"If you own your life, then you have the right to defend yourself against anyone who would deprive you of it. ... And, if you have the right of self-defense, it follows that you have the right to act ... to obtain means appropriate to that defense. That brings us to firearms, particularly the handgun, which so many people would outlaw. The handgun has been called the equalizer ..., and for good reason. It affords smaller, weaker people the chance to defend themselves against bigger, stronger people who threaten them. Handguns offer the otherwise defenseless a convenient, practical, inexpensive method of safeguarding themselves and their families. Banishing handguns -- even if the big and strong were also denied them -- would leave the small and the weak defenseless."
Sheldon Richman
V.P. of Future of Freedom Foundation, author
The Right to Life Equals the Right to Possess Firearms, The Tyranny of Gun Control, 40 (Future of Freedom Foundation 1997).
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Reader comments about this quote:
 -- marshall miller, lilburn, ga.      
This is all truth, the forefathers wrote this into the very fabric of the constitution. For good reason, a man witout a gun is a serf, a subject, bare to any and all harm, with no rights at all. Back to the old saying, guns dont kill people, people kill people, its only a matter of how. By thier laws they try to drive us backward in time, to a time of baseball bats and bows and arrows. A FREE man posesses, a GUN, period. __Kimo. 2010
 -- Kimo, Lahiana     
  • 6
    One more thing to show proof. 4 times in my life, ive had to draw and show a weapon, not once did i have to use it, the presence of it was enogh to stop violence, and save a life.
     -- Kimo, Lahiana     
  • 6
    Though I do not believe I own my life, I am not the straw man's, or otherwise, extension, I believe the rest of the quote to be accurate. I am, therefore, I exist with all rights inalienable, including that of self preservation.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 5
    The first property you ever own is your own body, your vehicle for life. If you have no right "by law" to defend this precious property then you are obviously some one else's property. As mentioned above...a serf. It follows that you don't really have any other rights at all. None.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 4
    I have no prolem with the right but it has been said by knowledgable people that if you are close enough to the criminal minded to use a hand gun you are probably still going to loose to his/her criminal attitude. Most people cannot hit the broad side of anything with a handgun. Is it false security. I still like carrying mine in the deep woods.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
  • 1 5
    All praise to the Obamaunists for profiting on the bailours. 12 billion profit on Citigroup. What say ye all?
     -- Waffler, Smith     
  • 1
    Waffler...With the right comes a responsibility. Those who take advantage of the right to bear arms have the responsibility of learning how to safely and effectively operate it. The ownership of a firearm is not a false security for those who accept this responsibility. And I have been close enough to the crimal minded to use a handgun and I didn't lose. I would have, had I been without it. I had no need to fire a single shot, just the mere presence of the firearm deterred action by the criminal and provided security to myself and my family.
     -- Publius     
  • 4
    Publius, that is the premise on which the Kennesaw firearm law was passed. In my second comment to the Kennesaw Chief of Police Robert Ruble quote I have provided a link to a video about Switzerland's gun laws. Every household there has a gun. It would be worth going back to pick up that link to watch the video, very interesting. Waffler seems to be obsessed with the bailouts.
     -- Carol, Georgia     
  • 4
    A true story. A young woman, a relative of a friend, lived alone. Her cat slept with her and was startled by a noise downstairs and woke her up. She reached for a pistol she kept by the bed and shot dead an intruder who was coming toward her. Waffler, she could "hit the side of a barn" and a thug bent on hurting her.
     -- jim k, Austin,Tx     
  • 5
    As was said by another, the Equalizer.
     -- Elaine, Atlanta     
  • 2
    It's this kind or banal reasoning that is the cause of perpetual wars.
     -- RBESRQ     
  • 1 5
     -- Ky Headhunter, Owensboro      
    Robert...you need to find another nation to live in. America was founded with property rights and the right to self defense in mind. Not sheep like compliance.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
  • 3
    Waffler...These bailouts that you are so eager to speak of are not the work of a capitalist government. Capitalism says to let the failed company die. Its the socialist doctrine to use the people's money to purchase or gain control of private entities.
     -- Publius     
  • 3
    RBESRQ...Read Federalist Paper No.46 by James Madison.
     -- Publius     
  • 3
    Waffler, in history, what is the general rule; when a socialist government takes over industry and gleans from the profits thereof and exponentially grows with power over the individual, when have taxes been cut accordingly. Only more laws are broken, as was the case with the illegal process of taking over GM (government motors), when socialism grows in totalitarian tyranny.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 2
    With the threat of imminent danger/death to our citizens and nation. a New Sheriff was needed, President Donald J. Trump was elected Commander and Chief of the Armed forces to defend American citizens against tyranny within the ranks of our own government and enemies abroad, who would take advantage of a weakened state due to willful neglect by previous administrations for personal gain. "Ivory towers become easy targets when neglecting their own field." RVP
    For myself I prefer a 1911, but a 9mm will do in the face of adversity.
     -- Ronw13, OR     
  • 1
    another basic American Truth which lefties decry

    Federalist Paper 46 by Madison should be mandatory knowledge for all Constitutionalists, it explains simply and logically how an armed militia will always far outnumber any standing army here

    Section 2 of Militia Act of 1792 spells Trump's federal authority now commanded agin the scofflaws operating California's lawless sanctuary

    Waffler, this country is for Liberty lovers ONLY; I think you and your fellow self-loathing democrats need to find a more suitable relocation, in line with your despotic/Sheeplish nature; sad to note that Liberty is not suitable for all - not by a longshot, to which you are a constant and grim testament
     -- Mark W, Aurora, CO     
  • 1
    Absolutely! This is the very premise of the Declaration of Independence and even Liberty itself. It's not about personal weapons, it's about personal power. How much power am I 'to be allowed' to have? Whether power be in the form of a gun or money or property, 'who' decides how much I am required to have and how much I must 'give'? Yes, there are those that abuse their power, use it to rob and plunder -- this is why weapons are used for protection. But when the government attempts to rob and plunder, only an armed people (not just a single person) can stand up to it, without ever firing a shot. Armed guards do not need to fire their weapons -- their presence serves as a significant deterrent, obviously.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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