"Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state."
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
[Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov] (1870-1924) First Leader of the Soviet Union
No record of Lenin speaking or writing this has been found. The quote first appeared in Lawrence Sullivan's 'The Case Against Socialized Medicine' (1948) and later appeared in a pamphlet circulated in huge quantities by the American Medical Association entitled 'The Voluntary Way is the American Way.'
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Reader comments about this quote:
It may be a false quote, but it is interesting that the AMA agreed back in 1948. We have come a long way, baby ...
 -- E Archer, NYC     
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    There is no truth in this at all. Besides being attributed to a liar the apparent source was using it as propaganda.
     -- Shaun Herring, Oklahoma City     
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    Like Lenin or not, this is an accurate quote. That's no doubt why Obama pushed so hard to get it passed.
     -- jim k, Austin, Tx     
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    "No record of Lenin speaking or writing this has been found. The quote first appeared in Lawrence Sullivan's 'The Case Against Socialized Medicine' (1948) and later appeared in a pamphlet circulated in huge quantities by the American Medical Association entitled 'The Voluntary Way is the American Way.'" WELL, then!

    Since profiteering, on waste, fraud and abuses is CENTRALLY FUNDED, it behooves us, to get a viable CONSTITUTION, written by students of history, English and other languages, computers, programming, law, motions, and comparative media, of all types, including constitutions, of other nations.

    We need to lose 50 senates, an electoral college, and all kinds of corrupt representatives, while gaining necessary and sufficient DUE PROCESS OF LAW, starting, with ETHICS ENFORCEMENT. Or what better is the USA, than any Sharia Law-affected tribe or one-party, Stalinist republic?
     -- Bob, Mountain View, CA     
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    Not shooting the messenger or the quote's source, as a stand alone statement, it is extremely accurate. The occupying statist theocracy now infesting this land has put in place but one more of its theocratic / socialistic dogmas, complete with despotic canons (as but one more example of the statement's accuracy), The free, We The People, need to return to the Constitution as was written by very astute and knowledgeable students of history, law and governmental types (monarchies, socialism, democracies, theocracies, etc., etc., etc.). Law enforcement, ethics enforcement, moral enforcement, Stalinist republic and Sharia law enforcement are oxymorons of the ignorant, they NOT knowing or understanding what 'law' or 'justice' is.

    Bob what? From your comment, you obviously don't understand what law is, what the foundational principles of freedom are, or what the electoral college was for (and how it is still assisting in a semblance of representative government).
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    a P.S. Socialized medicine is not necessarily 'THE' keystone to the arch of the socialist state but, is 'a' keystone in any socialist state.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    LOL, the only corrupt representatives there are, are the ones the PEOPLE ELECT.

    The PEOPLE needs to get smarter and aware.

     -- Flak59, REALVILLE     
    V Lenin never said the quotation so often misattributed to him. In the best case, it makes you question how thorough the people who use it (Dr. Ben Carson, for example) are in checking their facts. Worst case, the speaker or writer who uses the quotation and KNOWS it is a lie is a.... what? Calling the ACA socialized medicine is not accurate at all -- it resembles no existing nation's health care system, including those single payer systems used in everywhere in Europe and in some other parts of the world. All ACA does is require people to have adequate medical insurance.
     -- Steve Clyburn, Eastern Shore, MD     
    Rules For Radicals says something along the lines of "take over healthcare and you control the people". It is common knowledge that leftists/communists goal is socialization of everything.
     -- Mike, Smallville     
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