"A sure sign of a genius is that all of
the dunces are in a confederacy against him."
Frank Lloyd Wright
(1867-1959) American architect, designer, writer, and educator
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Absolutely true, and a true antidote to "consensus" thinking!
 -- Tom Osborne, Los Angeles     
    One name and only one name in these modern times comes to mind: Al Gore as an example of the former (genius) and government by mediocrity the latter (dunces).
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    Waff, I think you have Al mixed up with someone else and the real "dunces" are those that believe anything he says. Why anyone would believe anything that screwball says is a mystery.
     -- jim k, austin     
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    Good for you Waffler - say it as it is... At least Jim doesn't shift his commentary
     -- RobertSRQ     
    Here's your genius: "Gore's undergraduate transcript from Harvard is riddled with C's, including a C-minus in introductory economics, a D in one science course, and a C-plus in another. "In his sophomore year at Harvard," the Post reported, "Gore's grades were lower than any semester recorded on Bush's transcript from Yale." Moreover, Gore's graduate school record - consistently glossed over by the press - is nothing short of shameful. In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of "Inventing Al Gore," he received F's in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school. Nor did Gore graduate from Vanderbilt Law School, where he enrolled for a brief time and received his fair share of C's."...© Copyright 2000 Globe Newspaper Company
     -- Ken, Allyn, WA     
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    I think of Galileo, Luther, even Einstein, but not Gore. When one studies political science, we learn that plans for monopolizing/consolidating/centralizing power into one's hands is best done by the efforts of the People themselves -- but how best to get them to do it? Present them with a terrifying beast until they clamor to destroy it. As long as the demon is dangled in front of their faces day after day, the people will work tirelessly to rid themselves of it -- even at their own expense -- they will even insist others join in the fight. This is done over and over and over ... So when this technique is observed it is hard to deny. As far as global warming goes, what arrogance are we willing to uphold? The Earth has been through millions of years of 'climate change,' and somehow we know better and think that we can and ought to manipulate it? It is more of the same baloney. Did anyone ask Canada or Siberia if they would like shorter winters? Frankly I wouldn't mind. Do we institute global regulations on CO2 emissions because a city built below sea-level gets flooded every 20 years? Build bigger dykes, eh? Why not move to higher ground? How would nature solve the problem of too much CO2? Increase plant populations, I suppose. Science based on FEAR does not receive my respect. The dunces in my view are those that blindly accept whatever they are told because they have been terrorized to do so whether it be the threats of eternal damnation or guys in turbans or the 'end of the world'! Give me a break -- all you so-called liberals are just being sold another bill of goods. Pollution is bad -- and YOU are responsible -- act like it. Why do you want to be ruled -- can you not see the evidence yourself and do something yourself? F@#$ing Al Gore uses more energy in one year than 20 of you. Talk about dunces. The obvious solution to too much CO2 is massive depopulation of the planet -- and don't think you are not on their list, you are!
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Archer, your choice of sides is quite obvious, but you have fallen to your own argument - why should I believe or accept your facts or opinions (all you so-called neocons) instead of 95 percent of all the scientists? So far there are about ten scientists who back your theory. Also, Bush and his cohorts are doing quite well at depopulation even to the point of starting another cold war; we may not have another Kennedy to pull us out of WW lll - if we keep poking the Bear he may just get very angry. By the way, McCain was fifth from the bottom of 800 who graduated - and probably only graduated because his father and grandfather were Admirals. And as for Bush's academic achievement, well, the less said about that the better. The neoconservatives are the biggest threat to the peace and well being of our planet. Lastly, McCain declared: "In the 21st century nations don't invade other nations" does he know what he is saying?
     -- RobertSRQ     
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    A friend of mine pooh-pooh Mr. Gore's ten year plan to 100% alternative energy electricity. I reminded him that John Kennedy knew nothing about rockets, the moon, or outer space but gave a speech and said, "We will land a man on the moon in this decade." He surrounded himself with scientists he did not have to be one. He was the politcal genius. In the same vain Gore has not come up with this on his own. He has been a genius to recognize these problems and priorities, surround himself with scientists and to educate an unknowing world. Who among us can say they believed Kennedy's far fetched promise. The fact is if you think we can not do what Mr. Gore suggests and you convine enough others of your position then you are correct, we can't do it. On the other hand if you believe and convince enough others that we can do it then we can. Either way you are correct and you will be an actor in a self-fulfilling prophecy. The only thing missing from science and much of politics is the human spirit. You got to have a "want to" attitude. I suggest that most people will want to sooner or later. For many on this site it will be later rather than sooner.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    PS: Gore has made a lot of progress already by getting the copy cat Pickens plugging away at the same problem. At age 80 Mr. Pickens has a lot more of that want to, get up and go, and can do spirit than you youngsters have. It is sad, very, very sad.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    My complaint is using collective power to criminalize freedom. Just because I question Gore's interpretation of the data and his qualifications for doing so does not make me a Republican, neo-con, or any demon the collectivists use to try and ridicule those that do not support their programs. Government causes most of society's problems with their 'solutions' -- debt-ridden solutions I might add that put huge profits into the military-industrial-pharmaceutical complex. How many of you guys have installed solar panels to produce your electricity? I have. How many of you are powering your cars with vegetable oil? I do. How many of you telecommute instead of driving 2 hours a day on the highways? I do. How many of you beg the state for recognizing your 'marriage' so that you can receive the benefits that come with that? Not me. The point is that self-determination threatens all those who have sold out to 'the establishment.' Talk, talk, talk -- if you are against pollution, go clean up the neighborhood -- I do. I do not believe that morality (and yes respecting the environment is a virtue) can be legislated -- neither by church, state or bank (the most corrupt entities in the world). Take some g-d responsibility and mind your own business (I don't mean go away, I mean take care of your responsibilities) and quit your whining. We live in a world of predators and prey -- everything lives off of everything else and death is but food for something/someone else. To deny that 'environmentalism' or 'liberalism' or 'conservatism' are used to monopolize power, corner markets, raid the Treasury, subjugate the populace is plain ignorance. My field IS science, not politics, and as far as I can tell, the jury is still out that 1) global warming is not caused by sun cycles and 2) that raising taxes on CO2 producing entities will do anything to stop it -- and I am hardly alone within the scientific community. What is clear is that there are those who believe in depopulating the planet whether through war, starvation, disease, sterilization, and plain outright genocide. One world is enough for all of us, and for the most part, we are enjoying the best quality of life ever known -- and yet supposedly we are all going to hell in a hand-basket according to the gloom-and-doomers whether they be religious, liberal, conservative or whatever. Well, I don't buy it -- and neither do millions of others. The case for global reduction of CO2 via law enforcement should worry anyone who would not like to repeat the policies and tactics of Hitler and Stalin. If you think there are too many people on the planet, I suggest you help lighten the load -- it is still honorable to do so. But lay the f@#k off people who ask for nothing but to be 'allowed' to provide for themselves. I am surprised, Robert, to hear such shallowness from you -- I don't expect enlightened arguments from Waffler.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    I don't know of only "10" (95%) scientists that are questioning the claims and "science" behind C02 global warming, but I do know of "over 400" (many who have actually worked for the UN IPCC), as reported by the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, that "debunk" the "consensus" story that is supposedly held among all the world's prominent scientists. Further research provides that more and more prominent scientists have been wanting to criticize the theory/"science" behind man made/CO2 global warming, but have feared loosing their jobs and careers; this is especially so, because most of these scientists operate/work under some bureaucratic instillation of state run programs in their country, and going against the political establishment's agendas adds a political factor/fear previously thought void in the wide world of science. It appears that even today there are some arguing that the world is flat (that the earth is heating due to man made C02 emissions), and any opponents who say otherwise are politically condemned. I'll provide the link, once again: http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.Blogs&ContentRecord_id=f80a6386-802a-23ad-40c8-3c63dc2d02cb
     -- Logan, Memphis, TN     
    Great link, Logan. I wonder how many people will actually read it. Frankly, when I heard Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his 'Inconvenient Truth' (not a Nobel Prize in Physics, Meteorology, or any scientific achievement, mind you), I lost a great deal of respect for the prize itself. Obviously it is a political tool, and now not much more than an Oscar or Golden Globe award. Many of the 400 scientists identified in the report are distinguished in their fields (some receiving Nobel Prizes) of climatology; geology; biology; glaciology; biogeography; meteorology; oceanography; economics; chemistry; mathematics; environmental sciences; engineering; physics and paleoclimatology. It may be more tedious work to read their studies than to watch a 90 minute propaganda film, but those that bother thinking might find this interesting. At the very least, I do not think we should borrow/tax ourselves into further debt to control the weather. C'mon, people, we can't even predict tomorrow's weather! CO2 is not pollution! (Talk about the corruption of language.) Plant trees, for goodness sakes -- we KNOW that works and is good for the environment -- it just doesn't put money in politician's pockets and once again empowers the individual instead of corporate profit margins.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    If CO2 is not pollution just go into a small bank vault or put a bag over your head and breathe your own breath for a few hours and then see how blue you are. Now interpolate your findings into larger and larger situations. Archer as usual you contradict yourself. If CO2 is not pollution then why do we need to plant trees. Trees soak up CO2 and give off O. You say that a problem does not exist and then you say how we should fix this now existent problem. My, my, my you worry me boy!
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
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    Archer you make some excellent points but I must agree with Waffler there does seem to be contradiction in your argument. By the way, with all this talk and %*$#* of what's wrong, do you have any suggestions to improve and/or correction the current slide into the dark abyss of totalitarianism. To many are willing to criticize without positive feedback - to may are willing to moan and grumble into their graves. I applaud you for being so conscientious with regards to doing your bit obviously you treat this as a serious problem. I am doing my bit too: I walk to work, recycle like crazy, conserve water and energy, I don't eat dead flesh or anything that has a face, keep by blood pressure at 120/80, keep my glucose at about 100 and my cholesterol at 170 - how about producing a film that disputes Al Gore there you are your chance too to make a fortune.
     -- RobertSRQ     
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    CO2 is not pollution -- it is an integral part of the Earth's ecosystem -- it is part of the cycle and balance of life. Sulfur, carbon-monoxide, and the black stuff that comes out of your car is pollution because it is poisonous to all life. That's the difference. There is no life on Earth without vegetation AND animals -- they go hand-in-hand. Robert, there are many things people can do to fight the oppressive system of which I constantly speak. The primary thing is to become aware of it, the next thing is to become independent from it. People around the world look to America for 'Liberty' so if we could actually live in accordance with that ourselves we would more than make a difference. The problem mostly is that people have become unconscious about their dependence and collusion -- they forget that THEY have the power themselves not through their supposed 'representatives'. They need only exercise their independence and fight the little battles along the way. The hardest thing and the most powerful thing is to GET OUT OF DEBT. That mindset fuels all the rest -- ask yourself why must I borrow to live my life? Stand up for your rights, and stop asking government for everything. GROW SOMETHING! Produce something real and tangible. Rome fell once it no longer produced but merely stole, taxed, and conquered other lands. The US is following suit quite well -- we are completely dependent upon slave labor in China to survive! Being a city boy most of my life, I have had to learn on my own how to be self-sufficient. I do not live in the city these days although I can telework there from anywhere. If enough of us transition from dependence to living off the land, sea, air, and sun, we will be living more in accordance with nature and the laws that govern all life. We have been swimming with the school for so long we have forgotten the need for COURAGE and to face our inevitable deaths honorably. As for me, think globally act locally. And as far as films that dispute Gore's claims, there are already dozens of them -- just spend some time on YouTube. You be the judge. The seeking of truth is a never-ending process -- and it is merely the practice of learning to be honest with oneself and to speak truthfully. Often it means admitting that 'I do not know.' Every new discovery opens up another world of unknown. Life is an adventure and a glorious mystery. And in my experience people who go around preaching about the end-of-the-world in order to get you to buy into their BS are acting out of fear, not out of an honest search for truth. Save the world? Save yourself -- that is enough to challenge all those systems that lay claim to your life, labors, soul, children, home, job, money, everything. That and honoring one another is a full time job -- and dare I say all that is required.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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    Archer, WOW... I knew you had it in you - well done. Now let's all go out and practice what we preach. Archer, nothing is new all has been said before and will be said again. Before we can be honest with others we must first be honest with our SELF this simpler request from the Gods is your lesson number one. I know most on this blog are Libertarians and that's OK but we must remember that all opinions and ideas should be respected. As I have said before and will say again I will defend your rights as much as mine. It is with this kind of compassion and understanding that peace will one day prevail. Negative and positive will always be part of us we just have to understand they both have a place in life and both are to be respected - someone who believes his views are positive while the other thinks they are negative. Oxygen is represented by the symbol O and its big sister Carbon Dioxide by CO2 both give life. I'm a city boy too from the heart of London, NYC, and LA - I have not a single penny debt as I refuse to support the banks and those pariahs who feed on the sweat and tears of laborers.
     -- RobertSRQ     
    I finally watched Al Gore's movie. What a crock. I knew about it and what was in it but I at least expected it to make some attempt at proving some of the claims. It was nothing more that Al wanting to be a star.
     -- warren, olathe     
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    Warren you get a kudos for actually watching something and especially someone who you previously vehemently criticised. Not that it changed your mind but at least now you can be a fairer critic. The difference is that we all bring previous views to people which colors our thought processes. I think Gore is sincere, you see him as wanting to be a star. He has been talking about this stuff since at least 1988 almost 20 years.
     -- Waffler, Smith, Arkansas     
    A most simple expose on the topic is the current U.S. President (agree with him or not) and the opposing MSM.

     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    Trump Derangement Syndrome!  There's nothing else like it.  ;-)
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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     -- jim k, Austin      
    I'm afraid that Frank Lloyd Wright was a little late to the party with his thoughts about genius.  
    "When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by the sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." 
    — Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745, Thoughts on Various Subjects)
    Wright was obviously paraphrasing Swift. 
     -- Harvey, Tunnel Hill,GA     
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