"There is no such crime as a crime of thought;
there are only crimes of action."
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Absolutely! The slowly emerging through incrementilism, global police state, which in fact is investigating (pun intended) the latest high technology in reading people in the name of "crime prevention" tools which at it's current pace put an end to individualism and it's inherent rights.
 -- rb, Mountain Grove     
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    Tell it to liberal idiots.
     -- des, NYC     
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    So when the colonists of America "thought" they were living under a tyrannical dictatorship that wasn't a crime. But when they acted on it and formed militia's that was a crime...but only in an English court, so it didn't really matter any more.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    Political Correctness is one step away from Thought Correctness. Actually we are already there with this "Hate Crime" idiocy.
     -- jim k, austin     
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    The statist theocracy that now infests this nation has already criminalized thought (hate crimes and bizarre politically correct non lawful arguments in court on most matters) and now is going after criminalizing being; all not for any act perpetrated but, simply the is - because.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    God, I am glad I live in Thailand now. Not that they are freer there or that they do not have thought police. They just are not as efficient a tyrannical government as the US government is now. When it's time to throw off the chains and bear arms against these bastards, I'll return to join the revolution.
     -- Howard, Bangkok     
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    Des, You love to bash leftists and inflame people. I find it offensive. Find something intelligent to say. Regarding crimes of thought. In the courts nowadays, they prosecute "Intent". Is that not a crime of thought, or of what someone else decides you were thinking. Did I intend to say something to someone to insult them or was it just a slip of the tongue or my inadvertent comment that some says caused them pain or discomfort. By the way Des, your comment hurt my feelings, and I think you intended to insult someone who isn't of your opinion.
     -- A Liberal Idiot, Not yours     
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    Superb! Just what we need today to combat the liberal hogwash all about us. Succint and to the point!
     -- Michael D. Gottung, Sacramento     
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    Excuse me, A Liberal Idiot, but aren't you proving this quote? Must manners now be legislated with hate crime laws and the so-called Fairness Doctrine? Is it a crime to dislike and oppose political ideologies that threaten our inalienable rights? Shall "offensive" remarks be confined to the fenced in "free speech zones" of the Bush era? Prosecuting 'intent' IS a thought crime when it comes to speech.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Often said that offence is taken not given. I'd rather allow a platform to openly debate thoughts and ideas that form their basis so that they can be challenged appropriately. There may be no such thing as crimes of thought but there are thoughts that are criminal.
     -- Mick, manchester     
    A return to fundamentals in law solves the issue. What is a crime? An intentional act to do harm -- mens rea -- is considered in relation to the harm actually caused by the act. An accident is not a crime because there was no intent to do harm, even though there might have been harm -- however, I am still responsible for my actions, accidental or otherwise, BUT the accidental act is NOT a crime.

    As well, to hate someone is not a crime in and of itself -- it's a sin, but not a crime -- there must be a violation of another's rights with an ill intent. Free speech absolutely includes hateful speech -- how else to call our criminal misleaders to account? When telling the truth becomes a crime because it hurts someone's feelings, you know you are being sold a bill of goods. It's a slippery slope to totalitarianism.

    To do ANYTHING with an intention to harm is essentially a 'sin', whether codified into statutes or not. Liberals should remember that the law is not in the business of punishing sins -- playing God seems to be popular with secularists.

    Furthermore, a UNANIMOUS verdict from a jury is required to convict someone of a crime. A 3 judge panel of hate crimes is NOT justice nor lawful in the USA.

    There are no criminal thoughts, Mick.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    E Archer, very well said.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Take the simplest of examples: F%CK YOU!

    When is saying that a crime? It is quintessential 'hate speech' in every aspect, with an intent to do harm, yes? Isn't 'hate' itself a crime, then? Who would be safe from prosecution, and who is to be the judge?

    All I can say is 'grow up!' Teacher isn't here, and school rules do not apply. Hypocrites!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    On a hard day for my city allow me an emotional reaction. Bollocks! I think you get spiked on your own semantics. So there are sinful thoughts that are the subject of divine judgement but criminal deeds that are subject to secular intervention? Criminal thoughts lead to criminal actions. A particular tree grows from a particular seed. Freedom of expression the challenge of debate leads to a cross fertilisation of ideas and eventual understanding. I prefer this secular vision rather than your religious intractable sin silo's.
     -- Mick, manchester     
    I speak of 'sin' not in a religious sense. From a secular perspective, a sin is a product of hate or lies, and has a price in the real world and in real hearts -- there are consequences in Nature. I know not the life to come if there is any, but I do know that my own thoughts and acts have a consequence that need no courts or gods to enforce in the real world. As an individual, I don't want secularists playing God any more than I want religionists to. Let God be God, and let the People be the People.

    Forget about 'sin' -- how about:

    You get out of it what you put into it.
    What goes around, comes around.
    You are what you eat.
    Garbage in, garbage out.

    'Sin' is creating garbage, eating crap, hating, lying -- why? Read the above. (The Golden Rule isn't bad either...)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Mick, I smile  more accurately said would be that there are thoughts that lead to criminal action. The occupying statist theocracy infesting this land is a prime example of that.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Practical contemplation, meditative examination, componental measurements actually detour crime. 
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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