"Self-reliance is the only road to true freedom, and being one's own person is its ultimate reward."
Patricia Sampson
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a perfect operational definition of solipsism.
 -- lee, sillycon valley     
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    [To the Editor:] All your quotations, are excellent & choice picks from sages of the past (& even in cases, the present). Your email is a valuable source of wisdom. Schools ought to make use of their content! Have you considered making it available? There is hope for mankind, if we learn from the advice contained therein.
     -- Anonymous, Pireas     
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    Here's to solipsism! If you have the integrity and courage to accept the responsibilities which come with it.
     -- John-Douglas, Nassau     
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    "I swear by my life, and love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." Ayn Rand. I believe Silly Lee has missed the point. Live for yourself, not from the welfare of others.
     -- Joel, Rochester, MI     
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    The solipsists wish to liberate themselves from the illusion that binds them. OK by me as long as they can take care of themselves. Are we so brain-washed now that we consider Independence and mutual Respect some sort of a 'philosophy'? It is Civics 101.
     -- Georgia Peach, Savannah     
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    I don't know from solipsism but I am willing to wager that 99% of all "staunchly independent" persons and the anti socialist crowd all have their vast arrary of insurance policies so that others will take care of them when and if they need it. What does that say for the sincerity of the independent minded. Some live for themselves by trying to get as much from others as possible by hook or by crook.
     -- Bruce, 'Bama     
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    ;-) lee, how long have you been waiting to slip 'solipsism' in on this blog? Are you a member in good standing of the Borg collective? (-; By the way, insurance can either be forced on the individual by the collective socialists/fascists or, it can be voluntarily participated in by individuals practicing solipsism and simply doing the math. One is tyranny and, the other self-reliance of the educated.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Self-reliance and being one's own person is all very well and a virtue that brings independence more than freedom; self-discipline is the same, bringing freedom and contentment. But, there are those not so fortunate, whether it be circumstance or capability, who need the helping hand of another human being – it’s called consideration, kindness, and compassion. I sincerely hope I never become a solipsist (I forgot the word existed).
     -- RobertSRQ     
    Who says a solipsist isn't a good Samaritan? Afterall, compassion cannot be forced or legislated. The Golden Rule still applies -- can the collectivists not see that doing good is its own reward? Most of the 'good' that is done in this world is done by individuals acting according to their own conscience. And the only thing wrong with insurance is when it is compulsary and monopolistic. It all goes back to our fear of death and our blaming others instead of taking responsibility. You know, sometimes people just die -- it isn't just another opportunity to sue someone.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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     -- Bob, Eugene, OR      
    Government can never allow the people to be completely self-reliant because it is the only true road to freedom. Those who are truly free and self-reliant don't need government. Government taxes away your resources to prevent you from being self-reliant and charitable and at the same time uses your money to buy itself goodwill from the gullible.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    You are not being independent when you buy insurance. You are casting your lot with others in a social compact. According to Ken the founding fathers were not independent since they thought they needed a government. Actually I read that the reason they needed a strong central government is because things like Shays Rebellion in Massachusetts and similar uprisings in other of the Article of Conferation colonies was threatening the structure of debt and property. The new centralized 1787 government was a conservative money interests defense against the radical working classes. I STILL IMPLORE YOU RUGGED INDIVIDUALSITS TO SHOW WHAT YOU ARE MADE OF AND YOUR SINCERITY BY GETTING OFF OF ANY SOCIALISTIC INSURANCE ROLLS YOU CAN.
     -- Bruce, 'Bama     
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    What does self reliance have to do with solipsism? What would resistance to tyranny have to do with solipsism? Government is a nessassary evil. Never forget that.
     -- warren, olathe     
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    Bruce, you are completely missing the point. Individualists define society as a bunch of individuals voluntarily coming together to further their own interests. Insurance policies are completely compatible with that; they're just a bunch of individuals freely coming together to share risk. The whole point is they are voluntary. No one is forced to enter into one if they don't think it's a good thing for them to do.
     -- Michael Sutcliffe, Canberra, Australia     
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    Where did the thought emerge that self reliant individuals do not need any form of government? While individuals can function very well independently from government, societies need structure to facilitate social activities among and between individuals. Self-reliant individuals are also members of a society and benefit from the facilitation and structure to conduct their affairs. What's wrong with having self reliant individuals who function as members of a society that benefits from having structure to facilitate activities within that society and with other societies???
     -- Anonymous, Richmond, VA     
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    I suggest that to be self-reliant one must not use anything that he or she did not produce by themselves. That means no cars, no roads, no kitchen equipment, no ideas (.i.e addition) they did not come up with themselves, nothing from society and certainly no parents. Anyone who was raised by other humans cannot ever be self-reliant.
     -- Ian Chafe, Austin, TX     
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    Bruce Bama said: You are not being independent when you buy insurance. You are casting your lot with others in a social compact.
    JC Says: No I'm not. I'm using privately earned revenue to purchase private insurance from a private company to ensure the well being of myself and my family. You can do the same.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    Five stars all all five quotes. This is meant philosophically - in other words your mind is yours it does not mean it's alone or you are a loner....
     -- Robert, St. Emilion, France     
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    Bruce, you spout the socialist professor's ignorant perception of business. Mutual funds kinda sorta look like what you are talking about from the outside (as per propaganda put out from the inside) but in reality, it is not. You are describing a ponzi scheme. Insurance is based on actuarials, statistics on related subjects, current and projected investments, financial trends, profits, generally accepted accounting practices, certain fiscal laws, etc. and the probabilities thereof. The individual could do the same thing for him/her/their self if he was so inclined and capable. A corporation (single entity - here not going into what a corporation is) contracts with the individual to do what he could do for himself. The corporation also contracts with many individuals to do what they could do for them selves but, instead of taking the time to be there own insurance company(s), they hire / contract with someone else to do the work for them that they didn't want to do for themselves.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Please don't get me wrong, the insurance industry is one of the most corrupt mind sets and industries that can be participated with. The sole reason medical costs are out of sight is because of the insurance industry. What I am saying is, just call it what it is. For self-reliance and true freedom I self insure.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    A quote so true and logical through a historical context but yet spawn so much befuddlement for some people as to offer such ludicrous assertions regarding its meaning here.

    Is it cognitive dissidence or what?
     -- Mike, Pleasant Hill     
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    One must learn to build first, before, one can build. Independence comes by way of experience through education. OJT, or in the class room. Most older wealthy individuals I have had the pleasure to contract with are their own insurance providers. So the " want a bees " are culled out when their true wealth is reveled, not a credit score ! The same goes for health care. Living a dream of false hood rather than reality is what is perpetuated through a credit based economy. As far as the solipsist are concerned from such a narrow point of reference, they are " Eu a mousoi "
     -- Ron w13, Yachats Or     
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    (-; Ron, exactly ! ;-)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
     -- jim k, Austin      
    For me, this quote needs some more clarity to fully realize it's true content and character. The last clause's implication of one taking their own independent position is praiseworthy.

     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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