New York Times Quotes


Quotes: Index by Author
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New York Times Quotes 1-5 out of 5
When men get in the habit of helping themselves to the property of others, they cannot be easily cured of it.
[The Income Tax is] a vicious, inequitable, unpopular, impolitic and socialist act.
If the New World Order agenda is not realized by the terrorist attacks on America and if Americans don’t agree to give up their weapons and relinquish their sovereignty to the New World Order, the next attack will be the use of chemical, biological and/or atomic warfare against the American people. The architects of the New World Order will not hesitate to use as a last resort an atomic or hydrogen bomb in a major American city.
At the founding of the United Nations in San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller was in the forefront of the struggle to establish not only an American system of political and economic security but a new world order.
Nelson Rockefeller was in the forefront of the struggle to establish not only an American system of political and economic security but a new world order.
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New York Times Quotes 1-5 out of 5
Quotes: Index by Author
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

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