"Freedom is a new religion,
the religion of our time."
Heinrich Heine
(1797-1856) German poet, journalist, essayist, literary critic
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There is a certain freedom in religion, such as 'love thy neighbor as thyself' or, "judge not that ye be not judged" True freedom is a measurable obedience (not blind faith) to natural law. I'm not sure of the author's intended definitions of freedom or religion ? ?
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    To me, this quote, is as valid, or more valid now, as it was then. Freedom, throughout the ages, has been what men die for, long for. I am a man of faith, not religion. Freedom, is a part of human nature, for any man, that has tasted true freedom, he can't go back, he can no longer ignore it when his freedoms are or have been taken. I look at the quote, in a broad sense. Freedom, of course, must always be accompanied by rule of law, to insure those freedoms, and enforce those freedoms. Some say the forefathers wrote that constitution in another time, another era, and it does not matter now. Quite the contrary, freedom, is an eternal thing, never changing, always having its roots, in the truth. On a lighter note, I'm so excited, i got here before waffer...lol..The statement, to me, [which i think Mile is asking] is simple, but at the same time, complex. There are those who seek to confuse us, with all the laws, and the cultural change. I have ALWAYS respected Mike, and Archer's posts, their posts have ALWAYS been wise, and intelligent. Mike's post, is indeed deep, makes one think hard, and, I understand it. After reading his posts, for a long time, I would vote for him, anytime, for the highest office of our country. It takes bravery to tell truth, in these times, as many of us receive death threats. The death threats have only made us stay closer to our second amendment rights. I'm posting a bit longer tonight, as many I know, who are freedom fighters, constitutional men, are being threatened, and, as the elections get closer, folks, we must look close at all we are told, dis-information is rampant, and yes Pelosi, we cling to our second amendment rights, in fear, that your kind, would remove our rights as citizens of the USA, long may she wave, long may freedom ring.
     -- Kimo, USA     
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    To the folk running the government, socialism seems to be their religion.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
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    jim, I had the same first thought.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    There is Truth and there is philosophy/religion. We recognize that we are oppressed because we have not been acting in accordance with Truth -- that is to say, we have been operating under a false idea of what reality is. It is not surprising that codes of honor develop around certain philosophies which encourage truth, love, and gratefulness for this life. It is recognized that 'as we sow, so shall we reap' by MANY seekers of truth. Our actions DO count. What we say counts. What we think counts. Liberation has been a part of religions/philosophies since the written word. It is not a NEW religion, it is THE religion. Even after all these millennia, humankind is still living under the thumb of long held traditions and customs that merely prop up the ruling classes. Trying to break free from that has always been dangerous -- it is not surprising that one would look to the Heavens for guidance. ;-)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    For god's sake, when will people learn that our government is just the OPPOSITE of socialistic. It is closer to FASCISM than any other form. If you can't swallow that, look up the definition in an encyclopedia or reputable source. The examples are 1)militaristic, 2)pro-wars, 3)run by the rich, 4)a controlled press, 5)propagandistic, 6) uses religion to blind the populace, etc, etc.
     -- dick, fort worth     
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    dick, for your sake, god doesn’t have much to do with your ignorance. Are you saying (communism being a form of socialism) Communist USSR and Communist China weren't / aren't 1) militaristic, 2)pro-wars, 3) run by the rich, 4) a controlled press, 5) propagandistic, 6) uses the religion of socialism to blind the populace? Socialism is “a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) I could once again go through the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto to show you again how the US is no longer a Constitutionally viable representative republic (a little lengthy for this forum - you might want to read my post from a few days ago where I defined religion and how socialism is a criminal religion). The only difference between communism and fascism (corporatism) is the administration of the State’s property. Communism takes everything in its own name while fascism takes every thing in the name of its corporations. Corporations are a bifurcation. Third parties, mere patrons or extensions to/of the State, operate legal position (limited day to day operations allowed by the State) with limited titles (president, stock holder, etc.). The State, in an equitable position, retains ultimate ownership and control (bastardized eminent domain for one example). Capital is converted into debt and spread to the community as a whole with government retaining authority to confiscate at its pleasure what ever it wants. There is no allodial land or otherwise property ownership by individuals, the State claiming ultimate ownership of everything. Mr. Obamunist Goodwrench the assassin uses both ends of socialism’s spectrum (left and right / communism and fascism) to facilitate ruin and chaos. Government Motors’ bankruptcy is a good example of the duality of socialism (communism and fascism)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Well said Mike.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    There is freedom, then there is Freedom.

    Freedom, perfected under the aegis of Virtue, is discrete from and far transcends religion, the nature of which is revealed in its commonly accepted etymology:

    From the Latin religare - to bind fast.

    Anything that is bound fast, other than to Virtue and its Author, by definition cannot be Free.

     -- Patrick Henry, Red Hill     
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    Fascism IS socialism, dick.  And that is the type of government the US has been adopting since FDR.  Fascism is on the Left while it may be considered 'right' of communism, they are both Leftist, authoritarian, and totalitarian.  Antifa is communist with fascist leanings, straight out of the leftist playbook.  Remember that NAZI's were the National Socialist Democratic Workers Party  Democrats essentially.  What were some of the national policies of these social democrats?  Eugenics  like Planned Parenthood and it's founder  which not only sterilized and aborted, but also rounded up 'inferiors' for destruction.  Ministry of Propaganda  you know, the 'intelligence community' working hand-in-hand with the government controlled press.  Militaristic  how many Democrat presidents have embroiled the US into war? 

    Actually both political parties have been co-opted by the socialists such that the very premise of government has been transformed into a caretaker of the People.  There are no non-socialist parties any more.  What is Right does not even have a coalition  they are branded as 'extremists,' 'radicals,' 'deniers.'

    Remember, it's the Truth that sets one free  is that on the Left or the Right?  How about the Center!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    The shackles that bind us and make us slaves are relative— subjective  — none of us are truly FREE — one mans freedom is another mans prison. God has nothing to do with it, neither does any man made religion. 
    Freedom: Being totally without physical or mental constraints and the need to contrive to exist. But even then are we truly free of our questions, our desires, our thoughts. So, what is it to be FREE — it doesn't exist, period.... there is never something for nothing!
    A Guru sitting on top of a mountain in total sublimity — is he free? no, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting on to of a mountain.
    The nearest thing to total Freedom, one with the cosmos, is taken back by our need for kindness and humility — like the call of one in need, we are hooked.... that’s our nature!

     -- Robert, Somewhere in the USA     
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    Well said Dick we are controlled by a military/oligarchy a few by the few for the few... (Lincoln) The few don't give a $*&% for the few, they are greedy and only have self interest and dominance as their driving force hence the tying of the Wheat....
     -- Robert, Somewhere in the USA     
    Alas, you will not find it there breaking free of tyrants and oppressive regimes has always been our bedfellow, and will remain so to the end of time. We are our own saviors our imagination keeps us from becoming totally enslaved; and the fight continues...
     -- Robert, Somewhere in the USA     
    Wrong on two points: government is neither socialism or religious. Now if you mean a socialism with regards to the US military (the biggest by far sucking on the socialist tit), and the giant companies who have tax exemptions; the banks who are bailed out on our tax dollars. The top welfare queens are the MIC, the Government and their minions, the banks and Wall Street, the giant corporations, and Israel. Other main American rackets are the insurance and medial industries, the biggest culprit of all is the federal Reserve. All these social welfare programs which the poor have no say in you have no idea what a socialist program is unless you mean its for the few by the few. You obviously have not visited countries that have great socialist programs my two hour ER visit to a French hospital was only $120 my friends ER visit in Spain was a similar experience people don't need cars as the public transport system are great. And in Bangkok the hospitals treat you like a hotel guest. American has a lot to learn about looking after its people not just the wealthy. 
     -- Robert, Somewhere in the USA     
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    I believe you are confusing the meaning of the word Freedom with Power.  Of course no one is free from needing food and water.  That is the premise behind the assertion that all are dependent upon Nature's God, our Freedom is within the bounds of the world itself, the Laws of Nature.  We are creatures of the Sun and cannot live without it.

    If you do not believe you are free or ever could be, then you must not believe in free will  how can you separate the two?  I would think being born gay, scorned by many, that you do believe you should be free to live your life in accordance with your own conscience and are willing to grant the same to others  sounds like a freedom lover to me. ;-)

    As for your philosophical imagining of freedom as without any borders, being one with the cosmos, without identity, emerged in the mass, it sounds like drowning to me.  I find it difficult that you equate individual personality, mind, family, home, community, state somehow proves how un-free we are.  This is collectivist groupthink from my perspective.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    The guru sitting on the mountain is as free to get up as he was when he sat down.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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