"No one is fit to be trusted with power. ... No one. ...
Any man who has lived at all
knows the follies and wickedness he's capable of. ...
And if he does know it,
he knows also that neither he nor any man
ought to be allowed to decide a single human fate."
C. P. Snow
[Charles Percy Snow, Baron Snow, CBE] (1905-1980) English novelist, physical chemist
the book, The Light and the Dark, 1947
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Reader comments about this quote:
Would anybody out there let me decide their fate for them? I thought not. So why do these ame people who wouldn't let a single stranger decide their fate, allow a majority of strangers to decide their fate?
 -- Anon     
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    Deciding the fate of other's lives was signed into law yesterday and it was a sad day for America,
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Was not the law yesterday intended to be laws controlling the health care insurance industry? (Although I heard the $100 a day fine is little incentive to force them reverse their denial of coverage.) That would seem a judicious law since whenever it was needed for the reasons it was marketed, it seemed that the coverage has changed and no longer available to the subscriber. Does anyone understand the thing, it is so long and wordy? But, indeed, what kind of society are we if health care is denied at the eleventh hour. People losing jobs, and then family members losing insurance just as a serious disease is diagnosed. Again, I would rather be taxed to see that another American gets the health care they need than to build and sell phosphorous bombs, illegal in the Geneva Convention, to drop on defenseless people in Gaza, AND give Israel 30 billion a year in aid in our approval and support of such insanity and barbarism. We are deciding the fate of the peoples upon whom genocide is being applied. What is the difference between this and health care? I'll put my money on health care any day.
     -- Judith, New Mexico     
    Judith, not to argue but you've covered a lot of ground there. The government was already far too involved with health care by way of cronyism with insurance companies. A better justice system and less (no) government involvement would, I believe, serve us better than socialist take over of our life choices. And Israel should be cut off from all American taxpayer funding. They're all grown up now, they can sink or swim.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Judith, do you really want the people who run the Post Office to decide your health care ? I didn't think so.
     -- jim k, Austin     
    Real funny Judith that this healthcare is enforce by the IRS.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    The health care bill is a takeover bill by the same folks who brought you the current economic crash -- the Federal Reserve. The IRS is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve. All that 'bail-out' money was via the Federal Reserve. Obama is Wall Street, through and through -- it is amazing how the leftists don't see he is duping us still (because he is fooling himself as well, a weakness of narcissism -- a weakness the ruling class know how to manipulate.) SO go ahead, rejoice in the 'salvation' of the people and our 'new rights.' Wake the f#$% up.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    I am sure none of you approved of the way health insurance was administered, and priced beyond peoples means. What do you propose is a better remedy? At least years ago one could purchase major medical insurance if young and healthy. What we had was not working. Do you believe people should then just die or/and lose all their belongings to get treatment if insurance canceled when they lost their job? Your value system seems very cruel to me. Thankfully, with this bill my mid-aged son will now purchase health insurance which I have been coaxing him to get. Problem is the policies may not be any better even with this bill. I am awake Archer and am not a child. I am a medical professional who believes it is a sham this country ranks 37th in health care and is the only developed (so-called) country that does not see that everyone has some medical coverage. To be denied treatment for a disease and given minimal care because one cannot afford insurance is just not humane.
     -- Judith, New Mexico     
    We spend twice as much on health care than any other country and yet we have one of the worst in the western civilized world. Health care should not be a profit center and don't worry Archer the Left is very much aware of the obamanites and their fascist leanings. Like you Judith I ran health plans and know only to well the abuse in the present system - I ran a 501c3 health group which cost 30% less than commercial health plans. We presently have thousands dying in America because of denied coverage. We have millions that cannot afford individual coverage - when they leave their employer they are unable to afford coverage - even COBRA only lasts 18 months and that too is expensive. It is a travesty that we think we are civilized and yet we are not.
     -- RBESRQ     
    I was in the insurance biz, too, and frankly, it is because of the insurance 'system' that the costs of health care are so high. If health services had to compete, then the prices would reflect that. The profits in the pharma industry are insane -- why? Because natural remedies are ILLEGAL (i.e. unpatentable, unprofitable). The insurance industry governs the health care industry -- and it is designed to make immense profits and thusly grant immense power to execs. Read between the lines: the health care bill is a health tax bill -- it is now illegal to NOT have insurance just as if you were driving down the street without insurance. Everyone's taxes have just gone up!! And the IRS is the one to make sure you have insurance -- or else! Folks, the insurance business may indeed need overhauliong, but REQUIRING 300 million Americans buy insurance is a HUGE boon to insuarnce companies and will institute 'health redistribution' just like 'wealth redistribution' -- your money was obviously not yours, but NOW your health isn't yours either!! Health care is expensive because there are no checks to keep costs down -- Medicare and Medicais are just rubber stamps in a bureacracy. Thousands of people living off the ill-health of the people -- and the treatments can also lead to more bad health and more money to treat it. The cancer industry is a business that cannot afford to cure cancer. How hypocritical can people be? Senseless suffering to avoid an inevitable death. People are not even allowed to refuse treatment any more!! This has national socialist fascism written all over it. Courage, that's one thing we need to face illness and death, not more taxes and unpayable debt, which is the cause of so much economic disease and suffering. Don't be duped! take some g.d. responsibility.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    So true Archer, the problem is complex and multi-faceted. Years ago I met a woman and her family stranded on the freeway in Bellevue Wa, car broke down, it was raining and they were standing outside a smoking car. I stopped and told them to get in my car so they wouldn't get hit. (Cop came along and got mad at me for stopping to help, "in the way". As I drove them to a small town where they had friends, she told me she had leukemia, had two bone marrow transplants, neither took and had been put on massive steroids, etc. which gave her a moon face and made her feel terrible.. She learned of a root grown in Mexico and they had come to town to get more. She looked the picture of health, and was beautiful and radiant. I had the feeling I was looking at the Madonna. There are remedies which the medical profession will not acknowledge. Darn that I did not write down what it was. Many times I had wanted to give the specifics to others. The medical industry is designed to make money, for doctors, administrators, stock holders, medical supply companies, ad nauseum. Myself, I got peripheral neuropathy from statin medications and must take seizure medications for the pain which makes me forgetful and seem daffy at times and affects my mobility. It has put a kabash on my retirement year and my doctor told me to keep taking the drug, denying that I was having an adverse effect. When I stopped on my own, the wrist pain disappeared, but feet pain has stayed with me, now four years. If I had no insurance I likely would not have peripheral neuropathy now. So there you go.
     -- Judith, New Mexico     
    "The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people."-----Representative John Dingle (D-MI).
     -- Anonymous     
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    Wait, I see on the horizon that they will make homeopathic and holistic medicine illegal or the need for FDA approval which of course will never be given. I have use homeopathic medicine for years and it has cured my high blood pressure, and cholesterol, and my aching knees. I remember a long time ago I had this excruciating stomach pain and my friend from Columbia gave me a green liquid which cured my pain plus I had a great sleep (I know what you are thinking, no, it wasn't cocaine). By the way, all you taking Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) without it being a complex are asking for trouble; this is yet another myth that makes you even worse while enriching the health care industry.
     -- RBESRQ     
    I am devestated that a country that cannot properly manage social security, medicare, the post office, has now decided it knows how to take on all of health care at a time when our country is trillions in the hole and completely indebted to China plus others. I am devestated that I just witnessed my country move from a republic based upon law and self responsibility, self reliability and self sufficiency to one of Marxism. I am devestated that my grandkids, any one who needed in any state, could have had the CHIP-government health care- will now live in a country that has been dumbed down to a minimal 4th grade level, and that we have a population that has no ability to do math and therefore believe that placing 325million people on a health care program will save the country money. Like has been said by wiser people than this old woman, people get the government they deserve. We have a country of dumbed down, uneducated people now and the last 50 years proves it. I am just wondering if I can now convince my neighbors that I need a car. Maybe they will buy that for me so I can get around better...and the fuel to keep it going. I want it, it is hard for me to have it, so why can't the government now make it a priority that this product be paid for by all as well. Yep, I just love other people making decisions for me. I believe we will see the wickedness begin as this country has never witnesses since the Indian wars.
     -- aa, hb     
    aa, hb you have it backwards - Medicare is by far less expensive than PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE and produces better results. You have been hoodwinked like most Americans by corporate propaganda - they even have an office for propaganda which they keep very quiet about.
     -- RBESRQ     
    At "the laws of nature and of nature's God" (Declaration of Independence) such being the solely licit and uniquely de jure jurisprudence of the valid States united, "law enforcement" is an illicit oxymoron. Can one enforce gravity, physics, life, liberty or property? "NO" ! ! !  Only tyranny can be enforced. The original intent, as understood through the 9th and 10th Amendments and through multiple checks and balances was that, the Constitution was to limit the scope of hired servants' duties ("No one is fit to be trusted with power."). No man, or group of men can lawfully decide a single humans fate whether it be insurance, vaccinations, wearing of masks or slave status as recognized through compelled compliance, victimless crimes, government licenses, larceny with impunity (2nd plank of the communist manifesto) or NON-recognition of individual sovereignty / inalienable rights / liberty.

     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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     -- jim k, Austin      
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