"We operate here under directives which emanate from the White House... The substance of the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the United States such that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union."
Rowan Gaither
[Horace Rowan Gaither, Jr.] (1909-1961) Attorney, investment banker, President of the Ford Foundation (1953-1956)
stated to Congressional Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd
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Reader comments about this quote:
Scariest propsition I ever heard.
 -- the people, everyown     
  • 1
    This has a probability rating of zero! Its absurd on its face. I wouldn't buy a used car from Norman Dodd.
     -- Geoff George, Champlain     
  • 1 5
    Mr. Geoff, what makes you so absolute in your belief that this is absurd and without merit? Am interested in your analysis.
     -- Jack C, Midway     
  • 4
    I knew the late Norman Dodd personally. He was a highly educated, brilliant patriot. He personally related this incident (his conversation with Gaither) to me in 1985. If Mr. George wants to become informed, he should read the 3000-page transcript of the 1954 Reece and Cox Committee hearings(Congressional investigation of the tax-exempt foundations) which can be found at: http://www.americandeception.com Norman Dodd was Research Director for this Committee until the hearings were abruptly shut down due to powerful influences in government. The foundations subsequently scooped up all copies of testimony. Only recently did this one copy become available for purchase and inclusion on the above FREE website. Wake Up, America!
     -- Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Dresden     
  • 7 1
    The Ford Foundation at the time was the largest philanthropic organization in the world giving money for scientific and educational purposes. The Congressional Reese Commission was a committee charged with investigating Tax Exempt Organizations. 1954 was at the height of the McCarthy era and Eisenhower was in the White House. I have no doubt that Mr. Gaither made this remark to pull Mr. Dodd's chain. I have a similar feeling that Liberty Tree selects these quotes to pull our chains also. Some folks chains get pulled a lot easier than others. Mr. C the absurdity or merit does not matter, the Soviet totalitarian system is gone. Their fear of the west starting in 1917 was apparently much less absurd and had much more merit than our fear of them.
     -- Bruce, 'Bama     
  • 1 4
    Bruce, you make me smile, you're at least consistent. All these organizations state a good intent to start with (the holocaust really did happen). It is the application of their non-philanthropic acts that are so devastating. Even the rhetoric around and implementing the Patriot Act sounded good to government slaves at first but then, look what has happened sense.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 6
    What has happened since Mike? I understand there have been some arrests and some terrorism stopped by the Patriot Act. Basically the Patriot Act and the reorganization of government via the Dept of Home Land Security allowed defferent parts of the government to talk to each other. What non-philanthropic acts have the Ford Foundation (Henry Ford's money) now the Bill Gates Foundation, and thousands more been involved with that you dislike? What would you have these guys do with their money, give it to the government? You seem to stand in fear of anything bigger than the concept ME which attests to a psychological problem rather than anything else.
     -- Bruce, 'Bama     
  • 1 1
    OK I am ignorant to this line of discussion but I see something strange in a couple of post. 1) referencing a "3000" page transcript as a way to "be informed" and comparing philanthropy to the patriot act. The quote seems hollow; however Mr. Gaither believed it sounds ridiculous as in plausibility. The more plausible contrivance is that of globalization through merging economic structures political will inevitably follow. Anyone want to take time to help educate the ignorant?
     -- Sam, Alabama     
  • 1
    Not sure why the folks in Alabama parrot the propaganda so well and yet have one of the worst educational systems in the nation. Look, Ford was sympathetic to the Nazis and made a lot of money off them. Do your due diligence, study actual history -- denial runs deep in America because few could possibly imagine that this country has already been taken over, and the people are well indoctrinated thanks to television and crappy education. Very, very few people actually comprehend how the 'authority' even works in a republic -- we are now just serfs on our own land paying tribute to the arbitrary will of a ruling class of bankers who have bankrupted the USA -- and most of the world. It is job number 1 to keep the American public entertained and distracted while they prepare our children for the next phase of 'voluntary' servitude. Just ask any high school student -- their answers will resemble Bruce's to a tee. (You'll have to do more than simply going to the Ford Foundation web site for your 'facts.')
     -- E Archer, NYC     
  • 4
    Sorry Sam. The quote is so ridiculous on its' face that I have to assume it is a tongue in cheek fyou response to this congressional investigator who was doing the investigation during the height of the McCarthy era. The McCarthy era was when this sicko Republican politcian from Wisconsin got his jollies off by calling every one a communist. Don't quote me on this but I would not be surprized if he did not have John Wayne labeled as a communist. Some right wing control freaks want to limit philanthropic organizations from the freedom and liberty to do with their money what ever they wish. There are thousands of such foundations in America and they make America great. My European wife said, "Not in Europe, the rich and the noble keep everything to themselves." McCarthy died shortly after they put and end to his witch hunt. I believe he had some kind of debilitating illness that effected his mental capacity.
     -- Bruce, 'Bama     
  • 1 2
    For Bruce's enlightenment. I know personally of 3 individuals that have had their property confiscated and they were held under the Patriot Act. The first I've mentioned several times in this blog was an attorney friend that was driving a Ryder truck with his dead mother's household items in the back. 2nd, a mother and her 20yr old daughter, home from college, were traveling in their SUV on a summer vacation (they are not Arab or Muslim). And 3rd, I don't know that I'm at liberty to say much because my friend is attempting to take his situation to court. I also know of habeas corpuses being denied. I've heard of many other stories but I don't personally know the circumstances.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 1
    Mike sincerely has there ever been a time in this nation when situations such as you refer to have not accrued? At what point in time have we lived in a social system without flaws? Are you suggesting a heightened state of lawful lawlessness? Please I ask this respectfully.
     -- Sam, Alabama     
    Sam, thank you for asking. Government is imperfect and there is always the human factor. Errors and governmental mishaps have always occurred, and will always occur. I'm not suggesting a heightened state of lawful lawlessness is now occurring as averse to historical standards, I'm screaming it. Every court that I've been in over the last several years has been corrupt to the core. You can't get a policeman on the stand and have him tell the truth. Attorney's are absolutely immune from falsifying evidence. Atheism has become the National Establishment of religion and all legislature is now based on that premiss (the individual was once considered a noble heir of his Father in Heaven, establishing absolute sovereignty). None of the 4 branches of government (press included) will have anything to do with the original intent of the Constitution. I've had a friend in jail for almost 2 years whose case was dismissed and we can't seem to get him out. Working on his case I keep running across other prisoners that are kept in prison for years past their release date and they can't get out. Prisoners know who are guilty and who is not. I've seen estimates that are as high as 30% of the people in prison are innocent. I could go on and on. I do have to admit though, where there is this level of corruption there are also some of the greatest individuals among them. There are a few policemen and A judge that I am personally acquainted with that are among the most honorable and noble people on the planet. The corruption is escalating
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
  • 2
    Thank you Mike for that perspective and I do admit it alarms me and I will do the one thing I can Vote! What we need is someone willing to get in office and not create more laws but extinguish some of the loop hole laws. Is this possible without a socio-economic collapse? Perhaps some "grass roots" local governing bodies cities/townships could start the move?, but who is willing in today's economy to make such a sacrifice as it will bring big brother (aclu) down like a hammer.
     -- Sam, Alabama     
    I typed in Google "Patriot Act successes" and got a whole list of reading material for you who are interested. Most of the info is from the DOJ so that some on this site will just consider it to be government propaganda. After all we all know that you cannot trust your friends and neighbors who work for law enforcement especially the Federales. I wonder who really are the "terrorists" among us? Do you have to actually resort to violence to be a terrorist or are there other forms of terrorism? You need to pick up on your deplomacy skills E. I have been in 'Bama one year, educatied in Pennsylvanina and spent 25 years in Illinois. Alabama people are wonderful. I especially admire you Sam for using the word "sincerely", I am not so sure how much of it really drives these discussions. This is great sport and debating is good for the mind. But yes I would like to see more sincerity and honesty also. All of the stuff I quoted today about the Trilateralist Commission, Ford Foundation etc, I got right from googleing it. I did not go to the Ford Foundation for info just to find out more about who they are. Yes Ford had a plant in Hitler, Germany what is your point Archer.
     -- Bruce, 'Bama     
  • 1
    Has anyone noticed the glaringly improper use of the word "emulate"? I believe he might have meant emanate. Anyway, such misuse would make me question the education of Mr Gaither or the veracity of the quote.
     -- Anonymous     
  • 1
    Thanks for the correction. The quote has been updated.
     -- Editor, Liberty Quotes     
    The Ford Foundation has always been communist. Communists are always liars. I can believe that was the goal of the Ford Foundation but doubt it came from the White House.
     -- warren, olathe     
  • 3
    This is a very telling quote. I feel sorry for the deniers with their rose colored glasses on, that wouldn't know the truth even if it bit them on the buttocks. Norman Dodd was highly educated and was an honest man. Smear tactics won't work on me, sorry charlie.
     -- ken, chicago     
  • 3
    with this understanding, and the success of these tax exempt foundation, the cause of the horrific distress of this country and it's effects on the world economy are simplified to a single point. It is fact that a "government" such as that which controls the population, the electorate in the US, exists as a result of poor education, lack of information, and lack of sophistication. This is exacerbated by the continuing, but dying influence of the multicultural nature of the american people, making a consensus, with the possible exception of a galaxian social or economic catastrophe, making a consensus virtually impossible. Mr. Dodd clearly outlines the dumbing down of the American people.
     -- tedbohne, Silver city     
  • 2
    A tree shall be known by its fruit. That is what I think of Gaither's reveal to Norman Dodd. Is America doing well these days, in 2011? Aren't Americans struggling to put food on the table? To merge with the Soviet Union would require a transfer of wealth suitable to make America a banana republic, and it is well on its way. Remember: Money is one-half of every transaction and the quality of money is more important than the quantity. This is what confers value. So, being that the Federal Reserve has controlled our money since 1913, has the dollar risen in value? Quite the contrary. Is healthcare or manufacturing doing well? Is our education successful overall? We are being "educated" for crappy service-sector jobs that produce nothing but largely squander wealth and make us fat and lazy. Perhaps when a military boot crashes our bottoms, we will know how close we are to a merging with the Soviet Union.
     -- bill s, new jersey     
  • 4
    You ought to spend some time watching and hearing what goes on in courts in political trials. Said trials have increased immensely in the last 20 years. I have witnessed it several times. Recently in Fort Collins a judge said before 50 people in the courtroom, I know there is injustice in this case, but I must follow the law. He then sentenced the man to eight years in jail for something he did not do. See the video on the web "The Burning of the Beekeeper."
     -- Clyde, Arvada, Colorado     
  • 3
    Look at all the apologists here marginalizing the veracity of this quote. Ironically there really is no need to squelch dissent against the underhanded shadow forces at work since the sheeple wont lift a finger to stop their Utopian police state anyway. Tragic how history recapitulates.
     -- Zeke Ezekiel, Pasadena Ca     
  • 3
     -- Bev, Birmingham, AL      
    Has anyone noticed the NSA is permanently committing the same CRIME, yes, CRIME against everyone in the country that Nixon had to resign for committing inside two hotel rooms? It's still not long ago that, anyone mentioning that, would have been called a "conspeeeracy theeeorist" The snores of the masses just become louder and louder as 1984 blatantly becomes our daily reality. The person, above, who first fully affirms the integrity of Norman Dodd, happens to be Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt, former Senior Education Policy Advisor for the US government! I suggest that people think twice before they fatuously spew clueless, almost troll style comments, exhibiting the same ostrich mentality that ensures the US remain in such a mess. Thanks also to those putting in thoughtful comments. Too bad, many people hypnotically refuse to wake up to the propaganda-fueled enslavement of our nation (now almost complete) that Dodd exposed. Key positions in Ivy league, media, State dept, intel agencies, foundations infiltrated... This is no game. This is real life, our children's children are depending on us. And when we with predictable social media giggling or back-patting, "modify" our precious Bill of Rights as our next abominable act, that'll be for keeps. See Iserbyt's videos to understand. You have great power. Act informationally. Couches, TVs, sports, celebrities, militarism, New Age, victimhood are traps.
     -- Jay Iselin, Harrisville, NH     
  • 3
    Oh, I forgot to put in my stars appreciating the quote. Here they are! And may God forever bless the steadfast soul of Norman Dodd.
     -- Jay Iselin, Harrisville, NH     
  • 3
    juden playing stupid goyim usa-nians, thus fulfilling the "prophecy" that non-jews will serve as slaves to juden.

    Just remember that the juden are identified in encyclopaedia judaica as NON-hebrews. juden then were arab converts into the religion. Real hebrews were - according to their own bullshit legends - Sumerians. "abraham" came from UR - Sumerian city, far away from semitic arabs.

    Sumerians were NOT semites. Semites are arabs.

    It's all in that juden encyclopaedia, for those who can read and have one functional ganglia still left in their empty enslaved skulls.
     -- Fuckjuden, Planet Earth     
  • 2
    This seems old...one post mentions 2011 as the date. Interesting and informative, certainly the initial quote is! At any rate I have to wonder if any of these posters who claim this quote is ludicrous and completely unfeasible are now waving Russian flags at Trump events. Seems to me in Feb 25, 2017 that this exact softening prepatory behavior is occurring very overtly by the "so called" president, Donald Trump who is obscenely unamerican as any true patriot knows.

    Greed is not a value.
     -- Arioch, Small     
  • 1 3
    There is no actual record of Gaither ever saying or writing anything like this, and it would be weird since he was one of the first venture capitalists and a man who believed in capitalism almost religiously.

    Gaither died in 1961. The quote never appeared anywhere until 1982 , when rabid-anti communist conspiracy theorist Norman Dodd was interviewed by the even more rabid conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin, and Dodd "remembered" this comment from more than 30 years prior in a rambling and paranoid interview filled with many such outrageous "admissions" by folks from the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment and others.

    Weirder still, Dodd asserts that Gaither made this outrageous admission against interest completely voluntarily and knowingly to an investigator from a congressional committee, but then immediately turned around and said he would never repeat it publicly; a bizarre chain of events that makes less sense than a nursery rhyme. And of course, the statements never found their way into either the records of the Reece Committee or its final report.

    They just magically appear for the first time in this interview, 30 years later.

    Unfortunately, the interview is also filled with a number of other claims that can actually be checked, and they generally prove to be wrong. For example, he describes how one of his investigators, a lawyer named Kathryn Casey was so upset by what they were discovering that she "she lost her mind as a result of it." In actuality, she retired in 1972 after a long and very distinguished career with the Federal Trade Commission.

    Again... the quotation is a fake, apparently invented by Norman Dodd in 1982... 21 years after Gaither had died, and 30 after the comment had allegedly been made.
     -- F. Arduini, Littleton, CO     
  • 1
    The statement of F. Arduini, Littleton, CO and a couple others above are meant in support of Gaither and the others or are just totally ignorant and chose to believe no one with our government or other agencies would ever think of joining with the soviet/communist agenda. Today there is even more proof of what has been happening along with Eisenhower and Reagan signing numerous education agreements . You people are the problem 
     -- Sean O'Neal, Orlando     
  • 1
    What about the open profession by David Rockefeller on page 405 of his autobiography that his family is part of "a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States" in a conspiracy to "build a more integrated global political and economic structure"?
     -- bob klinck, gatineau     
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