"It cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions."
Henry Kissinger
(1923- ) Former US Secretary of State
World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, 19 April 1994
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Reader comments about this quote:
This quote shows a component of our American government (which contains many participants with seats in the CFR) which seeks the destruction of our sovereignty and our blessed Constitution. Had this statement been made in the 40s he could have been investigated, labeled a communist, and probably something along the lines of an "enemy to the state," because that is exactly what this type of statement is. The New World Order is a danger to the sovereignty of all nations of the world and is not shy to admit it but not in those words, of course. Think about this. Why does our perceptions need changed? What mandates our perception? The answer to question number 2 is our Constitution. Why does this need changed? It needs changed because the CFR is not interested in the voice of the people, checks and balances, government by the people for the people, but is instead, an organization seeking a tyrannical government with god-like control over the population of the entire world. Able to make decisions on who lives or dies and any other transaction they may devise.
 -- Tom Lafayette, Middletown     
    5 stars for accuracy, thumbs down for what its done to this country. The changed perceptions that have occurred for many are forced tyranny and despotism are the definition of law, the more licenses you have the freer you are, punishing someone for doing nothing wrong is ok if the statist theocracy deems it righteous, slavery is ok if all under the intangible ethos are downtrodden (except of course the elite), and freedom and liberty's original constitutional meanings have become immoral concepts
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    A statement of fact, that is all. Some many run from facts, choosing to see that the sky is falling because there will be a new world order. The world order during WWI, WWII, and the cold war was not so great. The world order during the Victorian Age was not so bad and some think that the 500 year world order under Rome was good. Have no fear y'all there will be a world order.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    As Americans begin to wake up and realize that there are those who would subjugate and deny them their God given freedoms they will become angry. And with luck, will unite once again in throwing off the bonds of tyranny and slavery. Have plenty of fear ya'll...and let that fear become anger.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Convincing Waffler to see the truth is like trying to teach a pig to whistle. It's impossible and only annoys the pig.
     -- jim k, austin     
    wafflers ignorance in everything annoys everyone Jim.
     -- warren, olathe     
    See what Bush Sr said re NWO
     -- RBESRQ     
    Waffler, please tell me the advantages of the New World Order for America and Americans? You seem to act like you know...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Okay I am so glad you asked. The NWO since I was a kid in the '50's is that cars are made in different and come from a different country, made better by the competition from abroad. Cameras stop coming from German decades ago for the same reason. Japan revolutionized the motorcycle business Jobs have continued to move to the lowest labor markets. First to Japan, then to Korea, and Mexico and now to China. The world has moved closer together via rapid transit and communication via the internet. The world f and its order of 2008 is not the world and its order of 1958. The cold war and our fear of nuclear holocaust has vanished, school children no longer practice air raid drills and climb under their desks as I did. There is so much more to say about the economic and political integration of the world of today versus 50 years ago, That this process will continue I have no doubt. That it requires courage to face the future I have no doubt but to stubbornly cling to all of the old ways is naive and the world and its order will change whether you like it or not and future generations will run things the way that they want to and it don;t matter what you or I think about it.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    PS: As far as what good it is for Americans it will bring peace and posperity to the world at large and sensible environmental policy to the planet that will benefit every one. That includes Americans. Annoying Warren is the high point of my day!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Waffler should read Atlas Shrugged and find out what made this country great. It tells you what the powers of liberty can accomplish. As fas as the NWO is concerned, it is but another form of slavery and oppression. The world has seen enough of this and it has not worked anywhere and will not work in America.The people are waking up rapidly. Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money and the NWO is jiust another form of Socialism, Statism, Communism, Fashism or whatever ism you want to call it. Capitalism and the free market is the only ism that works.
     -- Hermine, Sarasota, FL     
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    Waffler, the cold war was a (semi) farce propogated by our own government to induce a "Government please save us" mentality. Stalin wanted peace and felt just as threatened by the US as the other way around. And perhaps what you don't understand as Hermine points out...it was American Industry and real free enterprise that made America great. The deindustrialization of America is yet another step in the road to slavery. A nation that can not support itself is a "dependant" not a leader, not a free nation. A slave state.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    Waffler, all of that is warm and fuzzy and with a little nostalgia and some real comfort food - it is real comfortable but, has absolutely nothing to do with what is being discussed concerning the NWO. Thanks for playing though.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    It is the word "force" that is key here. National sovereignty in America cannot be separated from individual sovereignty as that was the essential ingredient that created our America with the writing of the Constitution. Individual sovereignty, freedom and in particular freedom of choice is what Americans are being "forced" into giving up for the sake of this NWO. Force, by its nature, precludes any freedom to choose. Kissinger knows what he says is true as he has and is one of the elite selling out American freedom for the dictates of the NWO.
     -- Anon     
    Mike, Archer asked me a question and I tried to respond. As far as Atlas Shuggred the author and her philosophy has been founded to just a phone freaky fad. Singapore has sky scrapers also. Again what most of you keep ignoring is that their is and always has been a world order. The fact that there is a world order is nothing new but national leaders meet every year in the Group of 8, now the Group of 20 at the UN, in tripartite talks (three nations for example discussing anything like water rights or air pollution) five party talks like nuclear North Korea. All of these efforts at the international level are working towards adusting the world order. We got to get off of this conspiracy thing.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, the problem I have with gettting off this conspiracy thing is that something inside me won't let me get on the slavery thing. I agree nwo's have existed and continue to exist but there is only one order set up by the laws of nature that works and is the best for everyone. It was first used in America and is lost now but, because nature has final say in its creation it will return and your glorified new version of a world order coming upon us now can't change that fact because it can't change those laws. Pervert them for a time yes, but never change them. Why do you think the cycles of war and peace that litter world history happened? There are nature's laws and there are man's laws and that's it. The freedom for every individual provided by nature or the slavery of the same provided by man.
     -- Anon     
    Waffler, of course there has always been a world order. And, of course that world order is and, has always been in a condition of flux. That's a giant DAHHH! I guess such rhetoric is good banter around the water cooler (cool-aide filled) BUT, does not address what Anon is addressing or the ultimate aim of the subject NWO. There is natural law that is intrinsic to existence (in harmony with that is inalienable right(s)). Any more or less than that is tyrannical rule by man. The constitutional founders set forth an organization that more closely resembled and reflected natural law than any other nation on earth. While all other nations were experimenting on rule of man (to try and improve on eternal natural law) the US was in the unique position of being the most free people on earth because of their adherence to law. The conspiracies, behind closed doors planning, and open acts against law and humanity by those who would enslave the world under their despotic illumination are contrary to law (eternally natural law). Once the new - world order is complete, eliminating the one nation that observed law, there will no longer be any place on this glob where men may go to be free. Waffler, you claim a vague association to Christianity. If you read scripture at all, this event is predicted and very clear. I for one, choose law, justice, freedom, liberty, and individual inalienable rights of a sovereign heir to the King of the universe.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Waffler believes the "[The New World Order] will bring peace and prosperity to the world at large and sensible environmental policy to the planet that will benefit every one." Excuse me while I throw up. The New World Order has brought nothing but war and serfdom all held together by a web of lies spun by the very folks to which we and future generations are beholden. The blood of billions are on their hands, and you just go happily along goose-stepping in unison. Just like a good little Nazi. Barf!!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    I am so happy that so many of you have found or finally expressed the truth that their is a world order even if you do not understand it, and their will be a world order in the future. Further understand this that America is the greatest country in the world to lead the world into the new world order. We have been doing it for decades if not for a century or more. From its inception the American experiment with DEMOCRACY caught the worlds attention and imagination and it still does. Like it or not the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos are about bringing American democratic and human rights values to that part of the world. If our values have no meaning or effectiveness for the rest of the world then they are not good for anyone or us either, If our vaules are true then they are universal. If they are not worth exporting they are not worth keeping for ourselves. If they are natural and human then will gain and I suggest have and are gaining international recognition, respect and following. Our country and its values are so great what the hell is it you are afraid of if we lead the world into a new order based on these values. As that guy from Chrysler said "lead, follow or get out of the way". America is right to lead. Archer is a dog with his tail between his legs, talk about wanting to throw up
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Really Henry your such a naughty boy. Just look at your life of conspiracy, lies,and murder. Yes Eugenics, genocides and democides; in your life have been your key function.. This is why you operate in the shadows with the devils of this earth. Exposure is your greatest enemy and I am glad to say that has happened to you and the murdering savages you run with. It would be better if you follow Ted soon so you can lie in a marked grave. If not when we take your NWO and its henchmen down you will be buried in one of many nameless pits of traitors. Die Henry die; your demons in hell await thee. To bad you wasted your life for evil. Was it worth it?
     -- Permindex, Texas     
    Yes Waffler, the knowledge of, natural rights and the value of human life, is growing again in America as Americans become aware again and it's exactly because of the kind of remarks in this last post of yours that America is becoming aware. Everyone of the points you brought up have been addessed many times by many others, and I don't mean just on this forum) and Americans are reawakening to the truth of what natural human individual rights are and the value of them if one wants to claim he respects the life of others. Thanks for espousing the lies that eventually, when people are forced to take notice, as Americans are today because their freedom is slipping away at an accelerated rate, reveal the truth.
     -- Anon     
    I don't think Anon believes that America or Americans have values or believe in things that are worth exporting at all.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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