"The means prepare the end, and
the end is what the means have made of it."
John Viscount Morley
(1838-1923), of Blackburn
Critical Miscellanies
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Good bye America.
 -- Anon     
    The Obamunist's traitorous despots have stripped any remaining semblance of due process, law and justice from We The People. The means of the foreign fascist's theocracy, will now result in such ends as are complete with chaos, financial ruin, violence, and the death of the once great experiment in individual sovereignty, peace, the dignity of life, Creator endowed rights, freedom, liberty, law, and justice. Anon, I'm with you - Good by America. I hope all that have occasion to visit this blog have the where-with-all (food, protection implements, etc.) to carry you through that of the biblical proportions which are about to occur.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Tell this to the Reaganites, and Bushites. An article this AM said the current deficts and lack of means are 37% economy cycle related, 33% caused by Bushes unpaid for wars and Medicare Prescription Drugs, and 20% Bushes tax cuts. It is time for us to buckle down and take care of our past transgressions.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Wow Mike, we went from heaven on earth in mid January '09 to a disaster of biblical proportions in mid June 09 a period of just 5 moths and it is all the fault of one man. Your naiviety knows no bounds!
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    The question is Mike, what are you going to do about it except wring your hands. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. You have been nothing but a hand wringer for as long as I have known you.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Obama is merely the icing on the Fascist Cake of America. We've been losing our rights for decades. So Waff, I'll keep my freedom, my money and my guns...you can keep the "change".
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Waffler, by the time the Clintons and Bushes were done, the country was only in trouble. If you will read what I wrote, Obamunist is only part larger terrorist organization. I don't know what you mean by hand wringer? I didn't notice you at any of the hurricane, tornado, or other natural disaster relief efforts that I was at. I didn't see you at any of the court sessions I participatied in. We could have used your hands at all the meals my family and I have helped with for those who couldn't afford it. I didn't hear your input in any of the government meetings or otherwise politically motivated meetings I've attended. I'm planning on doing more of the same, hopefully with more effectiveness in the future. But, you've read all that before so I don't know what you mean by hand wringing; is that just more empty Waffler accusatory ramblings? Do you have any suggestions for me that I might be more effective in returning this country to a government of law?
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Don't you just love it when O-bum-a tells us that things are getting better while announcing another 400,000 jobs are gone. Since his election the stock market is down about 2500 points.One of these days Obuma is going to have to quit blaming the past administration and accept his responsibility in the mess we are in. He's like a spoiled child, blaming everyone else except the ones who are at fault. Let us hope that the Obuma honeymoon is about over and that his chickens are coming home to roost.
     -- jim k, austin     
    As all Americans should accept our responsibility for allowing the thieves into a position that is supposed to be below us to one of above us. Choose your master because the only true one will not allow this to continue because his laws cannot be violated without devestating effect in both spiritual and physical nature and people are ignorantly sealing their own fate by continuing in their ignorance waiting for government to solve their problems. What a totally senseless society America has become.
     -- Anon     
    Spot on for today - Obama and Bernanke telling us that we need fiscal discipline and we must rein in the budget deficits?????WTF??!!! This is like the top drug dealers in the world calling for prohibition!! I voted for Obama - and I still prefer him to the Republicans. But - he is taking us down an incredibly dangerous road by following the same playbook as the Bush regime by using Keynesian policies of creating MORE DEBT by so-called stimulating the economy - WHEN TOO MUCH DEBT IS THE PROBLEM - Americans and our leaders do not want to face up to reality - which would mean PAIN IN THE SHORT TERM - for the longer term GAIN. We are so spoiled and addicted to getting everything we want NOW - that our politicians and ourselves have put us into this current situation - on the edge of the abyss. The stock market is being so manipulated it is a JOKE. Do you really think the fundamentals of the economy at the moment justify a stock market gain of 35% in the past 3 months? If Bernanke was not holding up the whole economy with his printing presses and lending facilities going full blast - we would be flat on our backs!! We need to go back to living within our means, paying for things when we have the money to pay for them - and (OH MY GOD) doing WITHOUT WHEN WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY. We are doomed on this current course - and the bond market dislocation is the first harbinger. Sorry for the rant - but how stupid do Bernanke and Obama really think we are?? They think LYING to us is being patriotic when they are creating more debt exponentially, while at the same time telling us "we need to rein in the deficit? Sorry, I want the TRUTH and REALITY - even if it means severe pain in the short term - which would put us back on firm footing for the long term. The means in this case definitely do not justify what should be the ends. Though the ends are definitely going to be reflected by the means.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Waffler, since you are into a.m. articles, from London, front line news states about Mrs. O: "Wow, look at her go. Michelle Obama, who was in London on a short sightseeing trip with her daughters, didn't let the small issue of a failing government stand in the way of her sunny style." It didn't say failing economy, it said government. It is obvious to those who have eyes and the world, even if Waffler can't see it.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    It's too late for short-term pain. Decades of socialist wealth redistribution scams and fascist economic control have left this nation with a financial burden that would take decades to un-do, if that were even possible in the current political landscape. But the fasco-statists press on with their short-sighted policies anyway, trading dollars to Fannie Mae, ACORN, and the Unions for votes, while waiting to see who will be without a chair when the music stops. The only End that the Means of Progressivism can prepare is a complete financial and societal collapse. Luckily western civilization is quite good at rebuilding itself every couple hundred years.
     -- Justin, Elkland     
    RBESRQ, did you just say "I voted for [the Fasco-Statist] - and I still prefer [the Fasco-Statist] to the [Slightly Less Fascist Globalist]"? I feel like I must be taking crazy pills here. Obama sold himself to the American people as the most wealth re-distributing, generation thieving panderer since the infamous userper FDR. And now we're acting like we're surprised. "I expected him to govern more from the center" they'll say. From the center of what, the Fascist cesspool that the Federal Government has become? That is a rant.
     -- Justin, Elkland     
    By ignoring this fundamental premise, we think we can cheat our way to prosperity, waive the rights of others for our own gain, vote for money borrowed on the backs of our children, and make war upon everyone in the name of peace and security. But I guess as long as the checks arrive in the mail, it doesn't matter who was robbed, raped, or plundered to get it. Shame on Americans who have sold out their posterity for today's 'fix.' Instead of 'ask not what your country can do for you,' it is 'ask your country, what have you done for me lately?' This the socialists call 'progressive.' The only 'progress' is further debt enslavement and eventually civil strife and war.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    RBESRQ, thanks for the rant and though I agree with your assessment of solutions to the problem my deeper reservations about the monopoly money makers force me to point out the dangerous idea that continuing to play their game is just that, dangerous. If you might agree that that America should also print its own money to circulate without interest I would join your rant the breath of fresh air that it was as far as it went and the reason for my thanks. It's always, in one way or another, rewarding to hear your input.
     -- Anon     
    Obama has done nothing yet except inherit the problems and the solutions already started by the last administration. He has extended the unwise tax cuts Bush started 8 years ago. Those who are pouncing on him when he has yet to do anything are just like pavlovian dogs. Mikes sunny optimism and bragging about what he thinks he has done as well as participate in government would appaear to indicate a person who has some hope for the furture. But on this site all he talks about is ":Good bye America" etc. nothing but negativity. Sounds like a schizo to me. As for me Mike I since moving to my town three years ago have been invited to get involved in local affairs by the Mayor, invited to be Commander of the VFW etcetera. I have informed one and all of my retirement travel plans which I feel would not have a salutary effect on these activities. I do speak up on issues and for what I believe in when ever I can. I do volunteer as a docent during our spring festival of antique houses, and attend meetings concerning archietectural preservation. You have spoken many times of your charitable efforts, I think your endeavors fly in the face of your stated hatred for police, military officers, calling Obama, Obamaunist etcetera. These are not charitable, gentlemanly or gracious ways of acting at all. I can only suggest that you grow up.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, you are a liar; and you are correct, that is not a charitable, gentlemanly, or gracious way to state the truth but, it is accurate. You have never seen one disparaging thing I have ever written about the military or its officers (I have not written such nor do I believe such). I have continually declared the military to be the most noble, as a whole, of all groups that I have had the pleasure to associate with. You continue to try and lump those who love and strive for freedom and liberty into an imaginary group that some leftist think group has fabricated for mindless ridicule. Your expanse of Lenin's "if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth" concerning what a democracy is and what Obamunist hasn't done is beyond naive, its just plain wrong. I've stated many of the unconstitutional and Hitleresk type actions that Obamunist has performed in his first few months. It doesn't matter that he's following someone that should be arrested for what he did; Obamunist is continuing what started the problem and then adding his own fuel to burn the whole thing down. Where in the Constitution does it authorize Czars? The unconstitutional means of firing corporate officers or instructing courts to ignore, and rule contrary to 230 years of statutory law to enlarge fascist government and payoff political favors does not justify the destructive ends of killing this once great nation.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Waffler says, "Obama has done nothing yet except inherit the problems and the solutions already started by the last administration." Are you serious?! Obama has doubled (perhaps even tripled) the government's debt with run-away spending and take-overs of private enterprise. If we split the debt between all the full-time working Americans, each would owe over $800,000!! The 'means' by which Obama expects to solve the economic crisis merely defers the corporate and government 'deaths' that are inevitable while lining the pockets of bankers, government contractors/monopolies, and politicians all the while doubling the height we will have to fall. What is the 'end' that justifies all this debt-spending? What is the 'end' to justify the 'means' of printing money and giving the Federal Reserve 1/4 of all tax revenue for payment of the INTEREST ONLY on the current debt? Obviously, the 'end' is the end of America as we know it. And he is using every 'means' to do so. And his supporters are as guilty as he is for driving us into perpetual receviership to private central banks that ARE NOT IN DEBT -- THEY OWN EVERY DOLLAR WE HAVE!! What if there were an entity in the world that added one TRILLION dollars to their coffers every year (instead of owing that much more every year)? They would take over the world. And THAT is what they are doing. Waffler is not only a liar (he lies to himself, so he is blissfully unaware of it) but an absolute idiot and certainly a border-line traitor to Liberty in America and around the world.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Mike in previous posts you have expressed disdain for cops, firemen etcetera. On one occasion you expressed disdain for the military and when questioned you said the soldiers are okan it is the officers who you disdain. Taken all together it would appear that you have a problem with authority or with what you perceive to be authority. Like you also disdain law that says you must STOP or drive on a certaing side of the street. I remember your statements very well my friend very well indeed.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, It is you that continues to allege that those who do not cherish slavery as do you are anti-order. Your transposing of some left wing think tank's rhetoric on freedom lovers does not prove out Lenin's "If you tell a lie enough it becomes the truth" I remember my comment of officers and, in context, it referenced political directives. Your myopic self serving non-context specific segments taken to be redefined and twisted are only surpassed by your fabrications. As example: I've never said that traffic signs / signals and an ordered selection of what side of the street should be driven on does not serve a lawful purpose. I have consistently commented to the contrary. There is a time when such is lawful, facilitates order and, when law becomes violated by blind obedience to the arbitrary. Though I may be your friend if we ever met, your suffering from half-timers doesn't fair very well for you indeed.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
     -- jim k, austin tx      
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