Aesop Quotes


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Aesop Quotes 1-20 out of 28
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Any excuse will serve a tyrant.
Appearances often are deceiving.
Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own.
Better to starve free than be a fat slave.
Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
I will have nought to do with a man who can blow hot and cold with the same breath.
It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.
Slow and steady wins the race.
The shaft of the arrow had been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes. We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit.
Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find - nothing.
Vices are their own punishment.
While I see many hoof marks going in, I see none coming out. It is easier to get into the enemy's toils than out again.
We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves.
Self-conceit may lead to self-destruction.
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