"Some of the problems of governance in the United States today stem from an excess of democracy . . . The effective operation of a democratic political system usually requires some measure of apathy and noninvolvement on the part of some individuals and groups."
Samuel Huntington
U.S. Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission
Trilateral Commission Report on the Governability of Democracies, The Crisis of Democracy (1975), 169.
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Some more problems stem from socialism and tyranny (most any being an excess).
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    The "democratic political system" is socialist and liberal. This statement is as scarry as it is true, though I do not approve of the Council on Foreign Relations, nor the Trilateral Commission. I am no longer apathetic, though I do not have a good idea of what to do to stop the tyranny. I do what I can, like vote Libertarian and support the NRA.
     -- Joe, Rochester, MI     
    Thumbs down for the double-think required to even understand this jargon. The essence of the quote is that groups like the Trilateralist Commission and CFR wield immense political power, and as long as the masses remain apathetic they can get away with it. The 'crisis' is merely that the people still have democratic processes for stopping such power grabs -- and the elites do not want the masses screwing up their plans. Therefore public apathy and non-involvement are important ingredients for stealing the republic from the people.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    I'd love to hear Wafflers take on this. How about it Waffler, maybe we need some laws requiring a certain amount of apathy and uninvolvement and set up a bureaucracy (by borrowing more debt) to make sure the American individuals and groups that are causing the excess of democracy are shut out therefore alleviating "some" of the problems of governance in the United States today. My jaw drops and my head shakes when I think that some, many even, believe this clap trap of double speak that is, in todays intellectual world, words of wisdom so far ahead of the simple mind of the average individual he is not expected to understand so don't bother and just go back to what you were doing and we'll do what we do, your life is well in our hands. Talk about vaguery in saying a lot of nothing and these groups (CFR and TC), and others like them are shaping the world they expect us to live in. By doing nothing, this is what people ask for.
     -- Anon     
    The quote is dramatically revealing in its simplicity of truth and purely obvious to anyone with even a modicrum intelligence. They should all be shot for the traitors they truly are. Have another Hamburger sheep! What a disgrace.
     -- S. Tolo     
    People are waking up, the Tea Parties testify to this, and the crowd in Washington doesn't like it one bit.
     -- jim k, austin     
    Joe, your a man after my own heart. NRA life member and Libertarian Party member here. Spread the word...the NRA is America's original homeland security team. And they don't act like Nazi's about it. And all of us are Libertarians at heart, we find that out when the government comes knocking....Jim K...notice that the Tea Party's aren't getting much media attention even though they happen almost daily? Wouldn't want people to think there might be an anti (socialist) government movement happening now would we?
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    J Carlton, just a thought, when the people were tending toward apathy the mainstream media was their gospel but now that they are waking up (tea parties etc), the mainstream is fast becoming the fringe.
     -- Anon     
    Silly statement
     -- RBESRQ     
    Anon, I think that's fairly accurate. Most people I talk to, including perfect strangers seem to have lost all faith in anything that can be termed "Main Stream Media". The system is beginning to show some cracks...
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    J, I think the cracks are caused not so much by what they report but what they don't report after an aware individual takes a good look around and then desires some place that's talking about and reflects what he is seeing that is not being reported. Cracks here, cracks there, cracks everywhere. That's what happens to a poorly poured foundation and when it crumbles the natural foundation will be built on again.
     -- Anon     
    I'm sure that this quote is only an opening premise. Apathy, selfishness and ignorance on the part of the people of a nation obviously contribute to the break down of society. It's both the people and the politicians who usher in pain onto a nation or community. An "excess of democracy" means that majority rules or where elected representatives assume too much out of the silence of its constituency, and act either out of ignorance or toward its own wants, thus making errors that will be more deleterious toward a principled republic. Politicians employ particular language so as to enlarge a dumbed-down voter base in order to further a cause for their own welfare, agenda and position. Obama is the speak-easy grand master whose intent is to weaken the foundation of America with a multitude of the cracks of his lies.
     -- mike     
    Please correct me if I'm wrong. I think that this quote is from the Samuel P. Huntington who said, "A world without U.S. primacy will be a world with more violence and disorder and less democracy and economic growth than a world where the United States continues to have more influence than any other country in shaping global affairs. The sustained international primacy of the United States is central to the welfare and security of Americans and to the future of freedom, democracy, open economies, and international order in the world." Not every member of the CFR is there to help create a NWO.
     -- mike     
    There's always confusion regarding the use of the terms democracy, democratization, and democratic platform. Democracy can become unbridled and unprincipled, where majority (mob) rule can lead (and can hurt those who, for example, are for intensely godly and family values). America was founded as a democratic republic. "Democracy" for totalitarian governments is a good thing; at least there is a choice--the govt is in the hands of the people versus in the hands of a few who rule.
     -- mike     
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