"When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then indeed their continuing in office becomes dangerous to the State, and calls for an exercise of the power of dissolution."
Thomas Jefferson
(1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President
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Reader comments about this quote:
Jefferson will remain a puzzle to me. He too quickly leaps to dissolution. He was much more cautious in the opening lines of the Declaration than he is here. He held slaves. His last years found him dependent on others as he was bankrupt. Proves he was a Democrat. He certainly had both a brilliant mind and an incredible ego. JFK made a comment at a White House Dinner for Nobel Prize winners to the effect that this was the gathering of great minds unmatched except perhaps when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.
 -- J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT     
  • 4
     -- Mike, Norwalk      
    Gee, He could have said this last week.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 6
    J B check again there was no bankruptcy law in Jefferson's time. There was one briefly around 1800 but it was overturned or voided. When Jefferson died he had approximately $100,000 in debt and $20,000 was from him being a co-signer for a friend who failed to pay his note. Jefferson had sufficient assets in his estate which was sold to pay off his debts after his death. As far as dissolution Jefferson was right on and we dissolve the entire house and 1/3 of the Senate every two years. Republicans may not bankrupt themselves but Reagan and the Bushies have tried to bankrupt the government by benefiting and cowtowing to their friends. Democrats like Warren Buffet, Soros and many others are far from bankrupt my friend.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
  • 3
    Waffler, check again. In 1787 there was a constitution that said: "Congress shall . . . establish . . . uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States. The clause at Article 1, Section 8 was based on a common law encroachment (as differs from simple insolvency) that predated the USA experience (well defined as far back as biblical annals and history) In the absence of any statute on the subject, the County Sheriff would sit in as an executive judge enforcing the judicial judges finding of fact and law. For clarification, the meaning of Jefferson's dissolution had nothing to do with Waffler's ? ? ? (ramblings at best) And, billionaire Democrats such as Soros made their money selling short and destroying countries. He's trying to get richer here buy participating in the destruction of the dollar. Soros is not bankrupt, he bankrupts others. He's a good Democrat.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 5
    PS, oh, and by the way, taking the property from an insolvent individual, group of individuals, entity, etc. to pay debts owed, whether that individual is alive or dead is an act of bankruptcy.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 3
    Yes, this is one law the US did not copy from Great Britain, much to their chagrin - vote of confidence that can oust the Prime Minister
     -- RBESRQ     
    Mike my rresearch is from the Concise Enclopedia of American History. It says that Congress passed a bankruptcy law in 1800 and that it was repealed in 1803. The fact that The Constitution gave Congress the power does not mean that it had to act. It apparently did not act until 1800 and then repealed in 1803. Jefferson was apparently a nice guy co-sigining for a friend. His friend failed to pay the debt and it legally fell to Jefferson. Jefferson died with debt. I am not sure but I understand that his estate and assets satisfied those debts. In any event he was never involved in any kind of bankruptcy. How about Democrats such as Warren Buffet? Got anything bad to say about him? You are BS about acts of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a legal under law methodolgoy of getting by without paying your debts. I have read nothing that says Jefferson tried or did get away without paying his debts.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    I just read Article 1, Secton 8 Mike. You should read it again. It does not order Congress to do anything, but says Congress shall have the Power to do things. Thus Congress has the choice to exercise the Power or not. It exercised its power in 1800 and exercised its power again in 1803 to revoke the bankruptcy law. I am sure you are unaware my apparently very young friend that Congress does change laws from time to time. Again the Concise Encylopedia of American History says that there was no bankruptcy law between 1803 and 1820 when Jefferson died. You need to read and study more carefully my young friend.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, thanks for the 'young' friend thing. I smiled. Who are you debating? I think yourself. Of course the Constitution doesn't demand that the Congress act on everything that it authorizes. And, if I remember accurately from school, you are correct about the 1800 law. So what? Bankruptcy was an ancient concept conceived and implemented in US jurisprudence from biblical principles and common law actions. Bankruptcy didn't need a statute or other written structuring to exist or be performed. Its obvious by your "getting by without paying your debts" comment, you don't understand the biblical principle. Its part of that discovering the law I keep talking about, implementing rule of law, and doing away with the tyranny of monarchs, oligarchies, rule of the majority / minority, socialism, etc. To reiterate, the Constitutional clause was to image the biblical principle, common law actions, and give uniformity (based in part on the lack of British application and the monarch being the supreme sovereign) Also, and again, the third party selling of property for the paying for insolvency or otherwise debt is an aspect of bankruptcy. I can explain bankruptcy's place in common law if you like. Democrats such as Warren Buffet are good socialists. He uses the statist theocracy to enlarge his portfolio, keep the laws of nature and Nature's God - rule of law at bey and, satisfy the government's tabloid media complex concerning his philanthropic ventures. Buffet's actions may be based on good intentions, while knowing how to turn a buck, he doesn't seem to know to much about freedom or liberty.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 4
    You blather on and on Mike. THERE WAS NO BANKRUPTCY LAW THAT AFFECTED JEFFERSON. HE THEREFORE COULD NOT HAVE BEEN BANKRUPT. HE DID NOT GET AWAY WITH PAYING LESS THAN HIS ACCUMULATED DEBTS AS FAR AS I HAVE READ. HIS ESTATE WAS SOLD UPON HIS DEATH AND HIS DEBTS WERE PAID. I have also read that he liked his wine and owed for that. If there were reverse mortgages in his time he probably would have availed himself of one. Your crap about the jubilee year and biblical bankruptcy has nothing to do with the Congress or the The Constitution. You are just blathering on as usual.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
  • 4
    Waffler, spoken like a true anti -god socialist / democrat with a victors spin on history, if it doesn't support your religion, you can't control it or, you can't kill it, it doesn't exist - the only law that exists is the rule of man while science, math, common law, etc and their use and/or administrations are nonexistent. Such can only exist if man's statutes say they exist. I understand how how rule of law sounds blather to you.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 3
    You as usual are off topic. We are talking about Jefferson and bankruptcy. I have no idea as usual what you talk about. I am sure I have forgotten more of the Bible than you will ever know.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
  • 2
    Of course you didn't understand. You have never come close to making a statement that showed you in anyway had a clue or even came close to understanding anything concerning Natural Law, Common Law, or just plain law. You can't acknowledge administrative procedures of something you know nothing about. I wouldn't be able to explain to you what common law is because you've become that which is tangibly contrary to freedom and liberty. You are the statist theocracy's hollow spitune for accepting lies and otherwise mis-information. What bankruptcy was / is at common law, as Jefferson was a good example, is beyond your ability to grasp, therefor you say it doesn't exist. My statement above was laser point sharp on topic.That which you've forgotten from the Bible I'm sure is related to the lies, half truths, mis-information, and off topic rhetoric and anti freedom / liberty you espouse now. Since most of the Constitution came directly from Biblically expressed principles, and you don't agree with those principles, I'm sure your half timers is well deserved.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 6
    We are not in anyway under natural law in this country. We are under Constitutional Law and Common law. Get with it! The Concise Encylopedaia of American Historry says that there was no bankruptcy law in Jefferson's time. If bankruptucy law existed under common law why or why did the founders see fit to empower Congress to set up one.
     -- Waffler, smith     
  • 3
    No, Waffler, the US is operating in a state of emergency, in receivership to the Federal Reserve for bankruptcy, and we are under Commercial law with criminal penalties enforced by Admiralty/Maritime courts. The 'law of the land' is now the Uniform Commecial Code (UCC) and that is what is taught as 'law' at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, an every other law school in the US. There are no more Common Law courts -- thanks to FDR. The Constitution guarantees 3 areas of jurisprudence: common law, commercial law, and military law. Once the nation was bankrupted and all of its assests taken, we have been operating in a permanent state of emergency using commercial paper as negotiable instruments in lieu of money. We aren't actually buying anything, and therefore do not actually own anything -- we are LIABLE under commercial law, and now that the common law jurisdiction is moot, commercial law has become criminal law. Bankruptcy is a state of irreconcilable debt -- it is not just a legal term but simply the state of an entity that owes more than it has or can pay back. In the old days, the debtor whose debts were not forgiven became a slave and propery of the lender. "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive those that are indebted to us" I believe someone wise once said -- now you know why...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 6
    Yes, now if we had just brought that vote of confidence" thing from the old country....
     -- Loren Hansford, Indianapolis     
    While times and technology change human nature does not. Our founders understood the greed for power and these quotes are as relevant today as they were in their time.
     -- Tony, Maryland     
  • 5
    We need to honor Jefferson & Founders by overthrowing Our rotten corrupt antiConstitutional criminal govt!
    I try to love my fellow common man, and that usually includes the looney-lefties; however Waffler, I wish you would take a flying leap sometimes and I am glad you are not my neighbor, your negative naysaying drivel belies your contempt for contentedness, and I accuse that outs you as a lefty at heart!
    Mike - as always THANK YOU for your excellent top-drawer mini-briefs!! Almost makes Waffling insults bearable, when your superior wit pops squishy balloons; he makes a mess here but I don't mind mopping-up so much after your chuckles.
    E Archer, THANK YOU for your consistently excellent posts, this one is definitely one of your very best!!
    J.B. Wulff, you sound young, and likely ill-educated by modern globalist academia? Jefferson, and Founders & their fruits apparently were far too great and are above your comprehensional ability to realise their greatness. Jefferson's words are 100% applicable today, yet here you attack with irreverence and ad hominem, apparently academia have succeeded in not only not teaching you Our attributes, but here you are lampooning Our Fathers, darn it.

     -- Mark W, Aurora, CO     
  • 5
    Was it Jefferson who said the price of liberty is eternal vigilance ? The concept of liberty within a society if defined as individual freedoms in relation (or contrary) to group function has no definite parameters. On my back 40 I can plant what I like providing those 40 acres are exclusively my inviolable territory. Otherwise...What are the limits of your defense?
    I am very much afraid these are words, not well defined concepts which are able to be unilaterally enforced by other words.
     -- John Shuttleworth, NYC     
  • 1
     -- Mary - MI      
     -- Ronw13, Oregon      
     -- jim k, Austin      
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