"National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a new world order."
Adolf Hitler
(1889-1945) German Nazi Dictator
During World War II
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 -- Anonymous      
5 stars for accuracy, thumbs down for what its done to this country. Part of the socialist revolution is / will be - the infallibility of the statist theocracy, proselytism byf force, and dumbing down a once free people to make them think that such cannons covering compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, larceny with impunity, funny money and just being happy slaves are right, moral, and the way things ought to be.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    And like the Nazi's the NWO will have genocide on its agenda. Beware the term "right wing extremist", These are the people/patriots that must be silenced. There is hope though, Americans purchased enough fire power to re arm the Chinese and Indian armies in the last 3 months of 2008 alone. Clearly there is a message there.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    I suspect that Hitler would love what Obama, Nancy, and the gang are trying to do to the USA. They are,after all, fellow leftists.
     -- jim k, austin     
    jim, said well. I find it amazing how the politically correct call the communism adaptation of socialism left and the fascist adaptation of socialism right. Ahh yes, something to keep the dumbied down contending one against the other (being able to blame the other guy for the downward spiral). If socialism is used as the standard, Hitler, Lenin, Mao, Obama, Nancy and gang are all truly on the left. I don't know where that puts those that love freedom, liberty, and constitutionally limited government or anyone else. Maybe anti-ever expanding huge government anarchists would be on the right?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    So few people understand that the right is no better than the left and that self righteousness is just as evil as licentiousness. As long as we continue to use a debauched monetary system, we are doomed no matter what side is in control.
     -- Howard, Bangkok     
    Yes Howard freedom is no better than slavery. Real bright.
     -- warren, olathe     
    Eric (the Editor). you must get a kick out of this... even Hitler gets it wrong and everyone follows like sheep. I'm tired of explaining the difference between socialism, fascism, liberalism, communism, and all the other ism's. Our present path is so much to the right its a joke, listening to all the scaremongers threatening socialist take-over has to be so laughable. We are so dumb we can't see the reality of it all. Sometime ago Archer said ...the American is Liberty, not 'capitalism' or 'democracy'. Well, just look around you and tell me if we are practicing what we preach. Capital is manufactured and that's what got us into this mess in the first place. We all love to label people and their thoughts without any concern that we are all members of one human race - I quite understand why aliens have never paid us a visit, they take one look at our stupidity towards each other and skedaddle back to where they came from saying 'lets wait another 1000 years' before we make first contact! The last thing the CFR is made up of is liberals and socialists - just look at its membership. And, as they are the ruling class your statement with regard to a socialist take over is crap. If anything, there will be riots in the streets between the progressives and the fascists - and for Fascist's read, Christian right wing fanatics/fundamentalist's, red-neck and conservative nationalist's, the middle to right Republican's, and thugs for (Brown-shirst or what ever you want to call them, who can so easily be manipulate through lies, propaganda and deceit). The military and the media will be on orders from CFR and other Institutions - so, the key here is to see what side CFR and the other Institutions will favor, my guess, it will not be the progressive's. The last thing the NWO will be run by is socialists - are you all so blind? The only way there will be a socialist take over is if the people take to the streets demand their country back - Obama is so far to the right its amazing how gullible we are - perhaps if we turn off Fox News and didn't listen to Limbaugh and his cohorts we may get some honesty into our lives. The Russian and French revolutions were people (who had been totally enslaved) taking their country back from the ruling class. America's ruling class will not commit that same mistake, instead they will rally dumb, ignorant, and fanatical Americans and spread lies via their media and paid whores and use that time old trick which evil people do of blaming the dissenter's for exactly what they themselves are responsible for - its called projectionism. America is at a cross roads and depending upon it's decision the path to our future - may be one of total enslavement, barbarism, and fundamentalism; or, it will be one on the road to recovery and eventual enlightenment - the choice is yours. Today, America is a very corrupt society doing what they accuse others of doing; our legislators and government officials are bought and paid for by corporate America - one recent example is Bill Nelson, US senator for Florida, who on the campaign trail said he would support a public health option but when it came time to vote he voted against it. Then you look at the money he received from the medical industry and you will quickly see who he really represents. If America is to move forward the people must demand campaign reform - no more brown paper bags, no more expensive trips paid by lobbyists, no more funding by ANYONE individual and corporations except for a government allowance which each candidate will have access too - the higher up the ladder you get the more allowance you get. Until we stop corporations running America we will slide inevitably into the quagmire and may never be able to pull ourselves out. America was founded by the people taking over their country from the British ruling class - I wonder if that is the road we take while pondering at the crossroads. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y1d03x2oJQ&feature=related
     -- RBESRQ     
    Go either to the right or to the left, and you find people who believe they know best what everyone else should do. The free individual is relegated to some sort of 'fringe.' Liberty it seems has been determined to be too much power for a person to have over themselves. Instead, we are expected to believe that for our own 'security' we must pay the armed thug at the door or else we will pay the ultimate price -- afterall if you aren't contributing to the coffers of government then you are of no value and thus deserving of no 'security' -- just like the local mafiosa in NYC that intimidate small business owners. Eventually the citizenry will have to stand up to these thieves who lie and lie and lie with the force of the gun behind them. It is not a right vs. left issue -- that is a technique for keeping us wrangling with each other while the banksters to whom all governments and corporations are beholden go laughing to the bank. The mistake is calling this corruption 'capitalism' instead of 'monopolism.' Capitalism has been dead since the 30s, and fascism has become the form of government with the illusion of choice through 'democracy.' I agree that Obama is not a true representative of the poorer classes -- he is Wall Street through and through -- some call that 'right wing' but when the market is fixed, it is not a right vs left issue but a top vs bottom issue. Think about it: our government assumes it is to regulate all our powers, whatever we may be able to do, we must get permission to do it -- we cannot fly without permission, cannot drive, cannot work, cannot build things that give one a power that normally is under the control of 'officials.' We need permits to marry, certificates to recognize our existence, licenses to work. Statutes have been passed telling us what we may not do to our bodies, what we may not ingest, what we may not breathe, and soon how much we may exhale without paying a tax. Not a transaction can occur between 2 people without some bureaucrat expecting a percentage. This is madness!! The assumption of arbitrary power backed up with nothing but government guns has become common, and people like me who say ENOUGH are 'radicals.' Freedom is a radical idea -- always was, and I guess still is.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Robert, Hitler, among other models, molded his form of socialism after Mussolini. He saw the advantage in putting a corporate face on government ownership and control (all built on funny money). Today's progressivism is a combination of the worst communism and fascism had to offer. If you make a check list of how Hitler came to power and what he did while in office, you'll see what starts with the Bushes and is accelerated through Obama.From stimulus packages to owning 60% of the car companies, and beyond, (ignoring 300 years of laws to do it) Fascist corporate Amerika is socialism and anything but capitalism. Can you tell me what segment of life does the intangible ethos (government) not have its heavy hand into? That's socialism.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    RBESRQ, You can obviously write a book, but you obviously don't get it. Right or left, conservative or liberal, communist or capatalist, it doesn't matter. Just as the Bible says, the borrower will always be servant to the lender. Unfortunately, we are all slaves. You just have not noticed the chains. You will though, when it's too late. When you do, i'll loan you a gun.
     -- Howard, Bangkok     
    Warren, you think you are free? Take your head out of the sand.
     -- Howard, Bangkok     
    Archer, Mike, Howard...Beautiful! Well said all....
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Howard you obviously don't like reading books - your interpretation of my post is interesting...
     -- RBESRQ     
    Mike, Hitler, though anti Marxist was an admire of Marx - his megalomania obviously didn't want to to praise another leader. At that time the only true socialist state. Mussolini was way down the line... Mussolini was what the world knows Fascism - its his baby. Being a Catholic he allowed the Vatican to have their own sovereignty. The only connection Hitler had with Mussolini is one of circumstances. Socialism is not about taking from the wealthy - you have read to many comics. Socialism is about the left side of Liberalism.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Robert, I have no idea what you mean by "Socialism is about the left side of Liberalism." What is the right side of Liberalism? Socialism from the 1700s (including Fabian) was based on differing forms of social larceny, all directed by a statist despot. Marx's "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is one of the basis on which communism, fascism and all other forced styles of socialism enslave their patrons. The liberal US founders totally rejected all aspects of socialism by implementing natural law where cause and effect created the most powerful, most prosperous (least poor), most personally responsible, most caring, most free society that has ever existed. That which is now called liberalism is completely foreign to the founders.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    The Founders were Liberals and some didn't know it! Read McGovern's book "The Essential America" America was founded on Liberal traditions. This book is one of many...
     -- RBESRQ     
    I keep hearing that the rest of the world hates the US because of its freedom. That is one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated on America. The US has always been loved because of its freedom, its caring and giving in abundance, its affording everyone, even the poorest, an opportunity to prosper, its limited government, its principled core values, it living by the rule of law instead of enforcing the rule of man. Now that, through the statist theocracy's extermination of life's nobility, dumming down, despot cannon enforcement, compelled compliance has become common place, the newest statist theocracy is not of 'We The People' but rather an organic hegemony with inherent right, license has been instituted to replace inalienable rights, the foreign despot has tyrannically invented and enforced victimless crimes, government sponsors larceny with impunity, and the extinguishing of freedom's sole beacon has almost been completed, national socialism is the religion / tool that is establishing the despotic new world order. While the rest of the world flirted with the rules of man, attempting to improve on the rule of law, it was the US uniquely that held to law, remaining the sole beacon of freedom's light. It is not the freedom that everyone hates, its the national socialism motor that is driving all hope from the hearts and minds from the family of man. Where can man's soul that yearns for law, freedom and liberty go once the new world order is in full force? There is no place. The hatred is based on the abandonment and final extinguishing of hope, life's nobility, freedom, liberty, law, justice, and rights.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Robert, of course America was founded on Christian liberal ideals, principles, and traditions. I said that above but once again. The 'liberal' of America's 1700s has nothing to do with today's liberalism. I consider myself more liberal (in a 1700s sorta way) than any other classification. I abhor today's so called liberalism's implementation of socialism. Today's liberalism is a criminal mind set against freedom and humanity. By way of very brief example: liberals are turning the most food producing areas in the world into deserts. The government run media remains either silent on the subject or merely says it kills jobs. The death of free enterprise is nothing compared to the elimination of food in a hungry world. Welcome to the NWO.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    I am afraid of this New World Order business but at the same time believe that it will never amass to the point of affecting our lives because at the end of the day we will unite in what we know as love and truthfulness making us strong and brave in this terrible world we live in.
     -- liz, PORTSMOUTH     
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