"To oppose corruption in government
is the highest obligation of patriotism."
G. Edward Griffin
Historian, Author
his book, The Freedom Manifesto, 2001
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 -- Mike, Norwalk      
And when this administration encounters whistleblowers, opposing corruption in government, they are the ones called unpatriotic; damned if they do and damned if they don't
 -- Jack, Green, OH     
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    You got that right, Jack. If opposing corruption in government is the highest form of patriotism, it is also a great way to ruin yourself. I recomment it highly.
     -- David L Rosenthal     
    But it is not this administraion, Jack...it is all administrations.
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    There was Nixon's, of course, David. Many of his administration went to jail for it, and Nixon would iave, had he not worked out a pardon with his successor. Name another with blatant, outright lies, where thousands died because of them. You'd say Clinton, I'm sure, but the only thing he "lied" about was a trivial thing he should never have been asked about in the first place ..not a crime. No one died. and he never called his accusers unpatriotic either ..just a vast right-wing conspiracy..
     -- Jack, Green, OH     
    Jack, You careen toward lucid, then toward insane, and back again. Why would I wish to argue with the kind of unreasoning logic that you wish to introduce to prove the absolutely false? Argue with yourself.
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    Hey Jack, LBJ.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
    Corruption ought to be opposed wherever you find it.
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    I agree about LBJ, and there may be others. The Gulf of Tonkin was a lie. I was delighted when he withdrew from running for re-election a few years later, but we got Nixon, who promised to end the mess in Vietnam, but only exacerbated it by expanding it into Laos and Cambodia, violating international law His "secret plan" was nothing more than LBJ's failed plan of vietnamization At least both men had the decency to quit when they realized their mistakes. I still contend we have the biggest liar in office now. I wonder if he ever told the complete truth about anything.
     -- Jack, Green, OH     
    The biggest liar? Oh, you mean Pelosi.
     -- David L Rosenthal     
    What did the speaker-to-be ever say that was untrue? Did anyone lose his/her life for it? Maybe some political lives. That's known as cleaning (the) House... a necessary thing for getting on with good government.
     -- Jack, Green, OH     
     -- Me Again      
    Oh, You mean John Murtha? Or Alcee Hastings? Or Charles Rangel? Or Maxine Waters? Or how about Truman? I am sure the thousands of anti-Soviets who were handed over to the Soviets after WWll appreciated his deceptions.
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    How about Truman, David? ..or Murtha, or Rangel, et al? You might not like what Truman did in settling WWII, but he didn't lie about anything. Can you remember those days? You seem to know a lot og things I don't remember. You keep bringing up names without giving what lies they told. Outside of Reagan in Nicaragua and his Iran-Contra deal, which he denied for a long time, I can't think of any liars like the current president. You haven't named any but LBJ I can agree with, but he came before Nixon who first raised the spector of lying public officials. People know better now. Please start giving some examples or quit bringing up new names.
     -- Jack, Green, OH     
    I did not name LBJ. Truman deceived many thousands of people, whom he delivered up to the Soviet Gulag, most of who perished as a direct result. They could have had lives outside the Soviet Union, if Truman had just let them be. Rangel is a great friend of Fidel Castro, and he now wants to invade Darfur, but withdraw from Iraq. He wants to raise taxes, reinstitute the draft, and normalize relations with Totalitarian Communist Cuba. Murtha is a snake in the grass (Abscam), as is Hastings(removed from judgeship), as is Waters(far left), as is Clinton, as was Truman, as was Roosevelt. Kennedy had a great image as civil rights advocate, but he liked to use political assassination - just a historical fact. And what was his justification for increasing US military presence in Viet Nam? But I know, Jack, you really know better than everyone who the bad guys are. Truman and Churchill both handed over many thousands, maybe more than 100,000, of refugees from the Soviets' demented genocidal tyranny to the raving maniacal murderer Stalin, making them both, in my book, among the most treacherous bastards the 20th-century West had to offer. Of course, they have much company.
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    Jack, I do not really care about proving anything to you. I am just annoyed that someone like you, who claims to have such extensive knowledge, can so comfortably make the illegitimate and unsupportable claim that democrats tend to be good and republicans tend to be bad. It is such a ridiculous thing to claim.
     -- David L Rosenthal     
    Did Truman lie about anything, as you claimed he did, David? What he did after the war was perfectly legal. Russia was our ally and they did as much (who knows, more or less?) than we did to defeat HItler. They were the first ones into Berlin, if you remember. But you said Truman lied. I would never say Democrats are good and Republicans are bad, You're the one who claims Democrats are bad and Republicans are good. I said we have the most unscrupulous, lying administration since Nixon and you keep saying, what about this or that Democrat, with no examples.
     -- Jack, Green, OH     
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    Jack, to start with, every President entering office has had to say: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.") Every time a President gives a Presidential decree that becomes rule of law he makes his oath of office a lie (especially when the decree is antithetical to the original Constitution's intent) -only the legislature can pass law.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Thank you, Jack, for clarifying which side of the limit you are on with respect to the ultimate extreme of morally acceptable behavior. To even attempt to justify what Truman did, and yes, he lied to the people he handed over to destruction, is to place yourself beyond reason. I will have no more to say to you, as you are unfit for human consumption, and also enjoy twisting the truth. Adios.
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    You lost me, Mike. I don't know what you're driving at. Are you saying all presidents lie with their oath to defend the Constitution,then ruling by decree as a tyrant, instead of going through the legislature? I won't argue your little nuances and personal opinions about executive privelege. This president seems obsessed with executive privilege extending to all manner of apponintments and decrees; but I'll leave that to them to defend. Ar least there are only two more years to put up with it. Only Congress can make a law, with the president's consent, or without it, if they can overide his veto. There are certain things presidents can do by decree under certain conditions, but the Constitution still rules --- or it's Heil der fuhrer
     -- Jack, Green, OH     
    Yes Jack that is what I was saying and thanks for clearing up the rest; Heil der fuhrer
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Truman was responsible for the unwarranted deaths of many thousands of human beings, many more than Milosevic. Truman may have convinced many that to drop the A-bombs on Japan were justified, but he tried to cover up the fact that he sent thousands to a terrible death in the Gulag camps. He took thousands of free people and forced them into slavery. He should have been hung.
     -- David L. Rosenthal     
    Are you still trying to pin a lie on Truman, David? What he did may have been controversial, but wasn't illegal and he didn't lie about it. After all, it was war - a real, declared war, not like this so-called war with Iraq. He said "The buck stops here" He owned up to it and didnt't lie, as Reagan did in Iran-Contra, selling weapons to a terrorist nation to pay for his illegal operation in Nicaragua, then saying he didn't know anything about it. What would your opinion be if Clinton had done such a thing? Tell me again what Truman lied about.That was your charge,
     -- Jack, Green, OH     
    When the war had ended, Truman deceived thousands of non-combatant refugees in order to hand them over to those in the Soviet Union who wished to kill them and did so. Truman was a liar, a genocide, and a betrayer of American ideals. Truman held back American generals who wanted to invade the Soviet Union, which would have avoided a half century of untold human suffering and millions of deaths of innocent people. Truman should have been hung. Truman was a perverse, evil man.
     -- David L Rosenthal     
     -- Joe, Rochester, MI      
     -- Anonymous      
    G. Edward Griffin has my support. Would that there were more like him. All the talk about whether Democrats or Republicans are more corrupt is irrelevant -- the money system is the most corrupting force in America -- both parties are beholden to it. Return to an honest money system, and witness the real revolution.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    You might be right about our monetary system, Archer, who knows? ..but I would paraphrase Churchill and say our quasi-governmental, central banking system may be the worst system in the world ...except for all the rest. It's true, it can and has made serious errors and demands competent governors, but I think the likes of Greenspan, or Bernanke, are qualified.. No system can simply run by itself with no human control, without violent upheavals of boom and bust. It's a delicate balance. I would hate to have to come up with a better way, though. The Fed is a powerful institution and its governors must have the good of the country at heart ...no doubt about that.
     -- Jack, Green, OH     
    yes and opposing deceit in the public arena is just as important. We should all oppose the slogan "America is a republic not a democracy" for example. Deceit in the public arena is treason.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Hey Waffler, they probably don't teach this stuff where you went to school, but this is called the Pledge of Allegiance..."I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    Waffler, you can't be serious with a ridiculous comment like yours. Your comment is so absurd that it's hard to respond to, but J Carlton said it very well. Waffler, please sober up before responding to quotes.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
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    Yes, a laudable goal... but not the highest obligation.
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US     
     -- Robken      
    America WAS a limited republic that has been subverted into an unlimited democracy where the majority rules whether they are good or evil with no better example than a lynch mob. God forbids it, Ex.23:2 The Constitution precludes it, Art. 4, Sec.4
     -- Dave Wilber, St.Louis     
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    Waffler is as useful as tits on a boar. We don't need collectivists like him. BEWARE!
     -- Dave Wilber, St. Louis     
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    Amen to this quote, some things are universal, and in no place on earth can be found wisdom, and freedom as in the good ol USA. We MUST fix it. For we see, when the government becomes corrupt, it sends a signal to all, and the corruption becomes a cancer, which should be cut out. AMERICA IS A REPUBLIC. Whatever lives in our hearts, will live on, no matter what they say, some of us know the truth about our great country.
     -- Kimo, Hawaiian Nations and USA Patriot     
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    Down with the feds!!!!!
     -- Anonymous     
    Current events illuminating corruption: What's Really Going on in Oregon! Taking Back the Narrative!
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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     -- Mike, Pleasant Hill      
    Waffler, you keep trying to push this BS that the United States is a democracy and was never a republic perhaps you don't read the Constitution (obvious) you should check out article 4 section 4. The Constitution guarantees a republican form of government that means "Republic." Now after you read this and discover this is true we shouldn't hear anymore of this democracy BS from you, right?
     -- Mike, Pleasant Hill     
    Great video Norwalk Mike, thank you.
     -- Mike, Pleasant Hill     
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    When the Bright Light comes On, the roaches run. Archer , Kimo, Mike, thank you for your comments. Brings the truth to bear. The federal form of management, Lord Acton agreed with. OK. federalist, on the other hand, hides behind the cloak of term. As Webster stated, no need to overturn the government. Remove the affiliates from all points in the office. The funny thing about that Bright Light, it comes from the tip of a sword. " And to the Republic for which it Stands " Mike, Pleasant Hill, All states shall have a Republican form of government. interesting point, 4 is the number of creation at natural law. 44th bk nt. 4 chap 11vr. " The Rock upon which the Republic rest " Psalm 118:22 The stone which the builders refused is become the head Stone of the corner. The tip of the sword resides plumb center, 118:08 It is better to trust in ( the Lord ) than to put confidence in man. The counsel of the lord standeth forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Ps 33:11,12
     -- Ronw13, Yachats OR     
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    Jack, the booms and busts are directly linked to the expansion and contraction of the money supply itself -- right now, completely controlled by private banks that quite literally create money when it is 'loaned' and destroy money when the loan is repaid. This is the inherent danger with fiat currency (which the Federal Reserve regulates). All booms and busts are regulated, and with each contraction of the money supply, real wealth and property are confiscated from the poor souls that get caught with the hot potato. Planning which country/people will get the hot potato is the game, and it moves from country to country, each time gradually putting more and more of the debt obligations in the bankers hands and the people/nations into perpetual debt. This trick is well known in financial circles -- every currency trader knows this. A central bank issuing fiat currency is one of the main planks of the Communist Manifesto -- money backed by silver/gold is the LAW in the USA, and when we traded our gold for interest bearing script in 1913, we have had nothing but booms and busts since -- with the bankers gradually holding all the debts of the nation -- money they simply created out of thin air, we are now beholden to repay at interest, BUT all the money in circulation today has been created by borrowing it -- paying it back 'unmints' the currency and eventually there is no more money, yet still an obligation to repay loans with money that quite simply no longer exists -- result: confiscation of land, homes, property and a permanent class of indentured servitude with no end to the obligation to work off an unpayable debt. We've become permanent tenants on our own property, paying rent and taxes for the privilege of banks to create all the money in the world in order to buy it and rent it back to us.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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