Peter AbelardPeter Abelard, (1099-1142) medieval French scholastic philosopher, leading logician, theologian, teacher, musician, composer, poet

Peter Abelard Quote

“The key to wisdom is this -- constant and frequent questioning ... for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth.”

Peter AbelardPeter Abelard
~ Peter Abelard

Sic et non, c. 1120

Ratings and Comments

Susi, Jeffersonville

So true. Blind faith can not real faith. Perserverence is required for finding your own truth.

Logan, Memphis, TN

Sounds a lot like Descartes.

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

Truely, to question is the answer...

J Carlton, Calgary

I know that I have a LOT of questions. And I've arrived at some truths. "Of the people, By the people" ass!


Yes, sadly, this only solves half the problem - the other half is the cause of wars

Ken, Allyn, WA

A good synopsis of the scientific method. You can always identify a religion when the "prophet" tells you the debate is over and engages in ad hominem attacks. Eventually, he'll call your denial criminal and try to have you silenced. In fact, it reminds me of the global warming debate. But I forgot: the debate is over.


Sadly yes the debate is over. The Reverend Al is off to Norway to get his new Nobel paperweight.

E Archer, NYC

The search for truth begins with telling it.

warren, olathe

Nobel would have decided against setting up his peace prize if he knew that it was just going to become a leftist circle jerk. I can remember when it was a prestigious award. Now it seems you can’t get it unless you are a terrorist or an idiot.

me, south jordan

not every one who has won has been a terrorist or an idiot..... i do agree though

SGW, utah

that makes no sense you agree and dis-agree at the same time

JoW, Utah
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JoW, Utah    4/16/08

How do you gain truth except by questioning it? By truth I mean something you know is true it has been proven so many times in so many differant ways that you would die rather then recant it. You can be instructed and educated but the only way to get truth is to question your knowledge.

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Anonymous    10/1/08

I agree to some point. Even after questioning who says the source of answers is the truth???

sol, california

questions answer the real answer

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Anonymous    3/11/09

So true. I agree with Susi from Jeffersonville.

Amy, Warsaw

Great Quote

vedapushpa, Bangalore -India

Truth is is the 'most fundamental fact' or the 'First Cause' of any issue under scrutiny which is necessarily required to decide one way or other upon the logical and moral veracity of the claims of the issue.


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