"Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint."
Daniel Webster
(1782-1852) US Senator
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that's one of those; he who forgets history is doomed to relive it, observations
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Or, as we Libertarians like to say ~ Personal Freedom and Individual Responsibility. Neither works without the other.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Responsibility to what Carlton? Could you equally construct and reverse your response to say "Individual Freedom and Personal Responsibility". If I should or must be responsible am I truly free. If liberty can be cease to exist become extinct due to lack of personal responsibility does it then actually exist as an absolute, I suggest that it does not. I suggest that Webster is saying what I was saying recently that LIBERTY and FREEDOM is carefully worked out charter of a society, culture, tradition. Freedom is not free or absolute or universal, it must not only be fought for physically but maintained through vigilance and a wholesome restraint. Vigilance includes in my value system Civil Rights Laws, Environmental Protection (to wholsomely restrain those who feel free to destroy it, and to globally warm it),
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waff are you from this planet ? "Those who feel free to destroy it and globally warm it". What on earth does that non -sense mean. Only nuts like you are still buying into the Algore global warming scam. Naturally Al is all for selling idiots carbon credits since he has a financial interest in the company that sells that crazyness. No problem with polluting as long as you send Al and his group some money. Wake up Waff.
     -- jim k, Austin     
    On second thought Waff, go back to sleep.
     -- jim k, Austin     
    Self explanatory. Waffler's out to lunch as usual. Polluting the air with toxins is a violation of the commonwealth -- stop it, not license it. Carbon dioxide is NOT pollution -- it is a vital part of the atmosphere and cycle of life on the planet. Man-made CO2 accounts for about .04% of the atmosphere and the proposed reduction is about 10% of that, so in other words, nothing but another way to put money into politicians hands. The Earth has been warming for 15,000 years -- it is the reason humankind has been flourishing. Global temperatures are a function of the SUN, surprise, surprise, and during times of heavy sun spot activity, the Earth's temperature is higher than normal, during time of zero sun spot activity, the Earth is cooler -- like in 2009-2010 (maybe longer). That's why it has been so cold this past year with record snowfalls across the globe. So get your science right, because otherwise you are just another gullible fool being primed for life long theft and control -- in other words, a slave.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Two of the world's greatest problems are the failure of people to distinguish between money and wealth and their failure to distinguish between freedom and slavery. Freedom and legal tender are incompatible in that legal tender permits government to take everything sans paying for anything. There would be no wars if soldiers and suppliers had to be paid dollars of money. They pretend they ater paid with dollar bills that the IRS said "are not dollars."
     -- Dave Wilber, St. Louis     
    Waffler...Responsibility to a system of morality and justice. Did you eat some "Stupid Flakes" this morning? My Lord but you are unusually obtuse.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Freedom must be guarded with vigilance, if it is a universal self perpetuating thing it needs no protection, no vigilance nothing de nada. Well it is not a universal as we all well know. Washington DC is the protector, defender and spreader of Liberty here and aroung the world. I understand Jim K's hatred of environmental laws and Al Gore. According to PBS radio the Feds are ready to decend upon Texas due to its total lack of envrionmental respect. Of course they say "Don't mess with Texas" as the rest of us victims of their lack of wholesome restraint in the areas of pollution say "Texas stop messing with us". Go, go, go, Washington defend our envronmental freedoms from the bad Texans.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Liberty exists in the eye of the beholder.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Washington DC is crime central Waffler. Home of the New World Order Anti American Movement...to which you obviously subscribe wholesale. DC is where they are putting patriots of all kinds...little old ladies who own a pistol, veterans returning from overseas, 2nd Amendment advocates, States rights advocates...on watch lists as possible terrorists. And you say this is where freedom and liberty come from. Good Lord but you are brainwashed. Wake up and smell the coffee man, your hero is out to destroy us.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
    Last night I watch the tele and saw the Conservative Political Action Committee give an award to Roy Innis the long time life time head and leader of the Congress of Racial Equality. What hypocrisy, can anyone name a conservative who ever supported or worked for racial equality or equality of any kind?
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, by today's standard and definition of liberal; I can't think of a liberal who ever supported or worked for racial equality or equality of any kind, can you? (please don't reference or count, equal as slaves or unjust actions in your answer)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
    Kennedy worked for and Johnson passed the Civil Rights act, voting rights acts etcetera. I can think of few more liberating laws passed by the US Congress at the moment. Bush 1 voted against the Civil Rights act. So there is two for you. Nixon used southern antipathy to these liberty enhancing laws to construct his southern strategy of Republican/conservative politics. Conservatives as a general rule (and William F. Buckley in particular for one) were not for these liberty enhancing ideas. Generally they took a go slow attitude if not a go backwards attitude. So until you can prove to me otherwise I see last nights award by Conservatives to Roy Innis of the Congress of Racial Equality as the height of hypocrisy. Now if you have an ounce of fairness Mike give me an answer concerning a do gooder conservative. I suggest there ain't any and you just returned a question with another question rather than with an answer. What does that say about you may I ask?
     -- Waffler, Smith     
    Waffler, to answer a question with a question instead of an answer, what does that say about me, probably that I work for the IRS. I also ask for an example of a liberal by today's standard of definition. Kennedy by today's definition would lie somewhere between a libertarian and a conservative. Johnson was a flaming fascist that would do anything to enslave the rabble (his perspective). The Civil Rights Act did as much to distort and ultimately kill, in the hearts and minds of a compassionate people, any natural law application of unalienable rights and the individual's noble sovereignty (promoting social slavery with the government / church being the giver of all law, justice, rights, freedom, and liberty), as did any other unconstitutional legislation, judicial decree, or executive order. And Waffler, how observant of you to notice that I didn't mention any conservatives either. Conservatives are just the other side of the despotic coin from the liberals. Don't forcefully take away, limit, or hinder individual freedom, liberty, law, justice, inalienable rights or any other manifestations of an individual sovereign's representative republic and, you can keep your liberal / conservative equality and compassion.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
     -- Anonymous, milford      
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