Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (1772-1834) English poet, critic, philosopher, and a leader of the British Romantic movement Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page Samuel Taylor Coleridge Quote “Every reform, however necessary, will by weak minds be carried to an excess, that itself will need reforming.”Samuel Taylor Coleridge ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) English poet, critic, philosopher, and a leader of the British Romantic movement Corruption , Dissent , Experimentation , History , Justice , Law , Learning , Politics , Power , Redress , Skepticism , Usurpation Ratings and Comments 2 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 7/6/05 "All things in moderation... including moderation itself." 3 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 7/7/05 Everything the government does is excessive. Anything they do can be done better by a private company. 1 Reply Contemporary American Patriot, USA 7/8/05 Here is the key everybody. According to this quote, it is the weak minded or I say, 2 faced deceivers that are the drafters of 21st century American Domestic Policy that are in need of reform or replacement. This quote is so contemporary. 3 Reply Mike, Norwalk 5/7/12 wow, accurate enough - examples and definitions would fill encyclopedic volumes. A prime example that quickly comes to mind is Mr. Obamunist Goodwrench the assassin's propagandized health care. 2 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 5/7/12 Beware when politicians talk up tax reform. Tax reform is code for tax increase. 3 Reply E Archer, NYC 5/7/12 Indeed. The best solution for reform is to get rid of the offending regulation, not replace it with a different offensive regulation. Government take-over of economy, industry, and security all end up being worse than before. Fascism is a poor replacement for communism and an awful solution to security. 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 5/7/12 Why is it that the very politicians who gave us this system are now saying they must reform (change) it to something better... Might as well give a pedophile a job coaching little league... 1 Reply Patrick Henry, Red Hill 10/19/17 What is the actual character of reform?In the sight of those lightless ideologues from whom humility has comprehensively absented itself, ruination constitutes reformation.As in the earnestly reform minded B. Hussein Obama's depthlessly hopeless "Hope and Change." 2 Reply Robert, Somewhere in the USA 10/19/17 Projectionism... I agree with Archer - just get rid of it! Though I'm not sure what the solution is as Democracies doesn't work either - Socrates was right on the button as far as that is concerned and he got killed for it! Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 12/3/22 Reforms are difficult in a situation where the most despicable get the elected positions and the agents of change have to face tremendous oppression. The system tries continuously to discredit those with the greatest of positive intent to improve the situation. Unable to load editor. See browser console for details. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This Samuel Taylor Coleridge quote is found in these categories: Corruption quotes Dissent quotes Experimentation quotes History quotes Justice quotes Law quotes Learning quotes Politics quotes Power quotes Redress quotes Skepticism quotes Usurpation quotes About Samuel Taylor Coleridge Bio of Samuel Taylor Coleridge Quotations by Samuel Taylor Coleridge Books by/about Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge videos Samuel Taylor Coleridge on Wikipedia Astrological chart for Samuel Taylor Coleridge