"Advances are made by answering questions.
Discoveries are made by questioning answers."
Bernhard Haisch
(1949- ) German-born American astrophysicist, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scientific Exploration
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Reader comments about this quote:
How marvelously UU... to question is the answer...
 -- Anonymous, Reston, VA US     
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    Great quote, but is there a substantive difference between "advances" and "discoveries"?
     -- Leon, Johannesburg     
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    Let's question the answers about 9/11 and see what is discovered.
     -- Anonymous     
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    Yes, I wish the American public would do that with the OBL saga - it's either that or the government is paying many schill's
     -- Robken     
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    Question 9/11? I think it is obvious what happened on 9/11/2001. I think we should question why Obama and Holder did not even seem to care about 9/11 or the family's or friends until now. Now it is rush to show extreme concern?????
     -- Anonymous, USA     
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    In some cases we have to wait a long time for discovery because those committing the crime will be dead by then - and I think you are all intelligent enough to know who they.
     -- Robken     
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    Would that the USA (as exemplified by Anonymous) cared more about results (such as those delivered by the Obama administration) rather than meaningless empty shows (such as those delivered by the administration of King George W)... Anonymous of the USA shows us exactly why the USA is not performing as well as other nations in the world: concern for form over content!
     -- Anonymous, Reston, VA, US     
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    ok, I like it. As set forth here, truly, a discovery needs replace the governments answer to 9/11. One answer set forth for the helots, serfs and otherwise slaves is the prosperity / economics destroying Keynesian economics. There is a discovery to correct the answer but the foreign dictators will have none of it. It has also been discovered that by the degree of application, the answer of socialism robs freedom and destroys society. To the answer set forth by de facato statist theocracy infesting this land, there was a discovery over 200 years ago that is now ignored. Lovers of freedom, liberty, law, and inalienable rights would have the Constitution made legal once more (re-apply the discovery)
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    The 'A' from Reston shows her disdain for law, justice, inalienable rights, and freedom. She comments that the many unconstitutional wars and atrocities made by the King George administration were meaningless empty shows compared to the exploits of Mr. Obamunist Goodwrench, the assassin's administration. The 'A' from Reston would have us believe that her favorite unlawful and unjust atrocities are acceptable while her opponents are not.
     -- Mike, Norwalk     
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    I'm reminded of a bumper sticker which simply stated: "Question Authority." And we must...
     -- J Carlton, Calgary     
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    This message speaks to me, I always say that more good comes from questioning authority than answering it, even more good comes from defying authority as well.
     -- Johann Hollar, Saint Paul, MN     
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     -- Jim K, Austin      
    Self-discovery is the best -- questioning one's own answers and answering anew... to be examined yet again. The truth stands on its own; it is for me to realize it.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
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     -- Ronw13, ID      
    Questioning answers, interesting.  Now, with that statement in mind, the internet reports in ascending order Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi are the most racist states.  Now again this calculation is made by the number of hate groups presumably. My question is, how does the state or system have knowledge of the various hate groups? Do the hate groups register in the hate section of the respective city/county administration buildings?
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    Furthermore, can man qualify for the authentic real stage of growth and development possessing the essentials of honesty and integrity to move us closer to that human ideal of social responsibility?
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    "The internet" does not 'report,' people do.  The so-called hate groups are defined usually by the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the most hateful groups of all.
    Against abortion? Hate group.
    Christian?  Hate group.
    Against government laying claim to our children as "their children"?  Hate group.
    Against taking pride in "Sodomy Month"?  Hate group.
    Showing evidence of election fraud?  Hate group.
    Pointing out the Emperor is wearing no clothes? Hate group.
    Pro-America, pro-Constitution?  Hate group.
    And the worst hate group of all time: Trump supporters!

    Anyone not 100% in line with the demoralization and by extension the destabilization of society is considered a hate group.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    Mr Archer, nice to contact you again. With your list I am not led, sorry, in a conclusive direction. So I must move to particular individuals. The two biggest names in racist America are Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali. Was not Elvis Presley the king of racial discord, and was not Muhamad Ali the greatest racist?
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
    ???  I've never heard either of those individuals associated with being "the king of racism" or "the greatest racist."  It is of course your own opinion with which I do not agree.

    Since your question has nothing to do with the quote, I will not be continuing this dialogue.
     -- E Archer, NYC     
    The conversation moved Mr Archer, it grew and progress tried to force the idea of hate groups to a beneficial direction and conclusion? We are trying to find love, Mr Archer. You can't find the cure when you don't know where the sickness originates.
     -- Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown     
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