"We create an environment where it is alright to hate, to steal, to cheat,
and to lie if we dress it up with symbols of respectability, dignity and love."
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Some think it is alright to steal from other than your own caste or class.
 -- Waffler, Smith     
    This describes Socialism to a tee.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Governments steal your money, give it away and dress it up as altruism.
     -- jim k, austin     
    yep! That is a good start to describing the why of compelled compliance, license, victimless crimes, larceny with impunity, mandated funny money, etc., etc., etc. That also describes the global warming hoax that is currently being exposed in a giant way. (-;Speaking of an environment;-) even John Coleman (creator of the Weather Channel) along with 30,000. + other scientists are stepping forward by suing Al Gore for perpetuating, or at least his part in expanding, "the greatest scam in history."
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Mike, can you provide a link to any info in a suit against Gore et al ? I'd love to give that some exposure.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    start with googling '30000 scientists'
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Government thieves never get the sentencing that common thieves get.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    Found it Mike. Interesting how many ways Gore is profiting from all this. Almost the way Cheney and Rummy are profiting from the blood of American's in the Middle East, and the Flying Pig Flu.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    What would you think of Al Gore if he did not put his money into something that he believes in, I guess you would call him a hypocrite. He is not being sued for fraud that is just another ignorant loud mouth use of words by you guys. He is sued for his perceived failure according to some to debate. This thing has been going on for years, where were these so called debaters for all of that time. These world meetings and protocols are nothing new. The ice caps are melting. The science is obvious just like every knows they are killing themselves when they smoke and inhale or get drunk and drive. How or why can you guys be so dense and obstinate. All go gets scientific kudos every where he turns as in his Internet contributions. Hell you gusy don't even admit the truty about Al Gore's initiative in helping to create the internet, who is going to believe anything you say now about this scientific matter. Hey your credibility is showing and you just come acorss as lazy political hacks.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, LOL!!!, where were these debaters? Putting his money into something that he believes in (where he's making almost 150K a speech as often as he want's to and would quickly become a billionaire once carbon credits come to full bloom - You may be right, self aggrandizement and enrichment at the expense of the world) Are you really that deaf, dumb, and blind or do you just watch or listen to Democrat propaganda, the government's tabloid media complex, and government school ramblings? Are you really that naive to believe the government, with its many corrupt factions, is so trustworthy (non-corrupt) that they would allow something other than the statist theocracy's planned agenda? Only the Arctic is melting slightly. Could that be due to all the volcanic activity there, where its not really happening in the south, or what? It's hard to explain the Arctic melting when the world temperature has been getting colder for the last 8 years. Waffler, I actually know someone who in fact help developed the internet and he never met Gore.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Gore took the initiative to create the Inernet just like Eisenhower took the initiative to create the Interstate Highway System, I am sure there were also a lot of steamroller drivers that never met Eisehower also. The global warming issue was not and is not being researched or propagangized by government. As you should know or I should say everyone should know but probably not you Mike is that the US Government or Administration as we call it virtually denied the issue and the facts for eight years, so what is this talk about government. The evidence has been amassed for decades and studied by researchers and scientists for ever. How can you be blind to the history of what man has and is doing to the environment as we know it, every species range is being reduced, and extinctions occur virtually annually. There is more than ample examples that should make you appalled at what human beings are capable of doing through wrong headed or profit at any cost thinking. The filling in of the swamps and wet lands, the pollution of every stream and river in America because it was a cheap way of getting rid of industrial waste. Where is your sensitivity or sense? Now granted that filling the atmosphere with carbon is not exactly the same as filling the streams with garbage and is different than the other examples of mans inhumanity to planet and other animals but hell is it not worth the chance of even a little error to at least for once think twice and err on the side of protecting the environment than to err in destroying it. Again I published a lot of words about Al Gores internet awards and the work he and the government did in developing the Internet. This in response to Carlton;s earlier denials. He still apparently denies the truth because he dislikes Al Gore apparently only becaue Al Gore is a Democrat. He and you have got to get off your partisan horses and use your heads.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, I'm sorry your chosen slavehood has made you so jaded. Your off topic rhetoric is again, well, off topic. What government virtually denied what issue? Certainly not global warming. I guess you've missed all the e-mails and other information that shows your decades of amassed data to be fraudulent (and most of the original data seems to have been done away with while mostly leaving fraudulent conclusions) What does the actual pollution and harm to the environment done by man have to do with the religious fraud that is spear headed by global warming? The answer, nothing! ! My comment concerning a Democrat was sufficiently added to by J Carlton. All government is corrupt, perpetrating their own specific crimes of choice. Besides the individual or personal malfeasance, the judiciary is hell bent on legislating and enforcing immoral, unlawful, and unconstitutional edicts to further their own gains. The legislature, pretending themselves to be gods create an environment where it is alright to hate, to steal, to cheat, and to lie by dressing it up with symbols of respectability, dignity and love. The executive enforces whatever seems most profitable, or religiously (politically) correct at the time. So again Waffler, your frivolous array of non-substantive rhetoric is significantly lacking and blatantly incorrect.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    PS Waffler, you don't have a clue what you're talking about with Gore and the internet. The internet existed for military and was expanding into schools long before Gore's presence. I guess your standard party line will do for those that don't want to research (beyond the politically correct facade) and that's ok. Those originators know who they really are and they just smile.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Gore took an intererst and popularized the term "Information Superhighway". He supported and pushed the concept of the Internet. Who Mike to you think overseas, authorizes and pushes the military if not Congressional Committes. You are correct about the military and eventually the National Science Foundation. Gore was a supporter, a booster, and a facilitator. He has gotten many awards for his work. He certainly doesn't need YOU. You are an air head if you do not know that the Bush administration and his Republican friends in government and Congress denied or looked the other way on the Climate Change Issue. What is the BS you talk about above about "religious fraud" where the hell did you ever get that term. To take a line from the late not so great Soviet Empire, WE are going to bury you head in the sand, ignorant by choice, philosophical and political flakes, liars, and frauds!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler do not call Gore and his scam "science" there never was any science in it. Do you not know what science is? Science has at its center investigation and constant testing and attempting to disprove a theory. Your bozos hide any data they get in order to not have to answer for the very unscientific methods they used to come up with the crap. They only use the data that supports the theory that is keeping them employed and discard the rest. They refuse to debate it now because they have lost the argument and have nothing to defend their position. It is now a political football and has nothing to do with science. It is sad to see such idiocy in here. It is sad that people like George Bush supported this crap. But now that it is all out in the open and those that have the ability to reason have been vindicated, it is disgusting to see people still trying to peddle this crap. I realize that this is hard for some because it challenges their religion but man made global warming is nothing but a money grabbing scam. Gore has made hundreds of millions off of this scam. Not bad when all he invested was lies. It is hard to think of him as brilliant but he IS making a ton of money. I have to assume it was just luck. He is so convincingly stupid in everything he does and says that I wonder if he may actually believe what he peddles, but if that were true he would not hesitate to defend it with debate. This quote describes your beloved icons to a tee.
     -- warren, olathe     
    Waffler, I understand your party affiliation along with the Soviet Empire We association. I have heard those who have started environmental movements, such as Green Peace, state that you Soviets and other socialist factions have taken over the movement with a religious fervor. The collectivist movement has taken on the substance and the face of a religion with such fraudulent doctrines as global warming as a doctrine for global dominance.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Waffler, with the exception of Ron Paul, what Republican was against implementing the tyranny based on the fraud that is global warming?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Waffler, you really make me laugh. You've said for 8 years the White House virtually denied the lies of global warming. So, since in your opinion, those certain Republicans stood up for the truth, why aren't you praising their efforts. Or is your partisanship so thick the truth can't be accepted if it comes from the opposing camp? hmmm
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Mike you said that the Climate Change issue was and is pushed by government. It certainly was not pushed by the Bush government. It was and is pushed by The People, people from all over the world and by scientists. The Bush folk did not listen to the people. You must have been stoned out of your gourd when you wrote above Warren. I am sure you have never heard of Copenhagen either. Vindication blah blah blah, what he heck are you talking about. You are in the same class of folk who said around 1900 that the wild birds being killed in Florida for hat feathers for the fine ladies in NYC could never be hurt because there was so many of them. Well now they are all dead, never to be seen again. Or the folk that thought filling in the Everglades was a good idea. Elk of course was eliminated from the East and almost from the West, wild turkey was eliminated but restored in the last twenty yeas by a very successful and well managed and planned program. Can you like Mikey never learn from history? Even if the people of the earth err a little bit would it not be better to err on the side of the planet amd its environment than make the same foolish blunders time and time again. Wake up Mike you obviously have been asleep for decades! Either that or you are to young to have lived for decades. No one can be as unknowing as you are without one or the other possibilities.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Put simply, this quote is speaking about legalized plunder. See 'The Law' by Frederick Bastiat.
     -- Anon     
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     -- jim k, Austin      
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