glorious" system really has become and I see nothing to hope for---now or in the future. So many seem so worried about the economic future of their children and grandchildren---but none seem to understand that the people who claim they have the answers are really the ones who caused the problem in the first place and they did it ON PURPOSE! I heard this a few years ago and it seems to make more sense than anything to me now: "Death smiles at us all and what can we do but smile back?"
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    hey mike, what if I voted for, and got, guards who agreed to house me in a palace; who let me come and go as I please; who fed me gourmet food when and where I wanted it; and who agreed to do my laundry for me? sounds positively awful. yeah, well the jailers I happened to vote for are doing their level best to keep my air and water clean, my food safe, my shorelines free from invasion, my skies fly-able, my streets safe to walk, my cars safe to drive, my workplace safe to work in, and on and on and on. it's such an awful prison, in fact, that I'm honesly surprised, with the freedom you have to leave, that you actually still live here. as for me, I'm just about deleriously happy to have these guys as jailers . . . but then again, I'm probably just bliss in all my ignorance. :)
     -- wily, syracuse     
    your comment, mike, in case it wasn't obvious from MY last comment, makes the unstated PRESUMPTION that all jailers are created equal. what if they weren't?
     -- wily, syracuse     
    wily, since you live in a Marxist dream world, while its your fantasy, you can vote for anybody that will fill all your carnal desires. I'm glad your blind in one eye and can't see out of the other and have such a vivid imagination; I do acknowledge that there are individuals (it appears that you are one of those) that are happy being helpless and ignorant slaves (rejecting personal responsibility, individual sovereignty, law, justice, and unalienable rights). By the way, besides all of your examples being laughable lies (or just hopefully ignorant misconceptions) I am not free to leave, your jailers have blocked all legitimate exits of all Constitutional Freemen but, I'm here for the duration to try and return this land to a representative republic at law. As to safe food, think Monsanto - hmmm (you're probably ignorant of that also). Another example of the lies you just printed is protecting the boarders from invaders - your prison guards have even posted signs for Americans to beware because the invaders have control of American soil. hey wily, your head jailer is even suing a minor jailer over trying to stop the invasion. You address illusions of materialisms while I'm addressing law, rights, freedom, and liberty. By confusing a certain materialism for the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God with a resulting freedom and liberty, your off topic delusions and temporary bliss are harmonious with ignorance (so you were right there). "If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." (Samuel Adams) wily, if your examples are an inkling of all you need, you can go to most anywhere in the world and find that. The States united was to be a safe haven for freedom and liberty at law; that doesn't exist any more any where and, the heirs to the King of the Universe - the supreme authority of individual sovereigns that constituted We The People no longer have a representative republic. Your example shows that you still have jailers, no matter how benevolent, I prefer no jailers. I prefer to make my own way; succeed or fail, my own way.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    wily, let's suppose I am free to leave (I'm not), where would I go? Pretty please tell me a country on earth that guarantee's a republican form of government that is not a democracy, socialistic (communist, progressive, fascist, neocon, etc.), a monarchy, or a theocracy and has no compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, or larceny with impunity. What country holds absolute the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God (18 Century specific with U.S. founder's meaning), the individual as sovereign, individual rights as unalienable and where NO liberty is given up to obtain a little temporary safety. Leaning on Jefferson, tell me where this government is: "Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our` servant, not our master!" (Thomas Jefferson)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Mike, what makes you think we can do anything short of insurrection to turn our country around now. Every law and executive order Bush signed made it clear that his statement about the Constitution was more than just words. It IS just a piece of paper to him and to thousands of others but now, with the nails half way into the coffin with the USA Patriot Act (Bushit!--(no patriots involved)--no one ever questions how they came up with so many pages of BS so quickly after 9/11? And how about the proposal submitted by the Pentagon for deploying troops on our streets? (Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 specifically outlaws the military acting like cops on our on soil!) An executive order put through by Bush changed the 1807 Insurrection Act, giving himself (or any president I guess) greater powers in the event of something he or another would label as "insurrection" (the Constitution allows habeas corpus to be suspended during such an occurrence). Early in 2006 Homeland Security awarded 385 million to KBR (subsidiary of Cheney's old company, Halliburton) to get going on "temporary detention and processing facilities" in care there was "an emergency influx of immigrants (what?) or to support the rapid development of new programs" with a natural disaster--think Katrina. Also in 2006 the Military Commissions Act passed through Congress just before the midterm elections. It went so far as to permit the INDEFINITE imprisonment of anybody who happened to give money to a charity on the Terror Watch List, or EVEN someone who spoke out against these kinds of policies. Did you know that more than 775,000 "terror suspects are already on the National counter terrorism Center's list? And that Corporations have further been granted protection from animal rights activists because those who engage in sit-ins, civil disobedience, trespass or any other crime in the name of animal rights will be included on "terrorists" list. I know people on the "list" and they are hassled every time they fly even though they have done nothing more than fly out of the country on numerous occasions to visit relatives. These so-called laws designed to protect us sound more like they will be used to imprison any and all who make the mistake of questioning their Constitutionality! And why are you worried about "illegal immigrants" in a country made up of illegal immigrants who stole this county away from the native peoples? All of a sudden we're worried about people coming across our southern border? What about our northern border? Once again this is all about our Corporate Masters---the truth is that our government has been involved with the illegal drug business for a very long time. The sudden interest in illegals takes our eyes off the activities they don't want us to know about---using drug money to fund secret projects. Sounds like a conspiracy theory, doesn't it? Take the word "theory" away and you will have the truth about the so call "illegal drug" trade. When the government calls something a Conspiracy Theory--the whole purpose is to keep us from knowing that the conspiracy lies with their actions and not ours! "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppression, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate systematic plan of reducing a people to slavery." Thomas Jefferson (1774)
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    Joy, thank you for your last post. I don't know of anything that can be done short of insurrection to turn our country around. It is only my most deep seeded hope that if enough people wake up, soon enough, it can be done peacefully. I also know people on the list. My son and an attorney friend have both been held under the Patriot Act and had vehicles confiscated with no reason ever having been offered why (written, verbal, or otherwise) Once released, a record of the incident and the property could not be had, or found and, no file for stolen property would be taken. I can add to your list but, you drove the point home very well. (-; oh, and thanks for not repeating Bush's expletive when reducing the Constitution to a piece of paper. ;-) Its clear Obamunist is marching to the same handlers drum as did King Bush(s). What to do? A redress of grievances and legal actions directed to / at the executive, legislative, and judicial have all been rejected. What do we do next? I don't know. I'm going to just keep trying until something pops up.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Mike, my only hope is that I can wake up a few people before I die. Sounds like I expect to soon but I'm not getting any younger and the young people are so disconnected from this whole thing.....although my sons seem to have come to a clear understanding of what is happening in and to the country. I guess they are my last hope, that and that they are not alone. But then the patriots who formed this country were not that young and they would have been hanged as traitors if it had all gone another way. I am not afraid, just not sure how much good one old woman in Nebraska can do. I'm enjoying the discussion...maybe that is what it will take. Discussing the facts and choosing civil disobedience over expediency and comfort.
     -- Joy, Papillion, NE     
    mike, mike, mike . . . why resort to baseless (you've never met me) and meaningless insults? hurts your case more than it helps it, don't you think? anyway, lemme see if I've got this right . . . I can come and go as I please; live where I want to live; eat as much reasonably safe food as I want; whenever I want; work at whatever I want to work at; go to whatever school I want to go to; learn whatever I want to; worship or not, as I choose; speak my mind how and when I choose to (like here); drive reasonably safe cars; on reasonably safe roads; even retire to foreign countries (like costar rica) after earning a good living here . . . yet you tell me the people running this place are my "jailers". what am I missing here? would love to know why you aren't "free to leave" by the way. but the irony that you nevertheless find this country to be the best option didn't escape my bline eye, or my feeble mind.
     -- wily, syracuse     
    wily, to start with, you're not free to come and go as you please. A license is: "A right given by some competent authority to do an act, which without such authority would be illegal" (Bouvier's Law Dictionary) In the de jure States united the people were sovereigns, the supreme and only source of authority, power and unalienable rights. If one individual didn't have the authority or right to do a thing, his representative(s) couldn't do that same thing. I don't know you and, I don't have the right to give you the privilege (license) (individually or with a majority of your common law venue) to marry whom ever you desire, negotiate your private property on public thoroughfares, contract with other sovereigns, etc. or otherwise. This small list of privileges (licenses - illegal acts for the individual) are in the de jure States united unalienable rights and, are to be exercised by the individual's will without jailer's purchased privilege. Besides Article IV Section 4's guaranteed form of government which by definition exists contrary to titles of privilege, there is also, Article' I Section IX clause VIII (national prohibition), and Article: I Section X clause I ; 'No State shall . . . grant any Title of Nobility'; What is a 'Title of Nobility' as Constitutionally understood? As adjudicated and stated by a Supreme judiciary the constitutional meaning of a 'Title of Nobility' was / is: "To confer a title of nobility, is to nominate to an order of persons to whom privileges are granted . . . It is not necessarily hereditary, and the objection to it arises more from the privileges supposed to be attached, than to the otherwise empty title or order." (Horst vs. Moses 48 Ala. 129, 142 (1872); Corpus Juris, 46, 598. When you add all this to the Warren court's legislated new government with inherent right (said government then becomes that competent authority, that has no controlling association from We The People that means legally, you and I have no unalienable rights - just because all your privileges haven't been taken away totally yet, doesn't mean they won't). To further describe the foreign competent authority's claimed aloofness and superiority to We The People, they claim to own We The People, all property, and all labor, to be taken and done with what ever, when ever. I could explain all of your illusions and license with for more legal depth but, this blog is not the format for such lengthy educational process. Are you saying that Costa Rica has no compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes. or larceny with impunity? Needless to say, it is the ignorant bliss that you display that the jailers count on. I choose to be free without jailers, benevolent or otherwise.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    you didn't come right out and say so, but I'm going to presume that you're talking about a driver's license, mike. so, let me ask you this . . . how do we keep idiots, and those who might endanger us on the roads, if not through a licensing regime? admittedly not a perfect system, but my guess is that it works to the satisfaction of maybe 99% of us . . . regardless, I don't need a license to take a bus to wherever I want to go. :)
     -- wily, syracuse     
    wily, so admittedly, you're not free to travel without permission from your jailers AND, the issue is not if tyranny by ignorance is satisfactory to maybe 99% of you, Constitutionally this is to be a government of law where each and every, any and all are to be sovereign and free to travel when, where, and by what ever means is at the sovereign's disposal. You must have a great bus service, there is no bus service from my home to the local mall or my work. That's not the issue either, by your bus example, I'm not free to travel (safely if you will) as I, the sovereign choose. I have to ask you a question before I go on; is it easier for a Judge to say "you infringed the right of another, broke the law and, as a penalty you can't drive for a month" or; is it easier for the judge to say "you infringed the right of another, broke the law and, as a penalty I'm going to revoke your license for a month?" The first is justice, the second, the execution of tyranny. There is no law against being an idiot or might endanger. In the representative republic where each individual is sovereign the old adage of my rights end at your nose (and visa versa) fits well here. It is up to man to discover the law. In this case, what would be the safe mean as a standard (traffic rules). Judging fact and law would determine how such mean would come into play and then justice could be met out as to fit the specific crime (rights violation). Idiots and others would be kept in check with a greater regularity than with the tyranny of licensing.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    wily, I have 11 separate Constitutional issues, all argued individually and successfully against licensing. The last ticket I argued against licensing I used all 11 in separate motions. The judge dismissed all motions because he said it would be too expensive to litigate. When have the unalienable rights of man, law, justice, guaranteed due process,and the Constitution been too expensive to litigate? The answer, when the judge wasn't collecting enough revenue for his new priestly robes or his upcoming golf tournament and vacation.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    wily, it is illegal to drive without the jailers title of nobility. Inanimate property (a motorized vehicle by way of example) is illegal without the jailers title of nobility. It is illegal to marry (common law, religious, and otherwise marriages are not recognized by the foreign despot that infests this nation) without the jailers title of nobility. There are many privilege associated with the jailers title of nobility - that is but one reason why gay marriage has become such an issue. It is illegal to conduct business without the jailers title of nobility. I am a noble sovereign and choose to be free without jailers, benevolent or otherwise.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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