"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin
(1706-1790) US Founding Father
motto to Historical Review of Pennsylvania
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Reader comments about this quote:
Compelled compliance, license, healthcare (life now being considered illegal that a life tax has been mandated to be paid for safety's sake) as a start, comes to mind.
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    And they will have neither, in the end.
     -- Justin, Elkland     
    I agree with Mike and Justin.
     -- jim k, Austin,Tx     
    Torture is the perfect example. Health care has nothing to do with this quote, and is in no way comparable to the illegal immoral torture America has engaged in all in the name of liberty and security.
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US     
    Thanks Reston (a sane voice amongst the clamor). Yes, and we are giving it up by the truck load... while we sit in our cozy living rooms doing zilch Oops, sorry, watching Fox news and ESPN and going to church on Sunday Mike, Justin and Jim need to get a life how the hell can you associate this quote with health care - my god, you are sinking low in your comments. Mike, I think if I see you write "Compelled compliance" one more time will hear my carnal scream from where ever you are.
     -- RBESRQ     
    (-; Compelled compliance ;-) IIII'mm listening Come on Robert, you know you love it. You love being mandated, dominated, and forced under threat and duress - its the Amerikan way. I'm glad to see the reference to your deity.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    A wonderful quote.
     -- Laura, NYC     
    The bleeding hearts at that time just as today. One generations selfishness, for fear of the fight. Judgment clouded by emotion. Those keepers at home on the farm or in the shop. Tending to the children and welfare of the home. Afraid that the fight would spill over into there home. To elect to a position of authority such unstable minds tossed about with every wind of emotion and doctrine of security has always compromised liberty and freedom. So many times have I seen the head of the house bowing down to the lesser vessel, that men have forgotten how to be men, literally. And women have taken full advantage of the situation to administer as the head of house, security at all cost, there judgment to rule. In this time of change canidates for leadership should be chosen for there unwavering and stedfastness to the fundimentals of liberty and freedom. Not compromising, but of sound, honest, sure judgment of equity based upon the word of God. As our founding fathers gave us the exsample of doing so. Consider Mr Franklin who new the subtilty of the enfluance of the lesser to control the head threw there emotional and phisical charms. One must be strong to say no and mean it, living with the out come what ever it might be. Just as any addiction that is not good though on the surface seems to be, one must say no and mean it. Having compassion on the lesser and children effected that they will see in time the benefits of stedfastness. When the time will come for them to rule there on house with mercy and truth. As it was in the days of Noah before the flood so is it now or fast aproaching that point of coruptible behaviour. Men with men, women with women burning in there own lust one for another doing that which is not natural , unseemly. perverted. So has our government become perverted to such a low state of self worth that the leadership in all branches is unsure and contemptable in its judgments. So many making cuff money off the backs of the labor in our country. If you want to cut, start at the top not the bottom. Private contract of labor is good if it goes to the compassionate few that do want equity for there workers. Do away with the poisons and return the laborer to the fields. Progress has put man out of a job but for a few. Return ownership to the people and put a check on greed. Stop the flood of imagrants supossidly let in to prop up a dieing welfare state. There poping babies like there going out of stile. Its a good way to overthrow our founding generations isn't it? Thinking they will become good little tax payers like Rome always likes. For every dollar we pay in they suck out ten. Say no and mean it !!
     -- Ron, Salem     
    I surly and truly hope that there are more who read these comments than make them. And this is directed to the highest and lowest of all those in authority ! Whether in the private sector or the government of this nation. God bless those that have the courage to act. And that is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the Father of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, who created all things by Jesus Christ. Because it pleases God that in him should all fullness dwell.
     -- Ron, Salem     
    My favorite saying by one of my favorite founding fathers, GOD BLESS YOU BENJAMIN FRANKLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
     -- Johann Hollar, St Paul     
    Anonymous in Reston, Torture is the greatest evil that our government has committed? Really? Not the economic security provided by entitlements and protectionism? The government will take away from me nearly half of my adult life through the confiscation of the products of my labor. Being a slave to the welfare state for 25 years is a little worse than three hours of waterboarding I imagine, but my theory is easy to test. Just offer a lump sum reimbursement of all the income taxes they will ever pay to any free American (welfare slaves don't count), provided they will allow you to waterboard them for three hours. You'll get more than 50 million takers I would guess.
     -- Justin, Elkland     
    Evil for evil is not justice. Nor have we ever had the authority to carry out the great commission. Blindness of the leadership of church and state. Our nation is in and has been in a state of aposticey for many years. The veil of ignorance will be lifted. It is one thing to save for your children it is evil to give it to strangers.
     -- Ron, Salem     
    You need not give up ANY liberty if you are self-sufficient, self reliable, and self responsible. You are then allowed unalienable rights for if you are all of those things, you would be demanding the same of those you elect. Has the 'majority' been asleep? Or are they disinterested? Or do they want someone to take care of them? I am of the ilk of the 1st sentence, tho my mail list has grown shorter due to the fact that many family and friends have asked that I not write them for they do not agree with my 'extreme conservative values'. I don't think those are extreme values. I find them the road to liberty and self respect...I am in charge of my own security. How hard is it? And please don't include me in all the mandates and safety laws...I can take care of myself.
     -- Abigail, Newport     
    Ron, many of your words seem to mirror that of those that would claim a belief in the Christ and His good word. Do you believe with the founders of the once States united Republic that all humanity - each human on the planet is a noble sovereign, a loved heir to the King of the Universe, each and every being equal before the laws of nature and of Nature's God? Do you believe that as a faculty of birth, all rights are unalienable, given as a gift from that same subject God? Do you understand that only God can make law and that corporeal man only has ability and duty to create such codes, ordinances, regulations, rules, statutes, etc. that would harmonize with such God given natural law? If your answer to theses questions is yes, then you claim to understand the lawful stewardship of allodial freehold, what a contract is and the God given law it is based on, and personal representative government. I then ask you, what law of nature or of Nature's God did the individual brake by his birth in Mexico and then traveling by foot into a land north of there? Where is the specific victim claiming said specific traveler harmed him, the victim, personally (or in case of murder / etc. - the body) so that due process may be fulfilled - the prosecuted has the right to face his accuser and to hear what the specific crime (infraction against the specific victim) he was charged with committing. Pre-war between the States, the sovereign's representative were recognized not to have such alien socialist / fascist arbitrary authority to claim a person to be legal or illegal simply because of their place of birth. I also agree that "Private contract of labor is good" but that is diametrically opposed to putting a stop to the flood of immigrants. Your passioned opining and actions should be directed at the statist theocracy that infests this land with all its socialist ways. Return the Constitution's Republic, complete with personal responsibility and sovereignty while eliminating the free lunch (medical, schools, welfare, etc.) and the problem would fix itself.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    sorry, written very poorly, if you need clarification, let me know.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    So there be no confusion as to my stand on law and the border. There is an armed and trained force penetrating and invading the States united sovereign space. Such force should be met with the full might and force of the United States and driven back (to Guatemala and beyond if needs be) until it is destroyed (be it drug cartels or whom ever). All truly criminal acts must be dealt with appropriately.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    You will never hear a President repeat this quote...
     -- E Archer, NYC     
     -- stranger_2      
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