"The proverb warns that 'You should not bite the hand that feeds you.' But maybe you should if it prevents you from feeding yourself."
Thomas Szasz
(1920-2012) Hungarian-American Professor of Psychiatry, Author, Libertarian
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Reader comments about this quote:
As a stand a lone comment, it has great reference to the statist theocracy's tyranny (there being so little manufacturing left to work ourselves back to prosperity and feeding ourselves)
 -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Unless the hand that is feeding you is doing so through a voluntary contract between private individuals, ie: Your Employer...you should always bite the hand that is feeding you. Let no one dare to presume they have the right to feed you as though you were a pet or caged animal.
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    Charity begins at home and all the foreign welfare we've foolishly spent has robbed our children of their inheritance, especially in Africa that has proven to be a black hole and now Haiti too! Enough is enough.
     -- David Ben-Ariel, Toledo, Ohio, United States of Manasseh     
    Last nights Oscar was proof of this proverb - it was obvious that the 6000 votes were in favor of the war in Iraq and it was "pay-back time" for the banks and the illegal invasion of the sovereignty of two countries. Avatar is in a different league to "The Hurt Locker" It shows that even Hollywood is in cahoots with the banks and corporate America - the real owners of the Ununited States of America. Indeed we should as it will be our ONLY salvation.
     -- RBESRQ     
    Hmm...yes, and more the reason to bite that hand if it begins to starve you.
     -- Anon     
    Government so wants us to depend on government rather than ourselves. It keeps those crooks in office.
     -- cal, lewisville, tx     
    Like any dependency, without eventually taking a stand and saying 'No more!' the dependent remains debilitated with plenty of excuses and justification for his/her bondage.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    I prefer to be fed rather than feeding myself. Being fed is in the best tradition of the geisha girl culture, and I love to lay on the couch and have my wife put food into my mouth. Otherwise philosophically I like this quote.
     -- Waffler, Smith     
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    Perfect. We now are in a situation that the Fascist in the White house is systematically removing our ability to feed ourselves while telling us that he is the anointed one that will see to it that we will never go hungry.
     -- warren, olathe     
    Conformism versus the Pursuit of Happiness.
     -- Elisabeth, Astoria, NY     
     -- aa, hb      
    I love all three of todays quotes. Thanks for making your quotes available to all.
     -- Theda Clark, La Habra Heights, CA     
    I would like to see more of Thomas Szasz quotes. for decades he has been the lone cry against the psychiatric community and its blatant attempt to drug the population; keeping them shackled and quiescent.
     -- Rick Ford, Seattle, Wa.     
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    This quote is the illustration of a childish attitude. Violence is not going to be a logical alternative. The source of resources aggressive measures are suppressed by understanding the motivations of the aggression. The human understanding approach is the mentally healthy approach, a credential a conventional psychiatrist would not possess, or the most remote clues to its origin.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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