"The group consisting of mother, father and child is the main educational agency of mankind."
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
(1929-1968) US civil rights leader
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We hold this truth to be self evident.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    MLK hit the mail on the head with this one. Bill Cosby says the same thing and is vilified by his own people. The Democrats have destroyed the nuclear black family for their own political gain. When will the oppressed throw off the shackles of Liberal oppression and declare: Free at Last, Free at Last, Free at Last???
     -- Wally, Philadelphia, PA     
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    Except when they are uneducated and can not read or write. Thank got for compulsory education so that most or at least many parents in America can read and write and thus want the same thing for their children.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US      
    Never forget that parents have the responsibility for taking care of their children, not government bureaucrats -- heck, some of the stupidest people in the world are civil servants. Due to Waffler's government schooling, he is able to read and almost write, but he confuses what he has been taught with intelligence.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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     -- warren, olathe      
    Children who know only their mothers and fathers generally wind up to be idiots. Most reasonable people understand that children need others in their ever expanding lives. That is what field trips and indroduction to others of various trades and backgrounds is all about. Come on guys get off your narrow minded approaches to every thing.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
  • 3
    Waff, where on earth did you get the idea that home schooled kids know only their mothers and fathers. Have you ever heard of kids playing with the neighbors kids? Maybe that's a novel idea to you.
     -- jim k, austin     
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    Wow. That's it, in a nutshell. Note that King calls mom and dad the "MAIN educational agency" (not the sole). Doesn't the lack of this "main educational agency" explain many of the problems in our current society, and even with our current Narcissist President? If the following link doesn't work: http://samvak.tripod.com/obama.html, google obama narcissist vaknin.
     -- Byron, Fort Collins, CO     
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    "Thank got" Waffler? You must be a poster child for public edumakayshen. LOL Guess what my communist little friend...major Universities are giving preference to home schooled children because they've generally outpaced the the ritalin riddled curriculum of "public ejikayshen" :)
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    With public education serving free breakfast and lunches today-so many parents see it as nursery for their children rather than an educational institution.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
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    Three stars as he missed out the word "one" being of a religious background was probably the reason, for it has always been the reason of the church and we all know how wonderfully moral the church is...... I know many single family parents and they are by far more meaningfully family than most two parent families - it's the quality of the family regardless of numbers, sex, creed, or ethnicity - why are you all so blind to this simple fact?.
     -- Anonymous     
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    Dr. King expresses so lucidly complex truths!
     -- Mitch Clarke, Vancouver, British Columbia     
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    As the Puritan Divine, Thomas Manton, expressed it:

    "A family is the seminary of Church and State."

    Everything, without question, has its genesis at home.
     -- Patrick Henry, Red Hill     
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     -- AL, DC      
    Good quote but he probably plagiarized it as he did his Doctoral Thesis.
    A good quote from MLK would be the one he said according to his associate Ralph Abernathy the night he was shot. MLK was with several white prostitutes that night and said, "Tonight I am going to be f...ing like a white man."
    Or how about his FBI recording: Im f*****g for God! Im not a negro tonight!
    This guy was a piece of filth.
     -- Maximus, Texas     
    This references the idea that the well adjusted nurturing nuclear family is the bed rock of society and the state just meddles uninvited in 'family business'. This negates the idea of shared social responsibility of all that attempts to ensure the child of the violent, addicted, poor, disenfranchised, single parent has some access to education and an alternative way of life.
    Given Maximus' comments I now have a vision of MLK running around his Memphis hotel room in his shorts shouting "where de white girls at ?" Edifying!!
     -- Mick, Manchester     
  • 4

    Mick, your sophomoric attempt at circular word salad was successful (besides being REALLY stupid, bigoted, wrong and uniformed). At nature's law (superseding all philosophies of existence), the family unit is the basis of common law, economics of society, emotional relativity, political structure, successful relationships and all else that is the nobility of man. If the nuclear family exists outside nature's enucleation, quandaries will be perpetuated. Most political influence only exacerbates harmful consequences (there are exceptions — such as unlawful acts of parents).

    A "social contract" (social responsibility) is a Marxist myth to theocratically control sentient chattel. The U.S. founders absolutely rejected the philosophy of social contract (legitimizing the State's authority over the individual) and Locke's Thesis on the subject. Individual sovereigns (heirs to the King of Eternity) are NOT responsible for their brothers and sisters — but rather, have unfettered duty(s) towards their extended family members. In like manner, incorporeal phantasms (government) have NO lawful authority over individual sovereigns — but rather, duty(s) ONLY to support, protect and administer, individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law, AND justice.

     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    Waffler, you are an idiot and by your dialogue, you may have known more than just your mother and father. Your cause and effect is contrary to any/all scientific method and can not be substantiated  it is FALSE. Your bigoted ignorance is just a parroting of socialism's diatribe, indoctrination and further enslavement of the noble family. My personal experience with home schooling (in multiple States  mother, father and child) has evidenced that home schooled children do more field trips, are introduced to more trades and backgrounds than any theocratic seminary (government school) participant and are scholastically advanced far beyond their friends that are indoctrinated by theocratic seminaries. Come on Waffler, get off your narrow minded socialist approach to everything.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    It appears that what Dr King is saying is an educational agency is better described as a directional agency,  for the most educated are those most removed from that typical contemporary group.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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