"Mr. Speaker, in 1848, Karl Marx said, a progressive income tax is needed to transfer wealth and power to the state. Thus, Marx's Communist Manifesto had as its major economic tenet a progressive income tax. Think about it, 1848 Karl Marx, Communism.... I say it is time to replace the progressive income tax with a national retail sales tax, and it is time to abolish the IRS, my colleagues. I yield back all the rules, regulations, fear, and intimidation of our current system."
James A. Traficant, Jr.
(1941- ) U.S. Representative from Ohio
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Reader comments about this quote:
The taxes the IRS collects go directly to the private Federal Reserve Bank to pay the interest on the debt. Not one penny goes towards paying for government services. Read the Communist Manifesto. If we are ever to resist this trick, the charter for the Fed must not be renewed ever again.
 -- Educated Citizen, USA     
  • 4
    Just because Marx advocated an action, does not either make that action either "bad" or "incorrect", or the major economic tenet of his manifesto. Thus, it appears that the author of this quote is just using another quote to spread his own form of hate... hum, sounds like what today's leaders in the USA are doing too.
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
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    What Marx or anyone has said about the progressive income tax is irrelevant. The fact is that it is the least regressive and most fair tax devised. Sales taxes may seem to the unthinking and uncaring as fair but are in truth representative of social darwinism. The greater the wealth the greater benefit from government in security, education, health services, etc. Graduated income tax should be considered most fair by all. After all, consider an annual wealth tax. Which is not a bad idea itself.
     -- Dick Trice, Fort Worth     
  • 1 2
    Study history my friends. The Fed is the 3rd central bank in the history of the USA. Jefferson would not renew the charter of the first central bank, and Jackson killed the 2nd central bank during his term calling them a 'den of vipers'. Creating money out of nothing and then lending it at interest is a banker's trick, and ends up in the confiscation of the wealth of the people. America was most prosperous when their money was backed by gold and silver. Today we have a completely unpayable debt -- every dollar in circulation has been borrowed -- even if we paid every dollar in circulation back to the Fed, there would be no money and we would still owe trillions! This system guarantees rivers of money flowing to the private banks that issue our currency at NO RISK and with NO BACKING what-so-ever. Do the math, folks. It is a scam -- a very old scam, and because we do not study it, we do not know its far reaching effects. It is not a Communist vs. Capitalist issue -- it is a Totalitarian issue.
     -- Washington, DC     
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    Why is Mr Trafficant not in the White House? Smarten up America - especially those in Texas and Virginia! The only thing 'progressive' about the progressive income tax is that it progressively increases over time. Soon all persons, except for the favored few and the private trusts are paying better than half of their income in taxes - Welcome to Serfdom USA! P.S. I understand that in Canada total taxes (federal, state, and municipal) now exceed 65% of the average person's earned income!
     -- John-Douglas, Nassau     
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    The IRS is the feeder for the goose which keeps laying golden eggs for the owners of the Federal Reserve, some 70% of which is foreign-owned - the Rothschilds of England owning more that 50% of the Fed's shares. If America is to regain its former prosperity (like in the 1800s and early 1900s) it had best learn the lesson of history - eliminate income tax and disband the Fed and the IRS. And starve the federal government for money - it only knows how to waste it!
     -- Anon Ymous, Detroit, Michigan     
  • 2
    Trafficant seems to have his head on straight. Abolish the IRS - and the Federal Reserve - and set America free again! Of course he who speaks the truth is often reviled by the ignorant and the arrogant (see above) - and our education system does a first-rate job of dumbing down our children to be both.
     -- G.W.D., NYC     
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    Implementation of sales tax is a hard-to-define thing. Try this on the back of a napkin - in every transaction, there is a buyer and a seller. There are tens... hundreds...thousands of transactions in the production of a single item. Is each "sale" therefore to be taxed? What is the effect on the final price? However, the real problem is not the implementation of taxation - the real problem is "what the money pays for." Way too many services are offered by the "benevolent" Federal government, and the precedent allows liberal/socialist politicians to provide more, more, more over over the years. All this more, more, more will just come out of taxpayers pockets until we will all be just working for the State. Please, let's re-examine the programs and allocate those that don't need to be operated at the Federal level down to state/local/community administration....
     -- Bob the Anti-Socialist, Reston     
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    There is no need to collect sales tax all down the line until the final transaction is made to the consumer. Canada does this with their Goods and Services Tax (GST) and employs some 8,000 federal civil sevants to handle the the whole mess of tax-refund-tax-refund-tax-refund all along the line (producer-distributor-wholesaler-retailer - and finally the tax to the consumer, who doesn't get a refund or rebate (unless he's in virtual poverty).
     -- Anonymous, Canada     
    What is fair? Fair is when all people have the same right to pursue prosperity. What is tax? A confiscation of your rights to pursue prosperity. What is America? A democratic socialist system on a continent with no borders and free money to all who seek welfare from the state. A fast growing China in the modern world.Main language,English.Main Exports------Inflation Main imports--Deflation .At least for now. The mood is changing or at least it seems.
     -- danial Boone, Appalatia     
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    Mother Russia (home to Marx's 2nd plank) had to drop the unfair tax because it is one of the items that bankrupted them, now they're coming back. The US became the most prosperous and powerful nation on the earth without an income tax, now that we have it, we are in decline. An income tax, nor a sales tax are needed. What is needed are fewer unconstitutional expenditures by government.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 2
    Is the IRS bad? Read " The Income Tax, Root of all Evil" available at Amazon.com. Mike, Norwalk, is right on target and taxation, regardless of it's purpose, is legalized theft. Thank goodness that Texas has no state income tax, not yet, anyway.
     -- jim k, austin,tx     
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    I rate this quote 1 Million Stars!Now,if only it could become Reality!!!
     -- My Name, Your Town,USA     
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    What Mike, Norwalk said. Yep! The IRS and its cousins worldwide...The Fed and its cousins worldwide are in fact communism. No wonder they want to bury the constitution.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 2
    The reason for the decline of America is the FED, arrogance, a stupid tax system that allows the wealthy to pay very little or no tax, and our perpetual wars which keeps ignorant politicians in power and feeds the coffers of corporate America. WE NEED CHANGE before we continue along this road to oblivion and self destruction. Do away with centralized banks, regulated all money exchange systems, provide a flat tax of fifteen percent, do away with property tax, do away with funding ANY religious agenda, take God out of our pledge (or do away with the pledge altogether); provide care for the infirmed, for the elderly, and a great educational system that teaches ethics over academic achievements – WE NEED CHANGE before we are totally taken over by the patriot-act. Washing DC is right on and basically spells out the problem – as I said before, we have socialism in America but not for the people for the banks and corporate tyrants – look what just happened we gave billions in tax breaks to the oil companies and yet they made more profit than ever before – gotta go, Uncle Sam needs more money.
     -- RobertSRQ     
    It is time to end the rhetoric and do something. I see Liberty-Tree.ca is promoting the Strike on April 15th -- let's see how many there are of us. Don't buy or sell anything April 15th, stay home with your family. And for the long term, stop borrowing and use cash. If we stop borrowing to buy things we don't need, the entire system will collapse.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    I sure will miss him.
     -- Bob, Eugene OR     
    First eliminating Income Tax and replacing it with Sales Tax will not eliminate the IRS it will just transfer audits of individuals to audits of businessess. Have y'all never heard of State Sales Tax Auditors. They are more feared than the Feds and they have less fear of trampling on "taxpayer rights". Progressive income taxes exist in all industrialized countries and are to keep societies out of reverting to feudalism where a few own everything. America will never be free until the citizens are willing to support borders, military, etcetera. This can not be done without money. Read the histroy of 1300 Hungary and how their King was praised upon his death for his raising taxes on rich and poor alike, building up the Army and driving out the Turkish occupiers. The no tax big debt folks are actually working for the demise of our country but are too backward to even know it.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    Waffler, going with your Hungary scenario, how many more taxes do you think it will take to liberate the sovereign's free representative republic (of by and for the people) from the Neocons, Neodems, fascists, socialists, liberals, conservatives and all other tyrannies as currently exist in the US? (or is that just another oxymoron) Oh, wait, or do we just have to wait until the larceny with impunity and other big tax, big debt parties finish their demise of our country first? ;-) hmm
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 2
    Mike if Sam fails with 10 trillion dollars of debt we all fail and will be at the hands of the hordes of the world, without any borders to protect. That is what you and Archer are fighting for!
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    First off the tax on wages is illeagel, our constitution only allows tax on income. Income is profit that buisness makes overseas and brings that money into America, thus income, as defined by our constitution. Thus wages canot be taxed. WE need to dismantle the IRS at once, throw the shakles off of the people, and get our country back. think of how much money will be saved by eliminating all of those useless jobs., and if they all go broke,,,good for those theives, my heart bleeds for those blood sucking pigs.
     -- pissed off american, usa     
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    Mike and Archer hits all the nails on the head - well done! I have no debt and becuase of this I have no credit - what a great country we live in!!!!
     -- RobertSRQ     
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    Waffler, the 'backward' folks you refer to include yourself. Why on Earth would you defend unlawful taxation? Are you among those that actually believe taxes pay for secure borders, welfare, medical services, roads, etc.? Hardly! Our Congress prints up all the T-Bills the Fed will buy (e.g. the Fed will give Uncle Sam federal reserve notes in exchange for interest-bearing T-bills) -- the Fed merely prints up the federal reserve notes, while our government promises to pay interest on the bonds they issue -- and if not enough people or foreign governments buy the bonds (T-bills), the Fed simply prints up whatever amount of federal reserve notes the government needs. The scam is that the US government owes the Fed the interest these bonds promise. And how does the government get the funds to pay the interest? The IRS. The IRS is the collection agency for the Fed. The IRS is incorporated in Puerto Rico, and is not in fact an authorized government agency. If you have ever paid the IRS with a check, look at the back of it -- it is deposited with the Federal Reserve directly. And as this quote confirms, the Federal Reserve is not federal but private, and in fact has no reserves at all. Waffler, you are going to have to accept this one -- do not defend them, they have subverted the government. We could have all the liberal services you love without any taxes, if the government issued its own money (like the colonies did before declaring independence from the Bank of England). If you are a true Christian, then you understand that usury is a heinous sin -- better the People issue their own credit currency interest-free than pay a private company TRILLIONS for the 'privilege.'
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 2
    Traficante? Traficante? A blowhard who will remembered for only one thing: BEAM ME UP SCOTTY!
     -- A.Jurgensen, Stuart, Florida     
    Archer you never cease to amaze. The Fed Budget is say 2 trillion a year. Tax collections are say 1.7 trillion a year so Sam sells 300 billion of bonds. So how can you in good conscience say, "Are you among those that actually believe taxes pay for secure borders, welfare, roads." What do think all of these figures are about? What do you think we have Secretaries of Treasury etceteta for? In your understanding are all of these facts, and figures and potentates just Disneywolrd and Tinseltown Characters without any foundation in reality. I mean really you are far out!
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
  • 4
    In 1980, the Grace Commission reported to President Reagan at that time that every dollar collected in taxes was used to pay for interest on the debt. Look it up. Our taxes do not pay for any government services. The government borrows a helluva lot more than they spend each year -- your figures are way off. But here is the absolute crux of the matter: How is a dollar bill issued? How does currency come into existence? In fact, currency is created ONLY when a bank 'loans' it to you -- it does not have the 'money' -- it has the 'right' to 'issue credit' as per the Federal Reserve Act. Don't believe me? Look it up -- even the Fed will tell you it is true. SO, how much currency is in circulation -- trillions and trillions, right? Remembering that 100% of American currency are Federal Reserve Notes (promissory notes) that have been 'borrowed' into circulation with interest charged until those notes are returned to the bank that issued them, that means that every dollar in circulation has been borrowed. Here is the trick: interest is paid with the very same currency -- so, in order for the loan to be paid back, someone else will have to cover it. It is like a game of musical chairs with the chairs being removed one by one. A fiat currency absolutely requires BANKRUPTCY and seizures. Banks thus can 'monetize' your promise to pay into a bank check that other banks will honor. If all debts were repaid, there would be no money and there would be many who still owe and have no more currency to earn. FDR and every president since knows very well how this works. It is the Fed that tells Congress how much money it will create for them this year -- there is no negotiation. We, on the other hand, have to pay for this scam with lives, labors, and property. Don't talk to me about the Secretary of the Treasury -- there is no Treasury, only a Department of the Treasury. We lost all of our money a long time ago. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is you that has been living in a dream world. Look up 'usury' in the Bible if you are such a devoted Christian -- what is the penalty? And now you know why!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 4
    Archer you make one fatal flaw in your other wise worthless diatribe. You keep telling us to look things up and you don't have the least understanding of these things? There is not trillions of trillions of dollars of currency in circulation. There is only approximately 500 billion. (LOOK IT UP!) Go on to IRS.com and find out where the money comes from and where it goes. Is renting property or tools to people usury also?
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
  • 3
    What is worthless is your relentless ignorance, Waffler. Congress has spent 600 billion on the Iraq War alone -- hello, anybody home? Yes, there are TRILLIONS of dollars in circulation -- over a trillion a day traded. Obviously you don't understand how money works, how it is issued, and how legalized counterfeiting has bankrupted the country. The US government is trillions of dollars in debt -- if there is only 500 billion dollars in circulation, then how in hell will the debt be repaid? I said it before and I'll say it again -- every single dollar in circulation (be they in the form of bank notes, checks, electronic journal entries) has been borrowed at interest -- if we tried to pay back every loan we have, there would be no more money and we would still owe more. Beam me up, Scotty.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 4
    The only Democrat that I liked, Wish his stay in the congress were longer. Being a Democrat he was a crook of course, and that did get him ousted. He probably would still be there if he were just a crook and kept his mouth shut. Great quote. Don't buy into the sales tax crap though. We would just end up with a sales tax and an income tax. Guaranteed. The current tax system is heading towards less that half of the income earners paying income tax. At that time the majority of voters will not be directly affected. It then will be no longer politically feasible to oppose tax hikes or advocate tax cuts. We can then expect to be taxed into serfdom and socialism will arrive with great public support.
     -- warren, olathe     
  • 1
    It is not necessary to have money in circulation. I have a few coins in my pocket on rare occasions yet I receive and spend thousands a month with out ever seeing any money at all. I doubt there is very many that actually deal in cash only. I think that the powers that be would love it if cash became a thing of the past. All transactions would be traceable at that point and we would have no ability to participate in commerce with out big brother knowing it all.
     -- warren, olathe     
    warren, 'in circulation' includes those coins on your dresser, the balance of your bank account, your credit card balance, etc.. What isn't in circulation is money you had in your bank account and have used to pay back the principal of a loan -- that money now disappears into the void from which it came (it's called the contraction of the money supply). The term 'money' includes cash and checkbook currency -- yes, there is not enough 'cash' printed to cover all the 'money' in circulation. But when gold and silver were used as real money (and are in fact the only real money authorized by the Constitution), every ounce stored in a bank had a certificate (cash) issued for it -- we traded these certificates instead of actual gold coins. But you are right, warren, using cash is considered 'suspicious' now -- just try buying an airplane ticket with cash -- you will be flagged. Cash is still anonymous -- as it is supposed to be! Big Brother wants no anonymity. Where in the Constitution does it say that the government must know who every person is and every transaction they ever make -- that is so that they can take a cut of every transaction -- extremely unlawful and completely totalitarian. Is there anyone who remains unconvinced that the banking/money system attempts to make slaves of us all?
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 5
     -- Ronw13, Oregon      
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