"The opinion of ten thousand men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject."
Marcus Aurelius
[Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus] (121-180) Roman emperor (161-180)
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It can also be said, the opinion of ten thousand attorneys or judges is of no value (except they have more and bigger guns) if none of them know anything about the subject of Constitutional or natural law (they only being trained up in, empowered by, and paid to support legal positivism's stare decisis, anti-constitution, anti-morality and anti-laws of nature and nature's God)
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    It can be said but "The opinion of ten thousand men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject."
     -- anonymous     
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    The opinion may be of no value - in fact downright dangerous if the ten thousand opinionated ignoramuses are in the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, Governor's Office, news media, etc, This is the situation we are in right now vis-à-vis free market capitalism, business and national defense.
     -- Henry Rearden, Burr Ridge IL     
    "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers".
     -- jim k, austin tx     
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    Hidden subjects of natural law, are rarely exposed. Only in part are they used by very few to communicate a particular cardinal point. Even among scholars, the deeper and weightier matters concerning natural law and numerical order are avoided because of the teachers lack of understanding. Natural law exposes God's fingerprints ! This in turn, exposes their deception ! Each point of reference, unity, separation, trinity, creation, death, man, completion ( perfection ), new beginning, covenant ( promise ), ex .. There are fourteen particular, that must be dealt with by the student. Let alone applying this said knowledge, for edification of our Constitution. I have seen so called teachers over the course of a life time, chew on doctrine and never mention one, order of natural law. That is why they are of no value.
     -- Ron w13, Or     
    Ron w13, I like it
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    .........Opinions are still just opinions. What about the HARD FACTS that have been exposed about our criminal federal government and many of its agencies? Opinions and hard facts are two different animals.
    All the wasted tax dollars spent as obama jet sets around the world,wasted on buying pseudo friends and allies with foreign aid, wasted on flooding America with foreigners so they can vote democrap at the polls......The FACTS that slap us in the face and Americans do nothing....is the real shame.....!!!
     -- Greg Knight, Abilene     
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