"That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom,
and that government of the people, by the people,
for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Abraham Lincoln
(1809-1865) 16th US President
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Reader comments about this quote:
Love it, hope that as a nation we cling to that axiom; perhaps the ACLU can find a way to honor history as well?
 -- CB, Eastern PA (U.S.A.)     
    The essence of democracy and freedom
     -- Pat Moloney, Liverpool     
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    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is considerable debate about the insertion of the words "under God" as both of Lincolns handwritten drafts do NOT contain these words. These words were heard supposedly acording to eyewitness accounts only! And we all know how reliable those can be... So to all the Evangelicals gleaming with orgasmic joy when they talk of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: You ought to take it with a grain of salt.
     -- Andy, Portland, OR     
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    Well done Andy + if only the last two points were true...
     -- Robert, Sarasota     
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    Pretty good quotes except that Lincoln was one of the most evil presidents we ever had. Have you read "Freeing Slaves: Enslaving Free Men" or " When in the Course of Human Events" Marilyn, Columbus NM
     -- Anonymous     
    This quote leaves out just exactly Lincoln was willing to do "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, etc." He was willing to unilaterally instigate and fight the War Between the States, which killed more Americans than any other war. He was willing to shut down newspapers that opposed him, to throw people who opposed him into jail without granting the writ of habeas corpus, to conscript many Americans to fight what was a fairly unpopular war, and to put a virtual end to state's rights. For being devoted to "a new birth of freedom" he sure destroyed a lot of our most basic rights. For being devoted to "the people" he sure killed a lot of them. It's also worth noting that the Confederate were not trying to destroy "that government [supposedly] of the people, etc." they were just trying to make sure that their own country didn't get conquered, and their own freedom destroyed.
     -- Johnson, Gainesville, FL     
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    Lincoln did not, nor would have put "under God" into the Gettysburg address. It was added to both his handwritten drafts, and and all consequent versions, only after his death. Lincoln was widely accepted to be vehemently opposed to organized religion, in particularly Christianity. He viewed them to be the evil in mankind couched in false piety, and the root cause of slavery.
     -- D.K., Charleston,WV     
    Are the comments that are negative from people who are politically liberal?
     -- DH, Mpls, MN     
    Not shooting the messenger, the here stated message illuminates a somewhat prophetic parable. By example: The more the occupying statist theocracy infesting this nation implements and enforces its atheistic / anti-Christ “establishment of religion”, the more freedom perishes. Lincoln's stated type of government defines a "democracy" NOT a representative style of "republican form of government" (Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution). A body politic representing individual sovereigns, inalienable rights, liberty and freedom at “The law of nature and of nature’s God” (Declaration of Independence) has perished from the earth while, clichés such as “We The People” and “government of the people, by the people, for the people” are fraudulently counterfeited to rationalize slavery, usurpations and tyranny.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    The de jure States united was not to be a government of the people - BUT RATHER, a body politic representing individual sovereign rights and liberty at nature’s law (protection and enhancement). Not a government by the people - BUT RATHER, a body of elected and hired inferiors / servants to the individual sovereigns (personally and in concert). AND; Not a government for the people - BUT RATHER, a body of elected and hired servants to represent each and every single sovereign’s rights and liberty at nature’s law.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    You will simply remain children and not people if the God variable is inserted into the equation.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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    Thank you Sillik for absolutely proving my point. Be it known to all: I am a child of God (I am a joint heir with love, truth, peace, inalienable rights and liberty at the "laws of nature and of nature's God"). Sillik, following your word salad's reasoning, since atheists do not consider themselves to be people, what are they. SO!, it is the NON-people that work so hard at eliminating rights and freedom. WOW, thanks again.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    I have mixed feelings about Lincoln.  History books rarely if ever delve into the efforts of the Rothschild banking cartel to destroy the American republic.  Financing war with debt is their modus operandi by even financing both sides of conflict (see the Napoleonic Wars).  Lincoln refused to deal with them and raised funds by printing the Greenbacks, essentially the government loaning itself interest-free currency.  The Rothschild Banks of England and France financed both sides of the Civil War.  Lincoln's sole object was to "preserve the Union" by any means necessary.

    Unfortunately it meant the transformation from a republican form of government to a statist form.  Who knows if the changes could have been reformed after the war, because the Rothschild's had Lincoln assassinated (and later Garfield, too, as he was working on a way to keep the Greenbacks and gold-backed currencies in circulation).

    After Lincoln's death, the Constitution took on a completely different tone from a rule book for the government to a rule book for the People/States.  The Reconstruction Amendments were 'Deconstruction' amendments.  America has never recovered and has ushered in total control by the Rothschild institutions that carry on even to this day.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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