"The more subsidized it is, the less free it is. What is known as 'free education' is the least free of all, for it is a state-owned institution; it is socialized education -- just like socialized medicine or the socialized post office -- and cannot possibly be separated from political control."
Frank Chodorov
(1887-1966) American author, publisher
"Why Free Schools Are Not Free," Fugitive Essays: Selected Writings of Frank Chodorov
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Reader comments about this quote:
Public "schools" are nothing more or less than government indoctrination centers! All of them should be closed. Parents should be educating their children and teaching them to think, something the schools are prohibited to do. It is the parent's responsibility, not the government's. The government wants thoughtless drones, not free thinking individuals!
 -- David, Baker City, OR     
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    In a state where social and economic personal drives push parents to become separated from politics and distant from typical family life the state has free entry to the children's hearts and minds. The state will always strive to ensure it's own survival and the indoctrination of the young as an investment. The process has been allowed by parents for generations, and the ever growing pressure on teachers from parents to act like they are extended family, and the pressure from government to teach x, y and z causes a conflict of interest that has gone on for so long it is part of the fabric of every day life. The idea of separating church and state has worked in some parts of the world, but the concept of separating state from education has yet to be tried.
     -- WILL, Portsmouth     
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    "Public" property merely transfers the rights associated with the appropriated goods and services from the individuals, who make up the public at large, and concentrates it in the hands of the privileged class known as the state. It's funny how some will say we need the state to prevent monopolization of goods and services, because less competition increases price and decreases quality, but when the monopolization is done by the state they believe it's necessary and will never result in the same negative conditions.
     -- Bryan Morton, Stuart, Florida     
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    The feds send tons of money to the schools and they follow the Golden Rule. He who sends the gold makes the rules. As to David, OR, he has it exactly correct.
     -- jim k, austin     
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    Public schools are run by communities throughout the USA. The communities start with towns, cities and townships. There are county and state organizations that support the local efforts. The Fed Govt then provides some small support and about 10% of the funding. If you want to call these schools "government" schools do so but it does not make them such. They are run by elected boards answerable to the community, by parents and teachers. Classroom education (be it in run by community, church, or a private organization) and home schooling are not mutually exclusive concepts. Good classroom education should be supplemented by parental assistance, parental field trips, to museums etcetera. If wish to call the citizens of this country, your friends and your neighbors "the government" I guess you are free to do so.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    Waffler , bed check at the rest home is 8PM, don't be late or nurse Rachett will be upset.
     -- jim k, austin     
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    If this blog be just a small microcosm of society in general, all from 'A'theist to 'Z'en, except the collectivist, wants their children to be liberated free thinkers with desire to fill the measure of their sojourn on this orb. All but the collectivist want noble individual sovereignty, being self governed with ability to freely unite. An educated, as is averse to indoctrinated, united sovereign in rectitude (blue to white collar, laborer to professional, athlete to physically challenged, etc.) magnifies self and society.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    It all goes back to the same unavoidable truth: freedom means responsibility. When we think we can avoid our responsibilities or that our taxes put our responsibilities upon the government, it will inevitably result in the loss of our own personal power and freedom of choice to an 'authority' who will teach us that we cannot be trusted with our own choices, that we are forever irresponsible, and therefore now wards of the state with no rights other than those 'approved' by some 'authority.' For some, the natural state of man is subservience to other men, and for them, anyone who doesn't accept their 'place' are persecuted. Replacing religious orders with secular orders merely transfers power from one entity to another -- its object is the same: subservience of all to the 'rulers.'
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    OK guys lets just go back to having tribes and dukedoms and then we will be able to have wars - great! just what the world needs. There are many wonderful state educational systems and there are many awful state educational systems - there are many great home schoolers and there are many awful home schoolers. This is not the point don't you get this into your silly heads. Lets have our guns by our side and our children locked away in their rooms and if anyone comes near shoot them. Freedom is only achieved through discipline - teach your child what discipline is and you are half way there. FC is an example of understating the facts to his own advantage. State schools are NOT FREE - I don't have children but I am willing to pay the tax (which I do) necessary to provide children with an education. I am will to pay into a system that allows families without means an educational system. What is desperately needed in America is educational reform (big time). I am also a Rotarian and as a collective service organization we provide millions in grants for students we also provide millions for the eradication of Polio, for clean drinking water in Africa, disaster relief programs - so tel me the difference between that and giving our money to a government to help children become educate and to help families who are unable to afford health care. Tell me you bloggers how do we provide education, health care to children and families who are unable to do it them selves? either by wealth or intellect. As for FC other statements, well, thats another page.
     -- RBESRQ     
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    Waffler, how could any thing you wrote have anything to do with the quote? The quote is obviously true. You write about how it should be as if it is the way it is. The biggest problem is that the education system does not do as you say it should. Most schools see parents as a hindrance or an obstacle. The way to get the education system to be as you want is to get the feds out of it.
     -- warren, olathe     
    Socialists are scum. We have to stop giving them our children's minds.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    Warren school is not socialized at least not in my town. Parents are a hindrance many times. I recall learning many things that my parents knew nothing about but they wanted to argue about it anyway. Not unlike folks on this site like Archer that want to argue about things they know nothing about. To your mind Warren my comments have nothing to do with the quore because you have a lock step mentality and don't think and analyse.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    J. Carlton, look in a mirror
     -- RBESRQ     
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    It is nice to see the truth of education in print. Thanks, John
     -- John P. Jone, Summerville     
     -- Anonymous      
    In America, education is there for the taking. But, too many young people are too interested in their latest cell phones and other electronic play toys as well as basketball sneakers to bother to learn. They don't seem to understand that this "star" is laughing all of the way to the bank. Yes, learning takes work but it so worth it. Kudos to this principle for caring enough about his students enough to put these practices in use.
     -- Jane, Ridgewood     
    We are at the doorstep of Statism with out current President and his Health Care bill. He wants us all to be beholding to the government for everything, but when you turn 75 years old that beholding stops. Then you are no longer needed or wanted. you are like trash. You can be thrown in the dustbin for you are no longer considered productive or worth keeping by the state. After all, the state has run your entire life so what do you do know but die. They want you gone. We should all be praying that this health care bill is blocked by the Supreme Court for our lives will be worth nothing if it is upheld.
     -- Jane, Ridgewood     
     -- Mary - MI      
    An ignorant or sufficiently indoctrinated people are easier to control and manipulate, history shows this to be true just look at North Korea. There is a reason why slave masters do not want their slaves to be educated well and to be able to think for themselves, America's government school system starts the dependency process and the Marxist America hating professors in college create like thinking drones, the political correctness and the limitations on conservative free-speech on campus is proof of that.
     -- Mike, Pleasant Hill     
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    You choose, state control, or corporate control - the media is owned by a hand full of corporate sycophants who control the fiat economy and the government, who in turn control the educational system, So, this quote is now out of date.... as the private sector is just as corrupt as the state.....
     -- Robert, St. Emilion, France     
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    Robert, you are right about most of the private schools. They merely are better at proselytizing. Waffler, one simple example makes your conclusion incorrect, that being 'Common Core' A local school district - and - community went to court to remove the practice; they lost. The government school had their way over the affected people's choice.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Excellent! you have my old name RBESRQ I was also a Rotarian and participated in the many programs that provided for those in need, like wells in Africa and shelter box between our clubs in Sarasota we had built a great playground for physically challenged kids and much more...… Good to see my old name going in the same direction... Single payer health care system is our next big challenge... Take care and keep up the great work you are doing...
     -- Robert (RBE), Vero Beach     
    Archer you argument is good but seriously flawed when discussing responsibility, though your last point is my point exactly. OK I agree, the fed makes a mess of many thing, education being one of them, but if what you say is true who would you elect on your behalf to make these kind of decisions. All history is full of tribes with leaders who in turn take care of the tribe the big difference, is the leader corrupt and without integrity, otherwise there is little difference between the fed and a Celtic leader... Home schooling is fine for about 2% of the population, so how does the 98% get educated. 
     -- Robert (RBE), Vero Beach     
    Another old address of mine well said!
     -- Robert (RBE), Vero Beach     
     -- Robert (RBE), Vero Beach      
    Robert, RBESRQ is you.  Yes, you have been on this list for 10+ years.  Cheers!
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
    Robert, dependency upon government is the basis of authoritarian governments.  America was founded upon the natural rights of humankind, to be free from the arbitrary rule of men.  But how do children learn of their liberated status and how to keep it?  They learn from their family and community of people who live by their own efforts, and dare I say thrive unimpeded.  We agree that children need an education, but we are not being specific about what the content of that education should be.  Who is to decide what I will learn?  What choices do I have?  What obligations do I have?

    Typically, these philosophical questions and their answers have been borne by religious orders throughout the ages.  But with the rise in secular authoritarianism, concepts such as 'liberty,' 'honor,' 'responsibility,' 'forbearance,' 'trust' in the laws of nature, and the common law have been corrupted with the creeds of power and domination.  The average American has been conditioned to sign on the dotted line, and follow the rules upon pain of criminal punishment  all for his own good.  A few resist the yoke, but not enough to influence the rest.  The answer to the question, "who am I?" has been answered by the authorities for me.  Wake up!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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     -- Ronw13, ID      
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