"Republicanism is not the phantom of a deluded imagination. On the contrary, laws, under no form of government, are better supported, liberty and property better secured, or happiness more effectually dispensed to mankind."
George Washington
(1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country'
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ahh yes, natural law recognized and effectually dispensed to mankind.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    We could sure use someone like Washington now instead of that bunch of socialist hacks that infest our nation today. I refer to the U.S. congress, both houses, the man in the Oval Office , the scum in his cabinet and that band of thugs known as his czars.
     -- jim k, Austin     
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    The more I study and read Washington, the more I am amazed and deeply thankful that such a man ever existed. He was the real deal.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    A bad quote, I wonder if it is accurate. I love Washington of course but he was not the best formally educated of the founders. This quote is troubling or confusing. "Law, under no form of government" what the heck does that mean. Even natual law is under the government of God, Mother Nature or the Universe whomever you choose to place over it and when you violate it there are consequences. Republicanism is certainly a form of government so what did he mean by that remark. Mans law without mans enforcement is worthless. The folk in the wild wild west new that and gloried in the day that the sheriff came to town and the Federal Marshalls. Marshalls and Sheriffs are after all just government. I think what George really meant to say is "laws, under no form of government, are better dispensed to mankind THAN UNDER A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMEMNT. If that is what he meant then I change my mind and give it a five. A government of, by, and for the people is the answer aka Democracy.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Thank heaven for Clarence Thomas and others like him. They state their belief in natural law. Damn our late senator Lloyd Benson for voting against Thomas.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    I don't think GW would say this today as it is not true. Clarence Thomas is and his four friends have just turned the clock back a hundred years - what fools they are. There should be term limits for the Supreme Court, and there decision should be ratified by the senate (like they are in the UK) not the other way round.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Waffler, really funny (not haha). A government of, by, and for people is at its core diametrically opposed to a democracy. In the Republic, Washington was referring to, each and every, any and all people, were / are inclusive in the body politic sovereign individuals. The law of Nature and of Nature's God exists with or without man's administrations. It is up to man to discover those natural laws and adhere his codes, ordinances, regulations, rules, statutes, etc. thereto, as closely as possible (differentiating non-phantom Republicanism from democracy and all other forms of government). That will be true liberty when and where the unalienable rights of man are held sacrosanct. Democracies vain claim the ability to make law at a 'We The People's' peril (separating We The People into groups, neither considering the Representative Republic's sovereigns individually or as a whole). Robert, George Washington would absolutely say that today, as it is absolutely true - then as now..
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Republic means "return to the people" power to the people etcetra ipso facto DEMOCRACY!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Waffler, you've rewritten that same definition of republic multiple times and been proved wrong each time. Republic is derived from the Latin Res Publicas (Res, being an issue or matter of property; and, Publicas being a distinction of individual sovereigns) A democracy does not address people as sovereigns or their representative but rather, a democracy acts as an independent third party sovereign, it addresses factions, segments of bodies, and pits one group against another as might makes right. A democracy is not of, by or for people, it is an unequal implementation of power, implemented by an inorganic / abstract ethos (the faceless mob) Because your republic definition is wrong, your ipso facto is also wrong. Because power to the people has nothing to do with democracy, your whole illustration is incorrect. There is no part of your comment that is accurate. It is a good example of statist theocracy cannon justification and, liberal reasoning though.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    For the Wafflers that refuse to comprehend or accept the difference between ownership (allodium) and title, titled possession, or entitlement, Res Publicas literally means the sovereign's property or, in the plural, the sovereigns' property (allodium). The de jure property manager(s) of the U.S. Republic represent each and every, any and all sovereigns. Such Republic's representatives can not, by definition, act in any fashion against any one sovereign or, do anything beyond any one sovereign's authority, power, or right to do for himself. Compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, or selective larceny / slavery with impunity is beyond the States (individually or united) to legislate, adjudicate, or enforce.. A democracy stands as an independent third party, recognizing no sovereignty but its own, with supposed authority and right to inflict any one person or thing it deems less or outside itself.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Thank you Archer. The real deal is hard to find. The God of nature assures us this calling of persons continues today. It is a challenge today to be free in a nation of slaves. People are made slaves to ignorance by ignorance. The poor seem to think democracy is the only way to get what they want. Food clothing and shelter. And for most that is what rules their lives. But if they be not ignorant they are corrupt plundering their neighbor knowingly. Thieves and liars !
     -- watchman 13, USA     
    Waffler you sound like a catholic wanting to return to the old world. Knowingly corrupt in what you say. What's in it for you ?
     -- watchman 13, USA     
    Waffler, which natural law do you refer to — that natural law that is an extension of "the laws of nature and of nature's God" (Declaration of Independence) OR, the Greek / academia / philosophy which is touted by the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land? Under the States united's de jure jurisprudence, corporeal man can NOT create law (physics / science, gravity, math, inalienable rights, liberty, etc.), only use tools such as codes, ordinances, regulations, rules, statutes, etc. to establish rules of "ORDER". UNDER carnal man's tyranny, man is god with government his priesthood, having ability to create "law". ← { Washington's reference} Washington's reference decries tyranny under your well stated "Mans law without mans enforcement is worthless." Sheriffs are "UNDER" the individual sovereign (alone / solely and in concert) at nature's law ("a republican form of government (Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution)). Linguistically, what word in English or any language on earth describes a lawful scenario UNDER nature's law — a body politic, including sheriffs, that represent each sovereign's inalienable right and liberty (not man/god's ability to govern over chattel slaves by democracy or otherwise)? NO word exists to describe such legal reality so, those founders linguistically used a term "government", as it was familiar in the dominant language. Under nature's law, law is NOT dispensed by man but rather, inalienable rights and liberty are ordered through here above described tools with justice being called upon for those that have breached the law natural to man. Your delusion of "democracy" does not even approach Washington's here referenced "Republicanism" but rather, "Democracy" — as is attributed to Benjamin Franklin: "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for supper. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. The de jure jurisprudence within the body politick (local to federal) is "Republicanism" NOT Democracy.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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